Happy New Year!
Circle G Ministry
How can ANOTHER year have passed so quickly?? I’m not entirely sure how this is possible. Nonetheless, here we are at the beginning of a brand new year—actually, a brand new decade! As we reflect on 2019 and look forward to 2020, one thing remains exactly the same....our gratitude for you. You’ll never know this side of heaven how important you are to Circle G Ministry. Last year we had the privilege of sharing Jesus in churches, barns, and arenas from California to Ohio to Indiana to North Carolina, and many points in between. Your support sent us to each of those places. Your prayers kept us safe coming and going. We said all that to say this: Thank you for being part of the team. We love you so much! --BJ & Maryanne Grimmett
Circle G Ministry
Email: bj@circlegministry.org
Website: www.circlegministry.org
Location: PO Box 148, Union, WV 24983
Phone: (681) 214-5512
Facebook: facebook.com/circlegministry