Cougar Communication
August 12, 2023
Welcome back!
We are so excited to welcome everyone back to school next week!
I am writing to share some important information with you as it relates to the first week of school. Some reminders:
● First day of school: Aug. 17, 2023
● School starts at: 7:45
● School opens at 7:30 for drop-off students/walkers
● School ends at: 2:25
● The 2023-24 calendar can be found here
● The lunch menu can be found here
Here’s what’s coming up:
● Back to School Block Party: August 16th 11:00 - 3:30
We can’t wait to see our students back in the classrooms. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact our office at 970.488.8600.
Enjoy the last few days of summer break!
Construction Update
Construction is nearing completion inside our new Eyestone South location, with new flooring, paint, cabinetry, and ceiling tiles installed and ready for the start of classes on Aug. 17. The Early Childhood Education wing at our Eyestone North building is also nearing completion, and we look forward to welcoming 160 preschoolers on Aug. 21.
A few updates, as we head into the new school year as a two-building campus, are below.
Traffic Patterns
Anyone using the car line to pick up or drop off kindergarten through second-grade students will now be entering from Sixth Street onto the road above the Eyestone North building and exiting west on Wilson Avenue. Drivers should use the left lane. This traffic flow is the opposite of last year’s traffic flow.
Anyone using the car line to pick up or drop off third- through fifth-grade students will use the car loop below the Eyestone South building, entering from the east off Grant Avenue and exiting going west on Grant Avenue.
PSD buses will enter off Sixth Street onto Wilson Avenue, enter the Eyestone North parking lot, loop around the parking lot, and exit going west on Wilson.
For Early Childhood student pick up and drop off, drivers will enter from Sixth Street onto the road above the Eyestone North building and exit west on Wilson Avenue. Cars should travel in the right lane.
Parking Lots
The new parking lot at the Eyestone South building will not be complete in time for the start of the school year. The Eyestone North parking lot and the old Wellington Middle School parking lot will remain open.
You may have noticed that the crosswalk lights and signs have been removed. We will reinstall the crosswalk lights and signs before school starts at a new location directly to the west of the green pumphouse. The crosswalk will connect to a new sidewalk at Eyestone South.
Block Party
Kindergarten Start Information
- Thursday, August 17th - Kinders with last name beginning with A-L
- Friday, August 18th - Kinders with last name beginning with M-Z
- Monday, August 21st - All Kinders
Eyestone Elementary
Email: kbroadbelt@psdschools.org
Website: https://eye.psdschools.org/
Location: 4000 Wilson Avenue, Wellington, CO, USA
Phone: (970)488-8600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eyestoneelementary
Twitter: @EyestoneCougars