Malcolm White Family Updates
June 30th, 2023
A Note from the Principal
Yesterday, we completed our 2022-2023 school year. It was an eventful, exciting year filled will learning and growth. We will miss our fifth graders a they move on to middle school and we are are excited to welcome our new kindergarteners in the fall. Teacher assignments will be shared in late August. From everyone at MW, we wish you a fun and relaxing summer.
Free Summer Meals for All Kids
2 Merrimac Street, Woburn, MA 01801
Open to Woburn and Winchester Residents
Servindo residentes de Woburn e Winchester.
Sirviendo a los residentes de Woburn y Winchester.
Food Pantry Hours (By appointment only)
Horários (somente com hora marcada ligue ou email)
Horario (solo con cita, llamada o correo electrónico)
781-935-6495 paula@socialconcern.org
Tuesdays and Thursdays/Terças e quintas/martes y jueves
9:45am – 12:00pm and 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Wednesday Evenings/Noites de quarta-feira/miércoles por la noche
6:00 – 7:00pm/18hrs as 19hrs
If you cannot make an appointment an emergency box can be picked up anytimE:
Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 4:30pm
>> Caso não possa marcar uma consulta, uma cesta alimentar de emergência pode ser
retirada a qualquer momento: segunda a sexta, das 9h às 16h30
>> Si no puede concertar una cita, puede recoger una canasta de alimentos de
emergencia en cualquier momento: de lunes a viernes, de 9h às 16h30
If you cannot get to the Food Pantry or call, you can have someone call for you or come by for
food. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call
Paula Matthews, Food Pantry Director (781) 935-6495 ext. 208
>> Se você não pode ir ao Food Pantry ou telefonar, outra pessoa pode ligar ou buscar sua
cesta. Para dúvidas ou agendamento de um horário, por favor ligue ou email Paula Matthews,
Diretora do Food Pantry 781-935-6495 paula@socialconcern.org
>>Si no puede ir a la despensa de alimentos o llamar, otra persona puede llamar o recoger su
canasta. Para preguntas o ter una cita, por favor llame o envíe un correo electrónico a Paula
Matthews, Directora de Despensa de Alimentos 781-935-6495 paula@socialconcern.org
Reminder from the Student Handbook
Opportunity for Families in Need
Food Insecurity is a concern for many in our MW Community. Below are two options for help.
- Fill out this Google Form to enroll in a program where your child(ren) will come home each week with a backpack filled with grocery staples.
- Click this link for information on the Council of Social Concern: Food Pantry located at
2 Merrimac Street, Woburn, MA 01801 Open to Woburn and Winchester Residents Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9:45am – 12:00pm and 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Woburn Recreation Department Flyer
WPS Pre-School
WPS Elementary School Handbook
Malcolm White Elementary School
Email: rnickerson@woburnps.com
Website: https://www.woburnpublicschools.com/malcolm/
Location: 36 Bow Street, Woburn, MA, USA
Phone: 781 937 8242