January 2022
The Eagle Scholars Program
An Unambitious But Potentially Transformative New Year's Resolution
I've always been a New Year's Resolution guy. And by that I mean I've always made them. Each year, I sit down with a notebook and sketch out the habits I'd like to break and to form, and all the goals I'd like to reach. I've consumed countless books, articles, and podcasts on the topic. I've divided resolutions up into categories (physical, mental, financial, emotional, spiritual, relationships). I've reduced them to quarterly and monthly goals. I've started and stopped gym memberships, adopted and abandoned diets, downloaded and deleted apps, and become a total bore to my friends and family in the process, regaling them with all my grandiose plans for improvement, only to fall apart by the third week in January.
For 2022, I'm keeping it much simpler. It doesn't sound groundbreaking, or even very ambitious, but if I can do this, the benefits will be immeasurable:
Eight hours of sleep. Every night.
Consider the drawbacks of not getting a good night's sleep: fatigue, irritability, weight gain, taking longer to make decisions, "cognitive rigidity," mood swings, and other really bad stuff (anxiety, depression, and psychosis are not far behind).
Disclaimer: I've had my bouts with insomnia and they are awful. I don't wish them on anyone, and I'm not suggesting there is anything easy about getting eight hours of sleep, even if you make time for it.
Still, it's en vogue among my peers to brag about their lack of sleep (if you have a small child, you're excused). This badge of honor comes just under how "busy" their life is. But if I must choose exhausted or busy, I'll take busy.
Simply, eight hours of sleep every night will make me a better person. I will be more engaged in my job, more connected to my family, more likely to exercise and socialize, more likely to eat healthy, more likely to engage with my kids at 5:30 pm after a long day of work and a stressful commute.
And now we turn to our students, who are, along with American adults, in the midst of a sleep crisis. Many of my students go to bed around midnight (at the earliest) and wake up at 6, often with their phone on the bedside table (or worse, under their pillow) so they don't miss a notification. Then they slog through the school day, sometimes catching a nap, rinsing and repeating for the next day, all the while irritated, distracted, foggy, and emotionally volatile. This pattern is at best unsustainable, at worst catastrophic.
As an educator, nothing would make me happier than interacting with well-rested students all day, given all of the aforementioned benefits.
So what can you do?
You could have your child write a book report on Matthew Walker's 368-page book, Why We Sleep (fascinating read).
Or you could share these tips:
Limit screens in the bedroom
Cut out the caffeine
Do not binge eat before bedtime
Have a good routine
Create a sleep-friendly bedroom
Talk through any problems before bed
Avoid sleeping in too much on the weekend
Happy sleeping!
Top: They make it look so easy
Eagle Scholars Junior Meeting
WHERE: Thurston Media Center
WHY: SAT, College, AP classes, and more!
Thursday, Feb 3, 2022, 01:45 PM
Media Center
High School
For one-on-one support with the essay or your college search in general, sign up for a lunch meeting here. Please check out with Ms. Ogden in the front office.
FAFSA + CSS PROFILE - These two forms are critical to your financial aid process. All schools require the FAFSA; the CSS PROFILE is only required by these schools. It is in your best financial interests to complete FAFSA ASAP!
Letters of recommendation and transcripts must be requested through Naviance.
For one-on-one support, sign up for a lunch meeting here. Details forthcoming about mandatory seminar meetings! Directions to my office: https://youtu.be/m6Xr-VTvB-4
A virtual visit with U of M Ann Arbor is on Tuesday, December 7th, during Seminar. Please see Flex Time Manager for instructions,
For one-on-one support, sign up for a lunch meeting here. Check Flex Time manager for invites to Seminar meetings. Directions to my office: https://youtu.be/m6Xr-VTvB-4
For one-on-one support, sign up for a lunch meeting here. Check Flex Time manager for invites to Seminar meetings. Directions to my office: https://youtu.be/m6Xr-VTvB-4
Middle School
Monday Eagle Scholars Study Sessions
What: Eagle Study Sessions, and opportunity to work on assignments with other scholars, ask for assistance while working.
Time: 3:10-4:10, no bus transportation, parent/guardian must commit to picking up at 4:10 or giving permission to walk home.
Location: 5C, Mrs. Wilson's Room
Sign Up Required Prior to Each Session: Look for an email from Mrs. Wilson the Friday prior to each study session. Students must be signed up via the Google form in order to attend. Study sessions are limited to the first 25 students, and the Google form will be available when emailed each Friday prior to a session until 4 pm on Sunday.
*Note* This models the homework clinic available on Mondays and Thursdays. If this session fills or you prefer to have your child attend 2 days a week, you are welcome to sign up for that instead.
“Me: We need to fall asleep. Brain: No, let’s stay awake and think about every decision we made today.” — Anonymous
The South Redford Eagle Scholars Program
Email: rory.hughes@southredford.org
Website: eaglescholars.southredford.org
Location: 26249 Schoolcraft Avenue, Redford Charter Township, MI, United States
Phone: 313-444-2590
Facebook: facebook.com/eaglescholarsprogram