Weekly Updates - Students/Parents
October 16, 2023
Weekly Schedule
Monday, October 16, 2023 - Regular Bell Schedule
- Hate Ends Now Trip
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - Regular Bell Schedule
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - Regular Bell Schedule
Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 1 Hour Advisory
- Community Meeting
Friday, October 20, 2023 - Special Schedule (Coming Soon)
- Community Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 24, 2023, 09:00 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Please join our Bilingual Counseling Assistants (BCAs) and administrators for an opportunity to get your questions answered and learn what supports are available to students and families in multiple languages. BCAs will be present in Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese), Vietnamese and Indonesian. Please RSVP here.
Weekly Shout Outs
- To Ms. Donnelly and Ms. Pray for their amazing coordination of SAT/PSAT Day! Considering this was the first digital PSAT administration, they were able to keep everyone calm and we persevered through the glitches that were beyond our control. Thanks to Ms. Sky for making sure everyone had a Chromebook, and being there for technical support. Thank you to all of the staff and students who despite the technical issues were able to get done what many schools and districts across the country did not.
- To Coach Reca, Ms. Fisher and Mr. Sheridan for a great Senior Night! Congratulations to all senior football players and cheerleaders who got to honor their parents at Friday's victory over KIPP at their last regular home game of the season. Thank you to the crowd, who came out in record numbers, and who were energetic and supportive despite the new spectator policy.
- To Ms. Bond, Mr. Leary, Ms. Donnelly, Ms. Fritz, Ms. Billips, Mr. Rey and our Fabulous Griffin Ambassadors who represented Palumbo this week at the K-12 Philly School Fair. We got the opportunity to attend the opening press conference with Superintendent Watlington, and meet many great prospective families.
Dear Palumbo Families,
Did you know you can work at the polls on Election Day and get paid? No experience necessary, and it's a great addition to your resume. You can earn $250 for the training and working Election Day on November 7th!
There are 3 jobs students can do:
- Clerk - Have people sign-in with an electronic poll book.
- Machine Inspector - Set up and operate the voting machines.
- Bilingual Interpreter - Help people that need language access (If you do more than one job, you can be paid up to $295).
If you'll be 17 on Election Day, follow these steps: Complete the online application: tinyurl.com/PhillyPollWorker17 A signature form will be emailed to you. If you don't receive the form, contact Involved17@phila.gov. Print out the signature form and ask your parent/guardian and your principal to sign the form. Scan an email the form to Involved17@phila.gov. [Alternatively, a staff member may collect forms and get the principal to sign them all at once. They can be scanned and emailed as one pdf file.] If you'll be 18 or older on Election Day, follow these steps: Register to Vote: payouth.vote/register (use a phone or touchscreen) Complete the Poll Worker Form: Vote.Phila.gov/Working-the-Polls Apply for a Mail-In Ballot: Vote.PA.gov/MailBallot. You'll vote by mail so you can work on Election Day.
If you want to also be a Bilingual Interpreter, apply here: Vote.Phila.gov/Working-the-Polls/Bilingual-Interpreters
If you have any questions, contact the City Commissioners' Office: Involved17@phila.gov.
Parade of Horrors - Halloween Day!!!
Home & School Meeting & Info.
Academy at Palumbo
Home & School Association
Next General Meeting
Wednesday, October 25
7-8 p.m. | Virtual
Meeting ID: 836 5565 7133 | Passcode: 173452
Open to Current Palumbo Families and Staff
HSA Membership Drive
Join Palumbo's HSA!
As a member, you will have the opportunity to:
* Get involved in school activities
* Meet other parents and families
* Make a difference in the lives of our students
Your membership dues grant you voting rights and help fund senior scholarships,
resources, and events for students and staff.
To learn more and to join today, visit palumbogriffinshsa.com.
October Calendar
Important - Medical Forms need updating
There are two medical forms that need yearly updating for all students. If you have not already done so, please complete the medical information form and the med-1 form which allows our nurse to administer medication to students while in school.
If your student tests positive for Covid, the reporting form can be found here as well.
Please contact nurse Stevens at cstevens@philasd.org if you have questions.