GT Academy Newsletter
Sablatura Middle School / Pearland ISD
December 2015 / January 2016
Spreading Joy
Group Dynamics
The skills learned through the Group Dynamics rotations will certainly help students as they embark on the semester long Texas Performance Standard Projects (TPSP). Fifth grade students are finishing up research and will soon begin writing the research paper and planning their quilt. Sixth grade students are researching and will work together to plan an exciting journey. They will track their budget and record travels on their website, and then create a game and design a display. Both projects will not only take collaboration skills, but time management and GRIT!
Throughout the TPSP, students are using the Independent Investigation Method (IIM). This method helps walk students through each step of the research process and keeps them organized and on track through the process. For more information on IIM, click here:
GTAB Spaghetti Dinner
Competition Updates:
Math Club: Four students from Sablatura recently partnered with students from PJHW to compete in a Math Counts competition held in Sugar Land. Amber received a 6th place trophy while Jayden received a 4th place trophy. Our math club team is looking forward toward to the upcoming qualifying meets for TMSCA state.
FPS: We have six teams who won at the district level, which means their global issues problem solving booklets will now be sent to state judges. The state Future Problem Solving topic is "The Global Workplace." Teams are diligently working to prepare for this competition. Stay tuned!
Quiz Bowl: All the hard work and preparation paid off, and our Quiz Bowl team did an excellent job at the January competition. Sablatura 5th and 6th grade teams placed second in the Super Quiz. 5th grade team members were: Eric Q,Natalie Y, Courtney F., Raina Q., Catherine B., Kate L., Macie W., and Neva C. 6th grade team members were: Griffin B., Rishabh D., Mihir K., Jacqueline M., Grade E., Melody T., Ria Sinha., and Nathan B. We also took second place in 6th grade General Trivia. Team members consisted of: Caroline H., Teagan T,. Rishabh D. and Jayden L. Sablatura's individual high score for general trivia went to Rishabh. D. We are proud of this team and wish them luck in the upcoming online competitions.
Seaperch: All five Seaperch teams attended a practice meet at Manvel High School in preparation for the regional meet in Georgetown on February 20th. These students have been putting in lots of hours working together to prepare for interviews, maneuver their ROVs through an obstacle course, and create a professional poster. Good Luck Seaperch Teams!
NXT: On January 30th our four NXT Robotics teams represented Pearland ISD well as they competed in the TCEA competition at Fairmont Jr. High. The Turtle Lawnmowers came in seventh, the Scorpion came in third, and the Asian Bots came in second out of seventy seven teams from Friendswood, Deer Park and Houston area schools. The Asian Bots will represent Sablatura Robotics at the state competition in April.
Mars Rover: After learning about Mars and its rovers in a mini course, six teams competed in the Mars Rover Celebration at the University of Houston on January 30th. Two of our students made the evening news! Next time you pass by our Sablatura trophy case, take a look at the cool star trophies four of our teams brought home.
Take a look at the Animoto video below to see Sablatura STEM in action!
Learning About Gifted From Ian Byrd
- Mrs. Mueller
So Much More Than Smart Kids:
Six Types of Gifted:
We Only Get Stronger When It's Difficult: