Elementary Counselor Newsletter
#4 - October 28th, 2022
November: A Time For Gratitude
A growing body of groundbreaking research shows that
gratitude has the power to heal, energize, and transform lives by enhancing people psychologically, spiritually, physically, and cognitively.
Red Ribbon Week: In Review
Working for our futures without drugs
Giving drugs the boot
Making Drugs Walk The Plank
November Events Calendar
Campbell Fall Festival - November 5th
National Child Identification Program
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has sent National Child Identification kits for every student in Campbell ISD. The purpose of the kit is so you "can provide this information to authorities to help reunite a missing child with your family". This program is OPTIONAL. You keep the envelope at home with you in case of an emergency. These envelopes will go home on Monday, October 31st.
Inside the envelope you will find:
- ink-less fingerprint kit
- medical information form
- DNA section
- Applicator
For more information go to: https://childidprogram.com/
A Fun Halloween Safety Song
Brandy Clifton, School Counselor
Email: bclifton@campbellisd.org
Website: https://www.campbellisd.org/Page/47
Phone: 903-246-9305