The Friday Forecast
THE WEEK OF MAY 4 - MAY 8, 2020
We love you class of 2020, watts and watts!
English Block: 9:00 - 10:30 am
Social Science Block: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Elective Block: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Math Block: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Science Block: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
PE/Performing Arts/Athletics/CTE/ROP/Directed Studies Block: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Social Science Block: 9:00 - 10:30 am
English Block: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Elective Block: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Science Block: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Math Block: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
PE/Performing Arts/Athletics/CTE/ROP/Directed Studies Block: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
- Office Hours / Tutorial: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Staff Collaboration: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Senior Exit Survey
Hi Seniors, please take a moment to tell us about the next chapter in your life!
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” Eleanor Roosevelt
Senior Awards & Scholarships
Class of 2020! We are trying to put together an awards program and need your help! If you have received a scholarship to the college you will attending or received an award, please send the information to aschultz@wvusd.k12.ca.us.
What we need:
- the name of the scholarship and the college of attendance or
- the name of the award
senior grad night update
One of the best and most popular traditions , Grad Nite at Disneyland, has been canceled this year due to COVID-19, the park has announced on its website.
A representative for Disneyland says the refund will be available in 6 to 8 weeks. We will be working closely with Disneyland and keep you up to date.
Program Recognition: Project Lead The Way
Our PLTW Biomedical Science Program at WHS was recognized as a 2019-2020 Project Lead the Way Distinguished School! Walnut High School is one of 143 schools selected across the country to receive this recognition.
Congrats to our students and the following staff members for this prestigious recognition:
- Ms. Morgan
- Mrs. Cole
- Mrs. Schultz
- Mrs. Ellie Blanchard
- Ms. Trisha Shah
ASB Presents: Walnut Wednesday Broadcast
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 4 - 8
2020-2021 Class Officer Elections: Becoming a Leader in High School
Campaign week will be May 20 to May 25 and we will send out links provided via the principal to all students. You may also campaign on your own during this time.
Voting will be May 26 and 27. Results will be released on May 28. Good Luck!
The Dream Machine: Join the 2nd rebellion!
Summer Registration Appointments
If you have not made your summer registration appointment with your GLC, please contact Mrs. Markel at smarkel@wvusd.k12.ca.us
Need Transcripts?
Vote for Water 2020
Virtual Interviews with Industry/Business Representatives
Chromebook Distribution
If you missed the first distribution of Chromebooks, we will begin distribution from the District Office starting April 20th. The IT staff will collect Chromebooks and schedule appointments for pick up from the Technology Office. For those that need a Chromebook, we have setup an email address strictly for student and parents. Please forward any student-related technical support requests to: wvhelp@wvusd.org . This is only for students that NEED a device for distance learning.
Need Help finding Novels or Research Resources?
Need help finding novels or research resources online? We can help guide you to the tools you need! Email Mrs. Voss with your questions, include contact number for text or phone request.
- Email: Tcoday-voss@wvusd.k12.ca.us
WHS Distance Learning & Support Plan
Join the Award Winning Band Program
Color Guard Interest Form 2020-2021
This is the link for anyone who is interested in joining the Color Guard for the 2020-2021 school year! Because of the current school situation, we will not have color guard clinics or tryouts this year. Anyone who is interested in joining should sign up on the link and will be welcomed on the team (no color guard or dance experience necessary!)
Seniors: opportunity to drop off IB portfolios
When: Friday May 8th 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Where: Please enter through the faculty parking lot
Important IB Update
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of so many schools, the IB has decided to cancel the 2020 May exams. However, the IB still intends to award Diplomas and Certificates. They have explained that the awarding of Diplomas and Certificates will be based on the grade from the internal assessment associated with each class, the teacher’s predicted grade and other statistical data to determine what grade they think the students would have scored had they taken the exam. They will still release results in July. The IB has said that any students who are unhappy with their results will have the option to take the actual IB exams during the 2020 November exam session. Further information can be found on the IB website. Please visit ibo.org.
Please see the video below from our AP Computer Science Teacher, Nick Blackford, on how our AP Students can utilize free, live, AP review lessons delivered from teachers across the country.
Most AP teachers and students we surveyed prefer to test earlier, while the content is still fresh.
- Exams will be given from May 11–22.
- Makeup test dates will be available for each subject from June 1–5.
- Students can take exams at home or in schools, if they reopen.
- Each subject's exam will be taken on the same day at the same time, worldwide.
Exam Format
- Most exams will have one or two free-response questions, and each question will be timed separately. Students will need to write and submit their responses within the allotted time for each question.
- Students will be able to take exams on any device they have access to—computer, tablet, or smartphone. They'll be able to type and upload their responses or write responses by hand and submit a photo via their cell phones.
- For most subjects, the exams will be 45 minutes long, plus an additional 5 minutes for uploading. Students will need to access the online testing system 30 minutes early to get set up.
- Certain courses—Art and Design: 2D; Art and Design: 3D; Computer Science Principles; Drawing; Research; and Seminar—will use portfolio submissions and will not have a separate online exam. All deadlines for these submissions have been extended to May 26, 2020, 11:59 p.m. ET. Teachers and students may receive separate course-specific communications.
- Students taking world language and culture exams will complete two spoken tasks consistent with free-response questions 3 and 4 on the current AP Exam. Written responses will not be required. We'll provide additional details in the coming weeks to help students prepare.
To learn more about the rationale behind the exam content, watch Trevor Packer's presentation.
Mustang Shout-Outs!
The Hacienda League 5
On April 27, five of Walnut High Schools’ finest student-athletes were honored with the Hacienda 5 award. Every year, the schools in the Hacienda League recognizes five seniors that have shown a dedication to academics, athletics and service in the community. The students selected have demonstrated the ability to excel on the field and court but most importantly in the classroom and in their community.
These Mustang Student-Athletes are being recognized for excelling in Athletics, Academics, & in the community.
These five embody The Walnut Way and have left their mark at Walnut High School! Congrats to Amanda Ghibaudo, Jonathan Kamayatsu, Allison LoVullo, Matthew Moreno, and Katerina Su!
Thank you for the hard work, sacrifice, and commitment you made over the past four years. Go Mustangs!
Mustangs Moving On!
We’ve got some more Senior college commitments this week as more keep rollin’ in! Excited to see where the rest of our Mustangs commit over the next month. Congrats to the following Seniors! Make sure you click the link below to have your Senior recognized once they commit. (Student must use their WVUSD Google Account)
Three New Banners up at Walnut High School!
THREE new banners are up along the streets of Walnut High School! We love our Seniors & we miss all of our students! Thank you Walnut High Community Club for your help!
Take a pic of the banner and feel free to post to support our Seniors and Mustang students during this unprecedented time.
CBS2 Wants to Feature Class of 2020 Grads!
Congratulations to all the high school seniors who are missing out on some big graduation events due to COVID-19. We’d like to recognize their outstanding efforts and achievements by featuring names and photos in our newscasts throughout the day!
If you’re interested, fill out the fields in the link below and please include a candid picture of the graduate (no professional pictures, please)
Walnut High School Students Accept Dance Challenge
Suicide Prevention Awareness: YOU could be the difference
Senior, Kaitlin Chheng, is currently working to raise Teen Suicide Awareness in our community as a part of her Girl Scout Gold Award. Mental health problems and suicidal thoughts may hide in plain sight, and it is up to us as a community to recognize this, raise awareness, and prevent it.
Learn about what to do and what to be on the look out for. YOU could be the difference.
Need someone to talk to? Need Emotional Support? We are here to help!
Small doses of support can have a much bigger impact than you expect.
Please click on the link to make an appointment with a counselor:
Social-Emotional Resources
Mt. SAC Outreach specialist
Mt. SAC is trying to ensure that our SENIORS know that they are available to them on multiple platforms (email, call/text/zoom video chat).
Questions? High School Outreach representative Annette Monge-Hermosillo can schedule one-on-one appointments.
GLC availability
The GLC’s will be available to answer emails from 9:00-3:00 pm Monday-Friday. They will also be available to Google Chat from 1:00-2:00 or by appointment. See video below on how to speak to your GLC through Google Chat.
Check email regularly
It is very important that you check your email on a regular basis. GLC’s will be contacting students via the students school email account and/or parent email.
Check your REMIND
The GLC’s will be sending out information on a regular basis through REMIND. If you have not signed up for your class REMIND, please do so immediately. You can find the codes on the WHS Website.
GLC Listing
9th GRADE (Class of 2023)
Sarah Doramus (interim) (A – Li,)
Jeff Jacks (Lo – Z)
10th GRADE (Class of 2022)
Ken McDill (A - Lo)
Corolar Schultz (Lu – Z)
11th GRADE (Class of 2021)
Viviana Hoyos (A – Lo)
Sonia Nunez (Lu – Z)
12th GRADE (Class of 2020)
Nathan Newman (A – Lo)
Jenny Alegre (Lu – Z)
ADP (Academic Design Program)
Elisabeth Everts
Intervention Counselor
Jennifer Peiten
Parent Info Night - GLC Presentations
We encourage everyone to take a moment to review the PowerPoints presented.
Please click on the appropriate grade level of your student.
Learning Enrichment And Resource Network
Scholarship Opportunities
LAST CHANCE: Class of 2020 Walnut Valley Educational Foundation Scholarship
WVEF Senior Scholarships
2020 SCAG Scholarship Program Application
The Nancy McMullen Memorial Scholarship
These Scholarships are presented by Ray McMullen and Dedicated to Learning Inc. (D2L). D2L is a nonprofit corporation that provides summer school for the middle and high school students of this area.
The corporation is dedicated to developing innovative solutions that create extraordinary opportunities for students and educators around the world. All profits beyond the D2L operational costs are given to schools and school districts as well as to students. One of these scholarships will be presented to a student at Diamond Bar High School and another at Walnut High School.
Nancy McMullen, was an extraordinary elementary school teacher who went to UCLA as an art major and a biological science minor. She later taught for 30 years in the Covina School District. In addition to her teaching and work with kids, she maintained her passion for art and was a water color painter.
- These $1,000 scholarships are given annually in her memory and are intended to help young people pursue a career in a field of the visual arts.
- Applications will be reviewed by a committee of educators and artists.
- The deadline for the application materials and the supporting piece of art is May 8.
Applications can be sent to:
Lindsay Miyamoto 19376 Red Hawk Road
Walnut, CA 91789
Applications can also be emailed to: LIVE4MTM@gmail.com
Questions can also be answered by calling Lindsay Miyamoto at:(626) 646-3485
CLICK BELOW for a senior scholarship application from PEARLS of Service, Inc., a newly established nonprofit tax-exempt organization.
The applicant can select from three choices. Please note for one choice the GPA can be 2.50. Please share with the appropriate seniors. The deadline date has been extended to May 15, 2020.
Walnut High School
Website: walnuths.net
Location: 400 Pierre Road, Walnut, CA, USA
Phone: 909-594-1333
Facebook: facebook.com/WalnutHighSchool
Twitter: @walnut_mustangs