Taking Stock: November 14th, 2023

Wednesday 15th November, 2023
Ms McIntosh's Update
What a busy few weeks we have had around the school.
Year 4 went off to Ufton Court in the first week of term. They had a great time finding out about the Romans, taking part in a Roman battle against the Celts, finding out about Roman Games, enjoying a Roman banquet and acting out the Roman myth Romulus and Remus. Y4 had a great time together.
They also got to explore the grounds of Ufton Court, finding out about the forest, practising lighting fires, grinding wheat, milking cows and building walls. We think the visit is hugely beneficial for our children and gives them an experience that they will always remember. Huge thanks to the Year 4 team for escorting them on the trip.
We have said goodbye to Miss Letts for the time being. She has gone on maternity leave and has already welcomed the newest addition to the Stockwell community. We wish them both the very best and cannot wait for a cuddle.
Parent/ Carer Conduct
I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents and carers of the expectations for conduct on the school grounds. Please remember that everyone in our school community deserves to be treated with respect. While we may have differences of opinion, it is vital that we continue to communicate effectively with each other.
Breaches of conduct towards staff, children or other parents may result in the school taking further action.
If you have a concern about your child, please speak to members of the school team. Members of SLT are always on the gates at the front and back gates. Class teachers can be contacted by email via the school office.
School Uniform
School uniform should be worn throughout the school day. While do not enforce that all school uniform should be branded, children should be wearing the correct colours (white t-shirt tops, navy trousers/ skirts/ pinafore dresses, sensible black shoes). Football boots/ coloured trainers are not school uniform and should not be worn.
Children should be changing into their PE kits for PE lessons (Blue or black tracksuit bottoms, plain white t-shirt, trainers). We have made arrangements for girls and boys to be able to change separately, so the expectation is that all children change for PE.
While our supplier of school uniform is WearAbouts, we do some some items available for sale from the school office. Please check with us to see if we have what you need in stock.
We have hosted two drop-ins recently. One for the parents of children in EYFS and one focused on fine motor control and handwriting for EYFS and KS1.
Thank you to everyone that came along to these and to the KS1 and EYFS teams for hosting. It is wonderful to have so many parents around the school.
Keep your eyes peeled for the date of the next drop-in, which will have a reading focus.
Early Reading Development
At Stockwell we use the Essential Letters and Sounds program for reading. In EYFS and KS1, children do 20 minutes of phonics everyday. Ask your child what sound they are currently learning.
We encourage children to continue applying their phonics learning to support their spelling in KS2, particularly for those tricky words. You are never too old to use phonics!
At Stockwell we teach reading discreetly; this means it is taught as a single subject. Each day we have a different focus:
On Mondays it is ‘Text and Talk'. The children are introduced to their new text for the week. Children are exposed to a variety of different text types and genres. The children hear the text being read to them and identify new vocabulary and meaning of words.
On Tuesday, the children become ‘Word Detectives’. The children answer retrieval questions. This is where they can find the answer in the text. Children use their skimming and scanning skills to find their answers.
On Wednesday, children use their ‘Thinking Caps’. They answer a variety of inference and deduction questions. They are taught the skills that help them use their prior knowledge and contextual information to draw conclusions, make critical judgments, and form interpretations of a text.
Thursday are our ‘Building Blocks’ lessons. This is where children look at the grammar, layout and structures of the texts they have been reading.
On Fridays, children answer opinion questions. We call this our ‘Points of View’ lessons. Children are encouraged to express their opinions and make links to the text and their own experiences in the world.
The children revisit the text daily, reading it aloud, independently and with their peers. Try reinforcing the day's learning with focused questioning during home reading time!
Your child should have a reading book that they bring home each week. They should read at home for 20 minutes every evening. Reading records should be written in three times each week.
World Mental Health Day
The school was awash with yellow on World Mental Health Day before the half term. We celebrated this event as part of our Wellbeing Week. Lessons were focused on looking after our mental wellbeing.
Pupil Leadership
House Captains at Stockwell
Hello everyone we are the Stockwell House Captains and we have an important responsibility around the school. One of our roles is to show visitors around our school on tours and demonstrate how everything works. Another important job is that we are in charge of collecting the house points on Friday afternoon for Years 1-6. After we have collected the house points, we then total up the score of each house and write this on the board in the main hall. We also have to be polite, well-mannered and show the most respect at all times. We are leading by example. We designed and handed out the house point challenges (for all children KS1 and 2). We also inspire the people in our houses in the younger years - especially Year 5 as some of them will be chosen to be House Captains next year.
School Council
In the School Council, we have the very important job of representing our class. Each person has their right to say what they think; everyone has their voice. It is up to us to listen to ideas to make the school a better place for everyone. We attend School Council meetings to discuss our peers’ ideas and we also are part of projects across the whole school for example the Healthy Food Matters project. Altogether, we are role models for Stockwell. We have to show exemplary behaviour and follow the five school rules. We also help the younger children to be the best versions of themselves. We believe everyone in this school is important, is an icon and can make a difference. Altogether we are Stockwell Primary School!
Digital Leaders
As Digital Leaders, our role is to support the use and to further the development of ICT in school. There are many roles that we carry out:
Test and review new ICT resources, which could be websites, software or hardware.
Share our skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.
Set up ICT equipment in classrooms for teachers.
Support teachers in using ICT in the classroom.
Blog or Tweet as the School Journalist or Photographer.
Staff Trainers.
Create how-to video help guides.
The digital leaders are already busy with a surprise project that will be revealed during Anti-Bullying week. Anti-Bullying week starts on the 13th of November 2023. Stay tuned if you are interested in finding out more.
Eco Leaders
Within the Eco Council we are aiming to make the school as green as possible! Two students from every class have been chosen to represent their class as an eco-ambassador.
In the Autumn term we are setting up a Resource Shop. In this shop, we are using reusable plastic bottles to refill everyday items used around the home. Every half-term we will have a resource shop where parents can refill their reusable bottles, saving plastic and money!
Our eco group also are excited to help nurture the school's green spaces; planting new plants around the school and gardening the green spaces.
Sports Leaders
This week, the Sports Leaders will be helping to organise and run the 'Children in Need Bearpees Challenge'. Our brilliant new challenge has options for almost any level of physicality, so we can fundraise while getting fit.
The challenge will take place in the run up to Children in Need which takes place on November 17th.
Our Makaton journey continues. Last we we learnt how to say 'help' and 'more'. This week we are learning 'in' and 'on'.
Have a go at home.
Monthly Value
Our monthly value for November is 'Self-Belief'. Self-belief is liking yourself, feeling worthwhile, believing in yourself and knowing what you do well.
Self-belief gives us the confidence to:
try new things and try again when things don’t go as planned
do things that they might not enjoy or normally be good at
face challenges rather than avoid them.
Girls' Football Tournament
Girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in the recent Moving Matters football tournament at Kennington Park. Although we were not triumphant this time, the children showed true determination and we can see that, with a little more practice, they will go far.
Dates for your Diaries
- 15th November - 5H Class Assembly
- 16th November - 5P Class Assembly
- 16th November - Federation Spanish Workshop
- 17th November - Children In Need (Own Clothes Day - wear spots)
- 17th November - Year 5 Trip to National Maritime Museum
- 22nd November - 2G Trip to Florence Nightingale Museum
- 22nd November - 4H Class Assembly
- 23rd November - EYFS and KS1 PTA Movie Night
- 23rd November - 4B Class Assembly
- 23rd November - Open Morning
- 24th November - 2B Trip to Florence Nightingale Museum
- 24th November - Reading Parent Workshop
- 24th November - KS2 PTA Movie Night
- 27th November - Pre-school parent/ carer meetings
- 28th November - Reading Parent Drop-In
- 29th November - 3T Class Assembly
- 30th November - 3J Class Assembly
- 1st December - Pre-School Craft Morning
- 1st December - Book Fair begins
- 1st December - Winter Fair
Children in Need
Reading Workshop and Drop-In
Scholastic Book Fair
Have you read the BJS Federation Newsletter? You can find it below.
Attendance Winners
It's been a good start to the term. Well done to everyone that has made it to school on time each day. It's wonderful to have you all here.
Extra special well done to 2G for the best attendance in the school last week. Can anyone beat them next time?
EYFS Attendance Winners
RA - 95.8%
KS1 Attendance Winners
2G - 99.6%
LKS2 Attendance Winners
3T - 98.4%
LKS2 Attendance Winners
6K - 98.3%
Parent and Carer Support
Friends of Stockwell PTA
We have an active PTA, called Friends of Stockwell, who do a brilliant job of fundraising for the school and bringing the community together. Last year, every child was given a £5 donation to reduce the cost of trips; the PTA contributed to class Christmas presents; they also raised money for vulnerable families at Christmas.
It is great to see new faces getting involved. Every parent is a Friend of Stockwell. I ask that everyone gets involved. If you can spare an hour per term (that's three hours per year), your contribution would make a huge difference.
Please email friendsofstockwell@gmail.com to get involved.
Movie Nights
Friends of Stockwell are hosting two movie nights at the school. They are a bargain at just £3 per child, which includes a full film and refreshments.
Please sign your child up using Scopay.
Winter Fair
Preparations are well underway for the Winter Fair, which will take place on 1st December. If you are able to lend a hand, or would like a stall, please contact friendsofstockwell@gmail.com
Call to Action
Can you help out around the school? Are you a keen gardener? Do you have skills or knowledge that the children would benefit from? Visit our Call to Action page to let us know how you can help.
We let space around the school.
You can hire the school hall, and grounds, on a regular basis or as a one off.
Need a space for a party?
Looking for a pitch for your team?
Contact the school office on:
to make an enquiry.
Out of Hours Clubs
The BJS Federation of Schools is running a number of low-cost out of hours clubs for the children of the local community. A number of these are taking place at Stockwell Primary School, on Stockwell Road. Are clubs are run by professionals, who hold up to date DBS checks.
The clubs taking place at Stockwell are:
- Table Tennis and Short Tennis
- Boxing
- Girls Football
Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Please visit: BJSFederationclubs.classforkids.io to book a place for your child.
Our Learning Updates
What are Pre-School, Nursery and Reception learning about? Find out below.
Years 1 and 2 are incredibly busy with their learning. Find out more on our website.
Are you keen to find out more about the learning in Years 3 and 4? If so, have a look by clicking the button below.
Please check our website, to find out what the children in Years 5 and 6 are learning about.