Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 4.14.23
Dear Lake Grove Families,
Thank you for your partnership! Our teachers are enjoying celebrating your child's progress with you during parent teacher conferences yesterday and today.
I'd like to give a shout-out to our fifth graders and some parent volunteers, as well as Ms. Johanson, 5th Grade Teacher, Mr. Garret Wagner, Building Engineer, and Mr. Zurcher, Sustainability TOSA, for their leadership with our Day of Service last week. Lake Grove 5th graders participated in a fun and fulfilling day of service to spruce up our school grounds for spring! Activities included adding dirt to the garden beds, pulling the invasive ivy from the planting location, cleaning up the front of the school and planting bulbs given by the fifth grade along with the additional pots that decorate our school grounds, followed by a campus-wide litter clean up. See a few photos below.
Please check your student's backpack today for the Cougar Day Jog-a-thon information and collection envelope. We're excited for this inclusive opportunity for our students to raise any amount by moving their bodies and working together. Keep in mind that 5-10 laps is an impressive accomplishment as you're sponsoring our students.
If you can't find what you need to know here, please feel free to email or call our office with questions.
Be kind,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Table of Contents
Cougar Night (updated)
Save the Date - Talent Show (new)
Lake Grove Day of Service (new)
Connectivity Pause at Dismissal (repeated)
Social Emotional Learning (repeated)
OSAS Schedule and Reminders (repeated)
News from the District Nurses (repeated)
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form (repeated)
Elementary Music Camp at LOHS (repeated)
ILLO Clothing Closet (new)
LO Arbor Month Art Contest for K-5th Grade Students (new)
Community Movie Night & Fundraiser for the 2023 LOHS Senior Carnival (repeated)
Safe Oregon (repeated)
Save the Date (updated)
PTA News (updated)
Tickets are almost sold out! Don't miss out on all the fun! Visit the website to purchase tickets:
Are you following Lake Grove's Instagram or Facebook accounts? Here is a sneak peek of the amazing live auction items we are posting weekly. Follow us: @lakegrovepta on Insta or
Thank you to those who have donated to the event! We are grateful for your generosity!
If you haven’t already, please consider donating a nice bottle of wine for the wine pull at the event. Coordinate with Jessica MacGregor
If you’ve already bought tickets, you will receive an email next week with all the things you need to know about the event (parking, auction time, how to bid, etc.).
Save the date - talent show May 25
Lake Grove’s annual talent show is back LIVE this year! All talent is welcome and all Kindergarten-5th grade students are encouraged to participate. Space may be limited due to time constraints. You must have a practiced/prepared talent to share. Each participant must fill out the entry form, add a group name if it applies. All entries will be reviewed for school appropriate content (e.g. song lyrics). All entry forms are due no later than May 10th to the Lake Grove Office. Late entries will NOT be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Post.
Connectivity Pause at dismissal
Social Emotional Learning
Dear Lake Grove Families,
During April, we will turn our social emotional learning focus on Courage. One way to think about Courage is “choosing what is helpful, right, and kind even when it is hard or scary.” Children need reassurance that fear is one of our feelings and to help them understand that it’s okay to feel afraid. Courage isn’t fearlessness, but instead our ability to choose the right thing even when we are scared. Courage is one of three traits we focus on throughout the year that helps students “Be Strong”. Throughout the school, students will be developing skills like focusing, organizing, and goal-setting.
Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing Courage. Here are three “PurposeFull Pursuits” for you to complete together. How many can you do this month?
Reflect, think, and discuss with your student things you both would like to do, but find intimidating or scary. Maybe it’s a new hobby, trying a new game, sharing your art or invention with others, or going on an adventure somewhere. Give one of these things a try together and take a selfie to capture the memory.
Review Courage as a family. Remember that Courage is choosing what is helpful, right, and kind - even when it’s hard or scary. What’s something that you’ve been afraid to discuss with your student? Something that might be difficult to explain about our community or the world. Chances are they will hear about it eventually and it may come from someone who is less informed or less supportive than you. Have a courageous conversation with your student. It could be about bullying, the environment, uncertainty, etc. Remind them that love and support are two tools we can use to practice Courage. Discuss as a family ways they can practice Courage around the issue you discuss.
We have all demonstrated Courage in our lives. Many of us have seen people practice Courage in ways that have inspired us. Stories are powerful tools for connecting as a family. Protect time this week to share stories about Courage with each other. You can use the story prompts below to get started. At the end of the conversation, think of one way you can practice Courage this week.
Story Prompts:
The time I (or someone else) showed Courage was _____.
An act of Courage that changed/challenged me was _____.
We believe involving families in our Social Emotional Learning is important. Here are some activities and conversation starters for you to explore Courage as a family.
Thank you for taking the time to engage your family in these activities.. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached at or 503-534-2357.
In Partnership,
Wendy Post
School Counselor
OSAS Schedule and Reminders
What students need to be prepared for state testing:
- Be well rested (good night sleep)
- Eat a healthy breakfast
- Bring a book to read when they are finished
- Encouragement (think growth-mindset!)
A reminder - students do not need a smartphone or smartwatch at school. We have a landline phone in the office where we encourage students to memorize an important phone number to practice dialing. Additionally, each Lake Grove student has been issued an iPad or a Chromebook. Please be sure that they bring CHARGED chromebooks for testing.
If a student has a smartphone or watch during testing it will invalidate their test (smart phones and watches are an impropriety, per state assessment regulations).
April 17 is the beginning of the Statewide tests for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math for all students in grades 3-5. Here is the schedule for the next few weeks:
News from the District Nurses
Bike Safety
As the weather improves, it’s a great time to consider getting outside. Your District Nurses want to remind and encourage your student to ride their bike safely and remember to wear a helmet. These resources can help your student get off to a great start.
Sun Safety
While outside, be sure to protect yourself and your student from harmful UV. Visit this link to learn ways to safely enjoy the sun and what to do if your student gets a bit too much.
If you would like to speak to your school nurse, click the link below for contact information.
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form
State law requires us to inform you that a form is available from the State Department of Education that allows you to opt your child out of the math and English Language Arts assessments for the current school year. Should you wish to opt out your child, fill out the form and submit it to the main office at your child’s school. Please note the submission deadlines listed on the form. Meeting the deadline will help the school with planning and preparation. If you wish your child not to participate in the science assessment for grades 5, 8, and 11, submit this request in writing to the principal of your child's school.
If you have questions or want more information about state assessments, please contact your child’s principal or teacher(s).
Click here for opt-out form for Math and English Language Arts.
Elementary music camp at LOHS
Does your child like to sing? Join the Windjammers (advanced choir) of Lake Oswego High School for a morning of music and fun on 4/22 from 9am-12pm at LOHS. Learn a pop song and choreography to perform with the Windjammers that night at their Variety Show! Registration is $50 and includes the camp, snacks, T-shirt, plus an adult admission to the evening show. Register by 4/18!
Email director Tara Bamford with questions. Register here:
ILLO Clothing Closet
LO Arbor Month Art Contest for K-5th Grade Students
Trees! Trees! Trees!
April is Arbor Month and the City of Lake Oswego is currently hosting an Arbor Month Art Contest for student in grades K-5 residing in Lake Oswego. This year’s contest theme is Trees! Trees! Trees!
Students are invited to create a work of art featuring trees in the Lake Oswego urban forest. Entries will be displayed electronically at City Hall and the Public Library, and prizes will be awarded by Mayor Buck.
Community Movie Night & Fundraiser for the 2023 LOHS Senior Carnival
Gratitude Revealed
Thursday, May 4, 2023 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
**Doors open at 6:30 pm**
Hosted by LOHS parents and Gratitude Revealed film distributor, Kirt Eftekhar of Area 23a Films.
Q&A directly after the film
Suggested Donation: $8 for Students & $12 for Adults
Film Summary:
An epic journey forty years in the making, Gratitude Revealed from acclaimed filmmaker, Louie
Schwartzberg, the director of Fantastic Fungi, takes us on a transformational, cinematic experience of how to live a more meaningful life full of gratitude through his intimate conversations with everyday people, thought leaders, and personalities revealing gratitude is a proven pathway back from the disconnection we feel in our lives; disconnection from ourselves, our planet, and each other.
Safe Oregon
Safe Oregon, Ways to Report Incidents
Parents-guardians who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal and maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources. SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools. Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.
In addition, below are reporting methods for parents-guardians or students to use to report issues related to racist, bias, or harassment incidents.
· Incident Report for Elementary School
Save the date!
4/18 - PTA General Meeting via Zoom
4/20 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
4/24 - Cougar Day Jog-a-Thon
4/27 - Staff Appreciation potluck lunch hosted by Kinder and 5th grade families
4/27 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
4/29 - Cougar Night at Ironlight 7-11 pm (must purchase tickets in advance)
May 4 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 8-12 Staff Appreciation Week
May 11 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 16 VOTE!
May 17 Spring Social on school playground 5-7:30 pm
May 18 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 24 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
June 1 Last Run Club of the year!
The district calendars for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years are now available on the district and Hallinan websites. You can find them here quickly.
PTA News
Join us on the school playground and surrounding fields for the Spring Social where families can enjoy food trucks, two face painters, a photo booth, spirit wear for sale and lots of fun! This community building event will offer food for purchase on the school playground on Wednesday, May 17 from 5-7:30 pm.
Lake Grove students are participating in raising funds for our school through a Walk and Jog-a-Thon on Monday, April 24. Grades 3, 4, and 5 are allocated 45 minutes of walking and jogging time while grades Kinder, 1 and 2 have 30 minutes. The course is set at approximately 1/4 mile. Volunteers, teachers and staff will be on hand to track laps and we have set a whole-school goal to walk, run or jog 1,000 total laps—if students achieve this goal, the entire school earns a pizza party!
This year, the students’ fundraising efforts will fund a new bark lap track around the playground to be built over the summer. The new bark track will help offer new activities at recess, enhance PE offerings and provide dedicated areas for PTA activities like Run Club, Cougar Day and Field Day. Funds will also support the purchase of new, larger desks for our growing students in the fifth grade classrooms. These new tables are 2-person desks with adjustable heights for different students.
This is your student’s opportunity to be a part of raising money for our school! Every student received a pledge envelope to bring home earlier this week.
Encourage your student to send an email or text message to their network of neighbors, friends and relatives to ask for pledges (students should request flat pledges instead of “per lap” pledges).
All pledges are tax deductible and a receipt can be downloaded from our website Send this receipt to anyone who gives you a pledge! Pledges are due by Monday, April 24.
This template can be used by your student to ask for donations via email:
Dear ___,
I’m raising money for my school! The contributions I earn will help Lake Grove Elementary offer free programs and activities to me and all students. Our PTA offers programs such as Run Club, Oregon Battle of the Books, Art Literacy and field trips—AND they purchase a yearbook for every student. Could you help me by making a donation to our PTA? I have a goal to raise $___ by Monday, April 24. I can accept:
- Checks made payable to Lake Grove Elementary PTA
- Venmo @LakeGrovePTA (please note my name when you use Venmo so I get credit!)
- Paypal (please note my name when you use PayPal so I get credit!)
- Cash
You can download a receipt here: On April 24, I will participate in a Walk and Jog-a-Thon. I want to do __ laps! Thank you for considering a donation to my school!
Fundraising is extremely important to support enrichment programs at Lake Grove. Contributions to our PTA help create completely volunteer-run programs like Art Literacy, Run Club, Oregon Battle of the Books and more.
- Every Lake Grove student will have five art lessons through the Art Literacy program and a visit to Iran through Culture Travel
- 40 students are producing a newspaper in Journalism Club
- 35 students are playing math games in Math Club
- 97 students participated in OBOB
- A whopping 330 students have participated in Run Club!
- All Lake Grove teachers received general classroom funds to help students achieve their potential
- All students & staff will receive a Walk-a-Thon t-shirt
- At the end of the year, every student will receive a yearbook to chronicle the year
- And of course…the ALL IMPORTANT FIELD TRIPS!
Donations also fund student events like classroom parties and fun events like 5th grade celebration…as well as allow us to show our appreciation for the stellar teachers who help our students grow and thrive! Without contributions from families and local businesses, and volunteers stepping up, our PTA could not offer this level of support.
The three students who raise the most money from pledges will receive a gift card to their choice of Amazon, Lakeshore Learning or Target.
- First place earns a $100 gift card
- Second place earns a $75 gift card
- Third place earns a $50 gift card
Winners will be announced on April 28.
Giving back to our community with your student’s pledge tickets
As a part of our giving back campaign, students will vote for their favorite book for the PTA to purchase and donate to the school library. Students will simply drop their tickets in the jar of their choice as they enter school between Monday, April 17 to Monday, April 24. On April 28, we will announce the winning book to be donated, along with an additional monetary donation to the library.
Lake Grove families are welcome to join us on the field on Monday, April 24. A SignUp Genius will be available next week; sign up to volunteer or just stop by to cheer on our runners.
Questions about Cougar Day? Contact
Thank you for your support!
Sincerely, the Lake Grove PTA Board and our Principal
Lisa LeBlanc & Cheryl Sharkey, Co-Presidents
Yan Liang, VP of Enrichment
Erin Quandt & Sarah Mehrabzadeh, VPs of Community Building and Social Responsibility
Christi Osborne, VP of Membership
Ginni Tribanas, Secretary
Lena Elbakshish, Treasurer
Jennie Knapp, Principal
Parents, please help us make this club successful: to volunteer as a lap scanner, go to
On Thursday, April 27 our kindergarten and fifth grade families will sponsor a brunch themed potluck to show our appreciation for the Lake Grove teachers and staff. Parents can view and sign up to make food or contribute items to the potluck here: We need your help to make this a successful event!
The final training session on Rivera (artist #5) can be viewed here. More information on Rivera can be found here with the password volunteer4loartlit.
To sign up to volunteer with Art Literacy, just visit this SignUp Genius and look for your student’s classroom, organized by teacher name and add your name to the list.
Questions? Contact Kim MacKay (
Shifting Gears Gifting Gear (S3G) is an annual event hosted by the River Grove PTO with a goal to re-home sporting equipment to local LO families who will enjoy it after your family has outgrown it.
How it works:
- If you have sporting gear -- in good/safe/working condition -- that your family/children have outgrown, please drop it off Thursday, April 13 12pm-6pm or Friday, April 14 9am-3pm
- If your family is looking for some 'new' gear - come shop for FREE on Saturday 10am - 2pm
- Donating gear does not guarantee that you will find replacement gear for your family on the 'shop' day.
- You can 'shop' even if you have not donated any gear - this is not an exchange, participants are 'gifting' gear.
Read more at Shifting Gears Gifting Gear.
We need volunteers from each school in our district to write postcards to LO residents, encouraging them to vote YES on the LO Schools Levy Renewal on May 16! Sign up to write postcards on your own time: Packets of cards, addresses and instructions will be available for you to pick up at your child's school starting Wednesday, April 5. Completed cards are due back at school by Wednesday, April 26.
Questions? Contact Courtney Clements and Heather Wick at
Join us on the school playground and surrounding fields for the Spring Social where families can enjoy food trucks, two face painters, a photo booth, spirit wear for sale and lots of fun! This community building event will offer food for purchase on the school playground on Wednesday, May 17 from 5-7:30 pm.
Lake Grove PTA’s Dining for Dollars program helps our school earn funds while supporting local businesses. This is a program that can easily be managed by a single volunteer at any time of day throughout the school year, taking a minimal time investment to provide a monthly cadence of restaurant partnerships. A contribution of approximately 2 hours per month can result in thousands of dollars for our students. If you’re interested in managing this program for the remainder of this year and continuing into the 2023-24 school year, contact
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357