3-School Newsletter
Cooper Landing, Hope, and Moose Pass Schools
August 28, 2023
Moose Pass School: Mark Your Calendar
Friday 9/1: Field Trip to Russian River Ferry- More details and permission slips coming soon
Please follow this link to become an approved volunteer/chaperone
Monday 9/4: Labor Day No School
Wednesday 9/6: Hot Lunch Service Starts. Click here to apply for free and reduced lunch. Click here to see the menu.
Friday 9/8: Early Release- students released at 1:45, afternoon bus on 90 minute early release schedule as well.
Friday 9/29: Early Release- students released at 1:45, afternoon bus on 90 minute early release schedule as well.
Thursday 10/12: Early Release- students released at 1:45, afternoon bus on 90 minute early release schedule as well.
Friday 10/13: In-Service Day- No School for Students
Friday 10/20: Fire Prevention Presentation at Moose Pass Fire Hall
Thursday 10/26: No School Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
Friday 10/27: No School Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
Note to Parents about Hot Lunch:
We are so excited to welcome Dani Koschak as our new Food Service Manager. The students watched a pallet of food get delivered and put away today, so they are hungry with anticipation for hot lunch at Moose Pass School again!
Lunches are $3.50 for full pay students. Parents can add money to their students accounts through Power School. Please feel free to call the school if you need ant help navigating that system.
Cooper Landing School Updates
Dates to Remember
- Monday, September 4 - Labor Day - No School
- Friday, September 8 - Early Release at 1:45
- Friday, September 29 - Early Release at 1:45
- Monday, October 2 - Picture Day
Custodian Needed! The position is 4 hours per day, 5 days per week. The pay is $19.01 per hour. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please pass on this information.
Cooper Landing Chamber 2023 Summer Raffle
Enter for your chance to be the lucky grand prize winner of $1,000 when you purchase a raffle ticket in our Summer Cash Raffle. All participants have a chance to win one of twenty-two prizes, each with a value of at least $100 or more. Winner need not be present to win.
• 1 for $20
• 3 for $50
• 15 for $100
Visit our website for more information: https://cooperlandingchamber.com/summer-raffle/
To Purchase Tickets:
This fundraiser is presented by the Cooper Landing Chamber of Commerce with proceeds from the raffle benefiting the Cooper Landing Youth Group Program.
Donation Link
If you would like to make an online donation to our school with your credit card, here is a link: https://kpbsd.revtrak.net/k-12-schools/Cooper-Landing/cooper-landing-fundraiser/ Please note that a fee of 3.6% will be added to the total. Thank you for your support!
Hope School Happenings
We are pros! This has been an awesome start to our educational journey at Hope School. I am happy to report to parents their students are super busy, fantastically involved and super dedicated to their work. The playground has been a little damp this week. It never slowed our students down. Settling in is always a process and Hope School students made it look way to easy.
We could use your help with something Parents. Students need to have a pair of gym shoes and a pair of outside shoes. When it has been raining or is raining, these students need to have the appropriate gear to go outside. We have some extra shoes and some seasonal gear. However, we do not supply these things per size. These are donated items and we have a mix of sizes and types. Going out to play is very important to these children. I think maybe they could just need a little help getting those items to school and in their lockers. We know we can count on you.
We are still discussing the field trip. Ms. Dawn has been emailing all of you. Ms. Dawn and our teachers would like you to all attend the Field Trip Meeting coming up. It is tentatively scheduled for September 11th, right after school lets out at 3:30. If you have questions, this is an opportunity for you to ask them. Please come and make sure you get all of your questions answered.
A PTO meeting may be in the works soon. We encourage all parents to become new members and join in.
Did you sign up to volunteer? Would you like to be a substitute for the secretary, teachers, teachers aid or custodian? We would love for you to apply online through their quick and easy process. Please see the link provided below. You are all appreciated.
Important Dates:
September 4th: No School
September 11th: Field Trip Meeting after school at 3:30 (tentative)
September 8th: Early Release- students released at 2:00
September 27th - September 29th: Field Trip to Kasitsna Bay Ecology Laboratory
Friday 9-29: Early Release- students released at 2:00
Volunteers and Substitute Teachers
Hope School is always happy to have substitute teachers and volunteers. Opportunity is available for both positions currently. Please consider one or both positions https://www.applitrack.com/kpbsd/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Volunteer+Screening+Process
Here is a link to your new school calendar for this school year.
COVID POLICY: Covid information available on district website: https://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/content.aspx?id=42180
Hope School Staff