MTSD Momentum Newsletter
October 26, 2023

MTSD Launches Community Task Force
On Monday, October 23, Dr. Matthew Joynt shared an update with all MTSD staff members and families regarding the launch of the 2023 Community Task Force. The Task Force, assembled as a result of a resolution approved by the Board of Education during their special business meeting on Thursday, October 5, will assess budget shortfalls, evaluate the top alternatives from a recent analytical process, and suggest prioritized solutions for current and future budget deficits to the MTSD Board of Education and administration.
As the District prepares to finalize its current school year budget and looks ahead to developing the 2024-2025 school year budget, MTSD is projecting deficits of between $2 million to $3 million in 2024 and beyond. Despite what was touted as a historic level of funding for public schools during the 2023-25 Wisconsin state biennial development process, the state of Wisconsin continues to provide school districts with inadequate sustainable funding. In response to this challenge, the MTSD Board of Education completed an analytical process in order to provide additional direction to the District’s administration in solving projected budget shortfalls.
The Community Task Force met for its first of four meetings on Tuesday, October 24. The meeting agenda, minutes, and presentation can be viewed on the Task Force webpage on the MTSD website. We encourage you to review the website for more information and FAQs. Updates will be provided districtwide as the work of the Task Force progresses.
September Family Survey Results Now Available
Results from the Mequon-Thiensville School District’s annual September Family Survey are ready for review! This survey was designed to gain feedback from parents and guardians through the first month of the 2023-2024 school year. Topics of focus included: Family experiences around summer communications and the registration/enrollment process, food service, 4K Wrap Care, new family-specific questions, elementary/middle/high school transitions, transportation concerns, family net promoter score, and support/additional resources needed to achieve success this school year. We are grateful to all families who took the time to respond to the survey and share feedback.
This year, we achieved a 27% participation rate, which is considered reasonable by industry standards, and are happy to report a Family Net Promoter Score of 55, which is MTSD’s highest Family NPS since the 2018-2019 school year.
As a result of the information shared by our families, MTSD is committed to working toward the following improvements in our operations:
Continue efforts around responsive and streamlined communications.
Continue to actively explore ways to adjust and improve our school meal offerings.
Continue to work with Go Riteway Transportation Company to address busing concerns.
Student Support Services Learning Series: Multilevel Systems of Support
Goal 3 of the Mequon-Thiensville School District’s Strategic Plan is Student Belonging and Well-Being: Foster collaboration and develop relationships to enhance the safety, connectedness, and well-being of our students. An important action step in our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan under Goal 3 is the creation of a family-focused learning series that provides families with a better understanding of the student support resources MTSD has available to them, and how to engage with their students around those resources at home. During this school year, we will be releasing one video per month as part of the Momentum family newsletter that highlights a component of our robust Student Support Services team. Please click below to view the second video in our series: Multilevel Systems of Support (MLSS) with MLSS Coordinator, Natalie Beckwith.
All Student Support Services Learning series videos can be found here on our website.
Special thank you to Shannon Carr, Educational Services Admin. Assistant and MTSD Communications support for her help with this video series!
2023 Third Friday Enrollment Totals
All public school districts in Wisconsin are required to count pupils for membership purposes on the third Friday in September and second Friday in January. MTSD’s total enrollment as of September 16 is 3,558 students. Resident enrollment is 3,518. Overall, the District gained 82 students (73 residents) from what was budgeted. Though this year’s student enrollment can be considered consistent with what our professional enrollment studies have signified would happen within our district over the next 10 years, we are pleased to see this growth in our school community beyond what was expected.
🌟 Catch Peter & the Starcatcher This Weekend!
Make the 2023-24 School Year a Great One by Supporting the MTEF!
The mission of the Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation is to develop community-wide private financial support for the Mequon-Thiensville School District and, through grants, to help continued excellence in education. The Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization that benefits all six schools in our district. MTSD is grateful for the support and generosity of the Foundation, and we encourage all community members to support the MTEF through giving directly, partnering through donation of items or services, participating in MTEF events, and connecting others in your circles to the work of MTEF. To support MTEF during the upcoming spooky season, consider participating in the Trick-or-Trot!
When: Saturday, October 28 @ 10 a.m.
Where: Homestead High School
What: 5K Run/Walk - Costumes encouraged!
Sign up by FRIDAY (that's tomorrow!) for a t-shirt and swag bag!
📣 MTSD is Hiring! 📣
Though the school year is well underway, opportunities for employment at MTSD are ongoing! We encourage all community members to regularly check our certified and support staff listings on WECAN. Current highlighted positions include:
- Activities & Safety Attendant (Districtwide)
- AVID Tutors (Elementary & Middle Schools)
- Building Substitutes (Districtwide)
- Administrative Assistant (Wilson Elementary School)
- Special Education Paraprofessional (Steffen Middle School)
- Assistant Gymnastics Coach (Homestead High School)
- Recess Mentors (Elementary Schools)
M-T Recreation Department News
Board Briefs
The Mequon-Thiensville Board of Education held one working meeting, one special business meeting, two policy committee meetings, and has one regular business meeting scheduled for Monday, October 30 this month.
October 2 Working Meeting
The Board heard an overview of the Accountability Report Card issued by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction from Dr. Lauren Croix, Executive Director of Educational Services.
The Board engaged in a discussion of next steps in considering District budget shortfalls.
The Board heard an update from the Education Policy Committee.
October 5 Special Business Meeting
The Board took action to approve a resolution authorizing the Superintendent to form the 2023 MTSD Community Task Force.
October 10 Legislative Committee Meeting
The Legislative Committee engaged in a planning discussion around next steps in legislative advocacy and an October legislative update.
The Committee engaged in a review of Board Legislative Platform topics, specifically #4000 - Workforce Environment.
October 23 Policy Committee Meeting
The Policy Committee engaged in a review of the Policy Style Guide.
Policies discussed included: #8330 - Student Records and #5516 - Harassment and Other Prohibited Behavior.
October 25 Policy Committee Meeting
The Policy Committee engaged in a review of the Policy Style Guide.
Policies discussed included: #8330 - Student Records and #5516 - Harassment and Other Prohibited Behavior.
October 30, 2023 Regular Business Meeting
Agenda items will include: Discussion of budget adjustments and tax levy certification, strategic planning update, and Policy and Legislative Committee updates.
Connect With Us! 💻
Throughout the school year, be sure to check out the great things going on at your school building by following your school's page on Facebook, as well as the MTSD Facebook page, MTSD Instagram account, and by finding us on LinkedIn.
Follow us on Facebook:
Follow us on Instagram:
Find us on LinkedIn:
Please note: The accounts linked above are the only official social media presence managed and moderated with support from MTSD Communications.
Important Dates 🗓️
Round Up for MTEF
October 1-31, 2023
Visit the Mequon Piggly Wiggly in October and round up to the dollar at any checkout or leave a donation of any amount at a staffed checkout. These funds will go to MTEF to help support excellence in all six MTSD schools!
MTSD Board of Education - Regular Business Meeting
Monday, October 30 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center
2023 MTSD Community Task Force - Meeting #2
Wednesday, November 1 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center
MTSD Board of Education - Working Meeting
Monday, November 6 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center
2023 MTSD Community Task Force - Meeting #3
Tuesday, November 14 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center
MTSD Board of Education - Regular Business Meeting
Monday, November 20 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center
NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, November 22 - Friday, November 24
2023 MTSD Community Task Force - Meeting #4
Tuesday, November 28 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center