The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
April 30, 2021
School Goals
Ensure safety of self and students
Provide engaging, standards-based digitized curriculum both F2F and Virtually
Remain prepared to adapt
Coming Up
This Week:
May 5 & 6: MAP Testing for VIRTUAL (All on 2 hour Delay bell schedule - See below!)
Mark Your Calendar:
May 12 & 13: MAP Testing F2F (2 hour Delay bell schedule - See below)
Summer School: June 14 - July 9
Speak Up/Save Lives
By calling or testing the statewide hotline
- 844-SAFEROH -
- 844-723-3764 -
you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or school.
MAP Testing
May 5 & 6:
Virtual Students will test from their remote location from 8:02 until 10:02. Classes will start at 10:02.
Face to Face students will be on a two-hour "delay" schedule. Class will start at 10:02 am.
- BUS RIDERS: If your student rides the bus, he or she may do so as normal. Students will be monitored in the building from 8:02 until 10:02 when classes begin. If you prefer to drive your students that day, please drop them off at the black gate on the east side of the building between 9:40 and 9:55.
- CAR RIDERS: You may drop off your child as you normally do and your child will be monitored in the gym until classes start OR you may drop them off at the black gate between 9:40 am and 9:55 am.
May 12 & 13:
Virtual Students will be on a two-hour delay and will log into class at 10:02. Use this time to sleep in or get some extra reading or homework done!
Face to Face students will arrive at the normal time and will test between 8:02 and 10:02. Classes will begin at 10:02.
Please click HERE for the testing bell schedule for these days.
LAST CALL for 8th grade slide show!!!
The last day to submit photos is May 7th!
The Student Council needs your help! We are still in need of photos for the 8th grade end of the year video.
Please submit photos using this google form: (google form link)
If there are any difficulties with the google form, please email your photos to Mrs. DiOrio at dioriom@sycamoreschools.org.
Reminder of the Requirements:
- Pictures of mostly 8th-graders
-Location of the photo is on school grounds
-The people included in the photo must be from Sycamore
Thank you!
SHS Counselor Update for Rising 8th Graders
Parents of 8th graders:
There is time to review next year's course selections. The classes that students selected and reviewed with their counselor can now be found in Blackboard in the eBackpack. Please review this list and reach out to the high school counselor by May 15 if any changes need to be made.
Mrs. Rose Mitchell (A-K) mitchellr@sycamoreschools.org
Mr. Mark Millett (L-Z) millettm@sycamoreschools.org
Optional Testing for Identification of Gifted Students
You may request that your child be tested on the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT).
If you wish to have your child participate in this round of testing, all requests must be made through the link below, by Friday, April 30th. This testing opportunity will take place on Friday, May 7th at 7:00 AM at Sycamore Junior High School. Participating students will miss a portion of first bell, due to testing. All safety protocols will be followed during testing, including temperature screening, mask wearing, physical distancing, and disinfecting.
Please note it is the parents' responsibility to provide transportation to school on the day of testing. Additionally, please ensure the correct parent email is entered as this is the email the district will use for communication. Thank you!
Honor Roll - Revised
Summer Learning Enrichment Courses
Please see the Summer Learning course catalog for additional information
Advanced Mathematics and Problem Solving (Virtual)
This summer program is designed to challenge and enrich students entering 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Honors and Accelerated math classes. We will explore the power topics through problem solving, group work and math competitions. The students will explore number theory, probability, logic problems, mental math, all while having fun with higher order critical thinking.
Advanced Writing Workshop (Virtual)
This course is an introduction to the art of creative writing and publishing. Class participants will read, write, and revise pieces in a number of genres including personal essays, short stories, poetry, plays, journaling, etc. The central focus of the class will be on various processes for creating, using texts as inspiration and models, and learning from feedback to guide our writing.
Aves Day at the Races - ONE MORE DAY!!!
Support the Junior High PTO and Sycamore Athletic Boosters Fundraiser
One More Day!
The Silent Auction closes at 10:00pm on Saturday, May 1
And there’s still time to register for the Derby Dash
You can do it all with this link!
Student Announcements
News Crew Links
SJHS News Crew Video Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vrBl5kKJXhJL9nL5xl5Ag
SJHS TV Communications: http://display.sycamoreschools.org/display/18
2020/2021 Immunization Requirements
Please turn in your required immunization paperwork to nurse Amy Bonham ASAP at jhimmunization@sycamoreschools.org.
In Ohio, the following vaccines are required by law:
7th-grade students must show proof that they have received (1) dose of Tdap, and (1) dose of MCV4 . This requirement must be met NO LATER THAN THE 14th day of attendance at school for the 2020-21 school year.
If you have questions, please email Amy at bonhama@sycamoreschools.org or call 686-1763.
Technical difficulties using the Google Form link above? Please email photos to Mrs. DiOrio at dioriom@sycamoreschools.org
OGB Super Summer Kick Off!!
FTC Robotics
Wish your child was truly passionate about
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)?
Sign-up now to join a Sycamore Robotics team. Download the flyer below for more information.
Helpful Parent Tips
This Week:
- May 5 and 6: MAP testing for Virtual Students (conducted remotely) 8:02 am - 10:02 am, remainder of day on Testing Bell schedule.
Mark your Calendars:
- May 12 & 13: MAP testing for F2F students. VIrtual students report to class at 10:02am and follow the Testing Bell Schedule.
Questions? Here are your Building Contacts
Assistant Principal Molly Bernosky bernoskym@sycamoreschools.org
Counselor Rachel Morris morrisra@sycamoreschools.org
Tech Help
Coming Up
This Week:
- May 5 & 6: Spring MAP for Virtual students (testing bell schedule)
Mark your calendars:
- May 12 and 13: Spring MAP for F2F (testing bell schedule)
- Please see the "everyone" section for details
In the event of an emergency where an evacuation of the school building is necessary, students will be transported to safety at Sycamore Community Schools’ reunification site:
Blue Ash Recreation Center 4433 Cooper Rd. Blue Ash, OH 45242
Detailed information can be found on the district website under Reunification Plans.
For more information on safety & security at Sycamore Schools, visit the district Safety & Security web page.
Sycamore Junior High School
Email: jhadmin@sycamoreschools.org
Website: www.sycamoreschools.org/sycamorejh
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SycamoreJuniorHighPTO/
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh