Dealey Community
The mission of George Bannerman Dealey is to provide an exemplary education that develops and empowers all students to become productive citizens in our global society.
Moving Forward!
We are now in the 2nd 9 Weeks!! Let's Move Forward Together!
I want to say Thank You all for welcoming me as the new principal of Dealey Montessori and International Academy! I am very excited and look forward to working with you and your family.
This past weekend we had many winners in MS Debate. Additionally, all 5 of our All City Honor Choir students made it. Congratulations Dragons! 🐉
Fall Break/Fair Day
As the seasons change, our Fall break is quickly approaching! Please remember students will be out of school Thursday 10/12/23, Friday 10/13/23 & Monday 10/16/23 for Fall Break & Fair Day.
Teachers have Professional Development and will report to work on Monday 10/16/23.
All Fair Tickets will be distributed by the front office.
Safety-New Crossing Guard at Northhaven Trail
I have placed an additional crossing guard on the Northhaven Trail. Mr. Segovia is a Dealey safety monitor and happy to help. Thank you all for only using the designated crosswalks and staying safe!
Campus Events
Please see our campus events and flyers below.
Thanks again for all of your support!
#DragonsBreatheFire #DragonsFly
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance at this time. I am happy to help! I appreciate your continued support on campus! #StrongApart #StrongerTogether #DragonsSoar CONTACT US
Amber Garrett, Principal
Email- amgarrett@dallasisd.org
Zoom Town Hall Meeting (MS Name Change)
Monday, Oct 9, 2023, 07:30 PM
Hispanic Heritage Dress Up Day
Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023, 08:30 AM
George B Dealey Vanguard, Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Fall Break (No School)
Thursday, Oct 12, 2023, 08:30 AM
Fall Break (No School)
Friday, Oct 13, 2023, 08:30 AM
Fall Break/Professional Development Day (No School)
Monday, Oct 16, 2023, 08:30 AM
Fall Break Reminder
New Dealey Principal 10/3/23
Assistant Principal Hiring Timeline
Town Hall Meeting 10/9/23 7:30 PM (Zoom)
Hispanic Heritage Dress Up Day!
Pumpkin Decorating
Counselor's Corner
#1 -Interested in CBE/CEFA testing?
Here is a link: CBE and CEFA
#2 -Our 8th graders currently have 2 trips planned for high school visits. Even if they plan to attend another high school, please remind your child to turn in their permission slips so they can be a part of these tours with their peers.
We need parent volunteers for each trip! Please fill out the following form: I'll Chaperone!
If you do not have a Volly form on file, please fill out the following as well - Volly Form: DISD Volly Form
October 30th to Townview to tour all their campuses
November 6th to the Career Institute
Here is the link for admission information and timelines as well as how to book a tour for Booker T. Washington School of the Performing Arts: Booker T. Washington
REMINDER: Hillcrest I.B. is hosting an Information Meeting on Saturday, November 11th at 10:00 a.m.
Hillcrest traditional high school is hosting a Preview Night on Wednesday, October 25th from 6 - 7:00 p.m.
I will keep you posted on upcoming Open Houses.
If you need assistance with the application process or copies of your child's test scores, grades, etc., I am more than happy to help! Just send me an email. Applications open November 1st. You can edit your campus selections up until January 31st. Here is the link for applying: High School Application
Watch for the upcoming High School Fair that will take place on our campus. More information to come!
Mrs. Kirk, MS Counselor
Join Our Facebook Group!
Dealey Montessori and International Academy celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month! 9/15-10/15
Every morning, students share Hispanic Heritage facts during the morning announcements. The campus will be hosting a speaker series with influential latinos that have paved the way. We will also have bulletin boards on campus that will highlight hispanic heritage month facts.
We will end the month and celebrations with a festive cultural dress day. If you are interested in joining our speaker series, please email ltindle@dallasisd.org or call the campus at 972-794-8400.
Special Thank you to Ms. Tindle, her students and the Hispanic Heritage committee!!
PTA Announcements
Carpool Information
Transportation Form
Transportation Form 2023-2024 (All Students)
All Students- Every student needs a transportation form filled out. Thanks!
Bus Riders Only- Please use this Dealey Transportation GroupMe if your child rides the bus.
Elementary School News
Dealey GT Website
PK-5 Communication
Class Dojo is your one-stop shop for 1-on-1 communication with your child's teacher, classroom updates, school-wide updates, and individual progress updates! Class Dojo is FREE - there is no need to pay or upgrade the membership.
Middle School News/Website
The new Texas Assessment Family Portal was launched on January 2, 2023, and is available for parents to view test scores for the Texas Assessment Program. The portal can be accessed via the Texas Assessment.gov website, https://www.TXFamilyPortal.org, or the easiest way by using the single sign-on feature in PowerSchool at www.dallasisd.powerschool.com/public
House Bill 114 will become effective Sept. 1, 2023:
Any student caught with a vape device on campus, within 300 feet of school property, or at a school-sponsored event, must be placed in DAEP.
Learn more below.
Dealey Family Quicklinks
Dallas ISD Calendar
Parent Liaison
Social Media
About Us
As one of the best schools in Dallas, we provide an exemplary Montessori education that empowers all students to become productive citizens in our global society.
6501 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Principal -Amber Garrett
972) 794-8400