MSAA Matters
January Volume I
January 13, 2022
Happy New Year! I hope this newsletter finds you well, but I know that last week- your first week back was a tough one for many of you. Contact tracing pool testing, who would have ever thought that those phrases would become such an integral part of your lexicon.
This newsletter if filled with a plethora of resources from information on MSAA/MASC awards, the upcoming DEI Summit on Friday, January 21st, Ed Camp on Saturday, February 12th to the PreK-8 Spring Conference on Thursday, March 10th & Friday, March 11th, to outstanding resources on Martin Luther King in observance of the MLK Holiday on Monday, January 17th.
I have also included resources on Black History Month in February and finally I have included a great video on The Women's Suffrage Movement. It is put out by Suffrage100MA. You can learn more about this organization here. The link to the video is in the latest articles/videos/resources section of the Newsletter.
And finally, I have added a new section to the Newsletter, Career Opportunities.
Each year, MSAA/MASC awards are presented to students, advisors, administrators and schools that have made significant contributions to student council activities.
Nominations are currently being accepted online for each of these awards. Please utilize the links below to access the nomination forms and additional award details.
Please note - nominations must be submitted by schools that have registered Student Council as an MSAA Student Activity and are due by February 1, 2022.
Nomination Information:
Administrator of the Year Award
This award is presented to one school administrator in recognition of outstanding support for student council activities.
Henry Sullivan Advisor of the Year Award
This award is presented to one student council advisor in recognition of a commitment to excellence and service to young people in their school.
Top Ten Project Awards
These awards are presented to ten student councils who have submitted one of the ten most outstanding projects during the school year.
Unsung Hero Awards
These awards are presented to one student council member from each region of the state who goes above and beyond the call of duty on a regular basis with little or no recognition.
Massachusetts Partnership for Youth
Massachusetts Partnership continually offers high quality webinars as well as their upcoming Peace Poster contest. Click here to see the upcoming webinars. See below for the link to the Peace Poster Contest.
Mark your calendars for the annual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit on Friday, January 21st!
Before we know it the Saturday, February 12th EdCamp at MSAA it will be here, so mark that day in your calendars as well.
Our joint Pre-K Spring Conference with DESE is really coming to life; save the dates of March 10 and 11. Not only will it be timely and relevant, it will just be fun to be together.
DEI Summit Friday, January 21st
Stand Up and Speak Out
The courage to make our communities inclusive for all
The 5th Annual MSAA/MIAA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit is scheduled for Friday, January 21, 2022 from 8:30am-12:15pm. This VIRTUAL event with the theme “Stand Up and Speak Out – The courage to make our communities inclusive for all” is intended for students and school personnel from the MSAA and MIAA memberships.
Highlights for the event include:
· Keynote Speakers
· Concurrent Workshop Sessions
· Student and Adult Sessions
· Presentations by DEI Committee members
There is no cost to attend the virtual summit and advanced registration is required. Registration details will be emailed to member schools and administrators in the coming weeks.
Please contact Michael Rubin (mrubin@miaa.net) or Ethel Kawesa (ekawesa@miaa.net).
For additional information about MSAA/MIAA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives, please click here.
Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice 39th Annual National Missing Children’s Day Poster Contest
39th Annual Missing Children’s Day Poster Contest for Fifth Graders
Massachusetts Children’s Alliance (MCA) is excited to announce their partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) as a state manager for the 39th Annual Missing Children’s Day Poster Contest for 5th Graders. This nationwide contest is designed to promote awareness among teachers, parents/guardians and children and engage them in discussions about safety, with this year’s theme being “Bringing Our Missing Children Home”. Submissions are due January 21, 2022. The state-level winner will receive a pizza party for their class, and be eligible for the national prize package which includes a trip to Washington, D.C. for the national winner, his/her teacher, parents/guardians, and the state manager. See Poster Packet for more details (and contact the MCA for a Spanish version).
#MSAA Chat
#MSAAChat is on the second Tuesdays of the month September - June at 8:00 PM. The next chat is Tuesday, February 14th. Thank you to our facilitators: Marty Geoghegan, Bob Silveira, and Brian McCann!
DESE/MSAA/CEI Early Learning Team
2021-2022 Elementary School Principals Networking & Professional Development Series
Matthew Rodriguez from Equity Imperative and his team will deliver 3 professional development sessions (each 2 hours in length) on anti-racist leadership in the early grades. These sessions will be interactive and include whole group and small group discussions. The last session will take place from 3:00-5:00pm on: Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Pre-K-8 Spring Conference Thursday, March 10th and Friday, March 11th
The MSAA is pleased to announce a Spring Conference, jointly sponsored by MSAA, DESE, and CEI, focused on the needs of our PreK-8 membership. This conference was originally scheduled for March of 2020, however, COVID interrupted our plans and canceled the conference. The 2022 Conference concludes our joint year-long professional learning focus on Anti-Racist Leadership in the Early Grades and will bring our middle level partners into this work in a culminating 1 ½ day convening.
We are excited to return to the Devens Common Center in Devens, MA for this 1 1/2 day event scheduled for Thursday, March 10th and Friday, March 11th, 2022. We will kick off the event with Dr. Henry Turner as our opening keynote speaker on Thursday mid-afternoon. On Friday, a keynote presentation will be provided by Dr. Nicole Christian-Brathwaite along with a mother and her daughter to talk about the impact of racism on family, student engagement and social-emotional well-being.
We are excited to offer the opportunity for administrators to provide professional learning to other administrators. Each day will also offer breakout sessions facilitated by current MA administrators. Breakout sessions will be an hour and 15 minutes long. The theme for this year's conference will be Anti-Racist Leadership PreK-8. We are looking for a variety of topics for our break-out sessions that will be of interest to current PreK-8 leaders surrounding the conference theme or other pertinent topics related to social/emotional learning. Please consider submitting a proposal for a breakout session at our Spring Conference! The deadline for proposals is Wednesday, January 22nd. The MSAA Elementary and Middle Level Committees will be in touch with all applicants by Friday, January 24th. To submit your proposal: https://tinyurl.com/2p9eduua
Horace Mann
There is important information below on Horace Mann's Loan forgiveness program.
Current Articles/Videos/Podcasts/Resources
Resources for all levels:
Martin Luther King materials from Learning For Justice.
Video on Women's Suffrage Movement.
Resources for Black History Month
Closing Message from Bob Baldwin
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of ALL children. You are making a difference!
Warm Regards,
Beth Wittcoff
MSAA Assistant Executive Director
MSAA Matters Newsletter
Middle Level and Elementary Committee Liaison
Ring Central Gatherings
Career Opportunities
"Believe in the possibility that we can strive to be antiracist from this day forward."
From author Ibram X. Kendi in the book: How To Be An Antiracist
Latest Articles, Videos, and Relevant Resources
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth
Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice 39th Annual National Missing Children’s Day Poster Contest
Save the Dates
Friday, January 21st DEI Youth Summit
Saturday, February 12th ED Camp Live 8:00 AM 12:00 PM @MSAA Forge Park
Thursday, March 10th 2:00 PM 5:00 PM; Friday, March 11th 8:30 - 3:00 PM our PK-8 Spring Conference is back! Devens Commons
Monday, April 4th Ed Camp Play 2.0 in partnership with DESE - Virtual
Tuesday, April 12th Assistant Principal Conference In-person @ Doubletree Hotel Milford
MSAA Position Papers
See member email for links to these gatherings!
There will be no meetings on the Monday holidays.
1st Monday of the Month High School Administrator Gatherings 3 PM
2nd Monday of the Month Assistant Principal Gatherings 3 PM
2nd Monday of the Month PreK - 8 4 PM
3rd Monday of the Month Middle Level Administrators 3 PM
4th Monday of the Month All Level Administrators 4 PM
Professional Development Opportunities
February 10, 2022, Understanding and Addressing Implicit Unconscious Bias in Our Schools, Safe and Supportive Learning Environments, presented by Karen Dodd Antonelli, M.Ed., Ribas Associates and Publications, Inc, Register
Learning Portals open Oct 1, 2021 through January 15, 2022
The Inclusive Classroom: Reaching Students of ALL Abilities, through Co-teaching and Creating Tiered Interventions, Curriculum and Instruction, presented by Dr. Judy Ann DeLucia, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
Classroom Management: Keys to Maximizing Opportunities, for Student Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, presented by Dr. Curtis Bates, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
Differentiated Instruction to Promote Maximum Learning Recovery, Curriculum and Instruction, presented by Carol Gregory, Ribas Associates and Publications, Register
Learning Recovery, Curriculum and Instruction, presented by Cynthia Marchand, Ribas Associates and Publications Inc., Register 4 Graduate Credits Available
Succeeding with English Language Learners, English Language Arts, Dr. Cindy Crimmin, Ribas Associates and Publications Inc., Register Approved by DESE for the 15-PDP ELL License Renewal Requirement
Restorative Justice, Leadership/Administration, presented by Dr. Curtis Bates, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
How to Deliver Effective Feedback: Addressing What Matters Most to Improve Professional Practice, How to have a Difficult Conversation!, Leadership/Administration, presented by, Dr. Judy Ann DeLucia, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
Effective and Stress-Free Parent Communication, Leadership/Administration, presented by Jared Procopio, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
Expanding Math Mindsets: Digital Tools & Resources, to Engage Middle & High School Students, Mathematics, presented by Brian Skeffington, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
Understanding the Differentiated Instruction Classroom: A Certificate Program for Paraprofessionals and Assistant Teachers, presented by Carol Gregory, Ribas Associates and Publications, Inc., Register
Succeeding with Students with Special Needs: A Certificate Program for Paraprofessionals and Assistant Teachers, presented by Bill Simmons, M.Ed., Ribas Associates and Publications, Inc., Register
Succeeding with English Language Learners: A Certificate Program for Paraprofessionals and Assistant Teachers, presented by Dr. Cindy Crimmin, Ribas Associates and Publications, Inc., Register
SEL in the Classroom: A Certificate Program for Paraprofessionals and Assistant Teachers, presented by Dr. Deborah Brady, Ribas Associates and Publications, Inc., Register
Positive Anxiety - Making the Shift, Safe and Supportive Learning Environments, presented by Patric Barbieri, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC Register
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Academics and Social Emotional Learning to Maximize Student Learning, Safe and Supportive Learning Environments, presented by Maureen Gilman, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
Getting Back on Track: Using PBIS Strategies to Create Safe and Supportive Classrooms, Safe and Supportive Learning Environments, presented by Maureen Gilman, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
Sustaining Educator Wellness for the Long Haul, Safe and Supportive Learning Environments, presented by Christopher Dodge, Seaside Educational Consultants, LLC, Register
Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom: The Gateway to Learning Recovery, Safe and Supportive Learning Environments, presented by Dr. Deborah Brady, Ribas Associates and Publications, Inc., Register
1 Graduate Credit Available
Succeeding with Students with Special Needs, Special Education, presented by Bill Simmons, M.Ed., Ribas Associates and Publications, Inc., Register Approved by DESE for the 15-PDP Special Education License Renewal Requirement
Recovering Learning Loss for Students from Low Income Homes, Special Education, presented by Dr. Roseli Weiss, Ribas Associates and Publications, Inc., Register