The Bulldog Blast
December 1, 2023
Dear Indian Trail families,
I hope you and your family enjoyed some wonderful food and time together over the Thanksgiving holiday. It's hard to believe that today is December 1st! As a reminder, the winter weather is upon us and students will have outdoor recess if the temperature and/or wind chill is 15 degrees or above. Please have your child wear a winter coat that zips or buttons, a hat, and gloves. Please practice zipping or buttoning your child's coats with them too. Students also need to bring boots if we get any snow accumulation to help keep their feet warm and dry at recess.
I want to thank all of you who came out to our 1st Family Glow Dance. The PTA did a wonderful job organizing and sponsoring this family friendly night that was enjoyed by everyone. We hope to make this an annual event at Indian Trail.
We have our Giving Trees up in the vestibule at school and anyone that would like to grab a tag and donate a gift card we would greatly appreciate it. All of these wonderful donations will go to help many families in need this holiday season. All gift cards are due by December 11th to the office. Again, thank you for your kindness and generosity.
As always, I thank you for your continued support of your child's education. Please contact me at the school if you have any questions or concerns.
With Bulldog Pride,
Nicole Marconi
- Parents that drop off in the morning, please be sure to pull up to the curb lane when letting your child out of your car. Please do not pull up next to another car and allow your child to get out. Many cars are moving and pulling away, and we want to be sure all of our students are safe. Also, please do not let your child cross through the parking lot as cars are in constant motion and this makes it unsafe for children to walk through the parking lot unattended. Thank you.
- Cell phones and smart watches are not permitted to be used in school. If your child has these items they must remain on silent and in their book bags at all times.
NWEA Winter Map Assessments
Students will take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments during the week of Dec. 4-8 or Dec. 11-15, depending on their grade and classroom teacher's schedule. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 3 will take the MAP assessments in Reading and Math. Students in Grade 4 will take the MAP assessments in Reading, Math and Science. Teachers will use the data from the assessments to look for student growth from the Fall MAP assessment, in addition to plan for differentiated instruction in the classroom. Parent reports will go home with students on or before January 12, 2024. For questions about MAP or when your child will take their assessments, please contact your child's teacher.
Lost and Found - Please check often and take what is Yours
Is your child missing a jacket or a sweatshirt? A sweater or hat? Please have them check the lost and found table in the front hallway. There are many items left behind looking for their homes!
Lil’ Bulldogs Preschool News December 2023
Preschool News
PRESCHOOL GINGERBREAD FESTIVAL - Tuesday, Dec. 19. All preschool classrooms will be decorating gingerbread houses. Please look for more information and details from your child’s teacher.
RETURN FROM WINTER BREAK - There will be NO AM Preschool on Jan. 4, 2024, as the district is on a 2-hour delayed start. There WILL BE PM Preschool on Jan. 4, 2024 at the regular time of 12:30PM.
The Lil’ Bulldogs Preschool staff would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and safe Holiday Season!!
Upcoming Events:
DECEMBER 20 - NO SCHOOL - Records Day - Staff Only
Preschool Resumes THURSDAY, Jan. 4 for PM Preschool classes and Resumes MONDAY, Jan. 8 for AM Preschool classes. Enjoy time with loved ones and friends.
How To Reach Us:
Mrs. Kressa Holt - Preschool Psychologist & Supervisor:
Mrs. Jenifer Smith - Preschool Teacher Room 1:
Miss Katie Zirger - Preschool Teacher Room 2:
Mrs. Cathy Ahrens - Preschool Teacher Room 3:
Mrs. Joelle Grimsley - Preschool Teacher Room 4:
Mrs. Kelly Richmond - Preschool Speech-Language Pathologist
Mrs. Lauren Smith - Preschool Speech-Language Pathologist
Important Upcoming Dates:
Dec. 11 - Giving Tree donations are due to the office (gift cards)
Dec.4-15 Winter MAP assessment window
Dec. 19 - PJ day - please be sure all pj's are school appropriate (outside recess too)
Dec. 20-Jan.3 - Winter Break ❄️ Enjoy the time with family and friends!
Jan. 4 - Delayed Start - late arrival for students for staff professional development activities. Doors will open at 10:55 am. Breakfast will be served starting at 10:50am. Dismissal times remain the same, no changes.