York Middle School February Newsletter
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
Greetings YMS Parent(s):
What a great start we have had for the second half of our school year. Students and teachers came back ready to put forth a great effort and to improve every day. This is an important time for the growth of your child(s) education this year. Some of the most significant gains and unfortunately losses can occur in the winter months of a school year. The adults in this building are going to work hard to make sure students at YMS show gains and we know that you will support YMS by doing the following:
Make sure that your child gets schoolwork/practice done. Let your child know that you think education is important and that schoolwork needs to be done each day. You can help your child with practice by setting aside a special place to study, establishing a regular time for practice, and removing distractions such as the television and social phone calls during work time.
Ask questions. If something concerns you about your child's learning or behavior, ask the teacher or principal about it and seek their advice. Your questions may be like these — What specific problem is my child having with reading? What can I do to help my child with this problem?
Demonstrate a positive attitude about education to your children. What we say and do in our daily lives can help them to develop positive attitudes toward school and learning and to build confidence in themselves as learners. Showing our children that we both value education and use it in our daily lives provides them with powerful models and contributes greatly to their success in school.
Monitor your child's television, video games, and Internet use. American children on average spend far more time watching TV, playing video games, and using the Internet than they do complete homework or other school-related activities. Make time each day for your child to read and do homework before the technology is turned on.
Encourage your child to be responsible and work independently. Taking responsibility and working independently are important qualities for school success. You can help your child to develop these qualities by establishing reasonable rules that you enforce consistently, making it clear to your child that he has to take responsibility for what he does, both at home and at school, showing your child how to break a job down into small steps and monitor what your child does after school, in the evenings and on weekends.
A perfect time to talk to your child(s) teacher is February 7 & 8 from 4:30-8:30 or February 9 from 8 am-noon & 1 to 3 pm. Our teachers want to partner with parents because we both want the same thing...for your child to succeed. Please come talk with us at PTC!
We are going to have a great second semester as both parents, teachers, and staff work to improve the educational experience for students at YMS.
Kenny Loosvelt
YMS Principal
Counselor Connection
Jen Badura, York Middle School Counselor
NAEP Assessment
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students know and can do in various subjects. NAEP is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics, within the US Department of Education. NAEP is different from our state assessments because it is a common measure of achievement across the country. The results are released as The Nation’s Report Card, which provides information about student achievement to educators, parents/guardians, policymakers, and the public.
Each year, certain districts are chosen to participate in the NAEP. We are excited that this year, York Middle School was chosen to participate. We know that York Middle School students will show what our nation’s students know and can do.
On February 28, some York Middle School students will take part in the assessment.
Not all students will take the assessment. This year, some of our 8th graders will take either a Reading test or a Math test. Students were chosen at random and we were informed which students would participate. A total of 48 students have been selected. If your student was one of those selected, a letter will be mailed home to you soon.
There is no need to study in preparation for NAEP, but if your child is one of those who has been chosen, please make sure they are at school on February 28 and encourage them to do their very best.
Individual and individual school scores will not be available and your child’s grades will not be affected.
If you would like to read more about the NAEP, you can go to this website https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/
Report Cards
We will not be mailing the 2nd quarter/semester report cards home, until the end of the school year, in May. You can access grades on the parent portal on Infinite Campus. Please direct any specific grading questions to the classroom teacher. You can access the Infinite Campus parent portal using the directions below:
·Visit https://necloud1.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/york.jsp
· Log in with the proper username/password (contact YMS to reset password if needed)
· You may be asked to verify your device as trustworthy for security purposes.
· Select your student.
· Click the three horizontal lines on the upper left hand corner.
· You will be able to access Grades, Schedules, Attendance Records, Fees, and Documents. (Q2/Semester Report Card can be found under Documents)
🌨️Weather-Related Updates🌨️
In case of a weather emergency, we will follow the procedure that has been used in the past years. That procedure is as follows:
1. Radio Station Kool (103.5 FM, 1370 AM) and KTMX-FM (104.9) will again serve as our primary source for dispensing "school closing information" they are 24 hour stations.
2. If severe weather necessitates an early dismissal, a school cancellation, or information concerning school buses, it will be broadcast on Kool and KTMX.
3. Bus drivers are instructed to use good judgement in determining whether a road is passable. The Transportation Department will notify parents where children can be loaded if a specific road cannot be traveled. Buses will travel the regular routes and maintain a time schedule consistent with the conditions of the road.
4. "Emergency Messages" will be sent to our student's parents and guardians who have an email or cell phone number listed in Infinite Campus, and the YPS Staff. Information will be posted on our website at www.yorkpublic.org, on our Facebook page at York Public Schools and on Twitter at @MitchBartYPS (#yorkdukes). Parents and Guardians- please be sure the school has your current email address and cell phone number in order to be notified!!
📆 Our Schedule for February
Important Dates 📆
Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Wednesday Feb 7th 4:30-8:30PM
- Thursday Feb 8th 4:30-8:30PM
- Friday Feb 9th 8:00AM-Noon & 1:00-3:00PM
February 28 NAEP Testing for 8th Graders- Randomly Selected
Lunch Menu
Student Senate
🎶Music Notes🎶
March 14 and 15 YMS Musical @ Highschool- 7:00 PM
Special thank you to the Fine Arts Boosters for donating the backdrop for the musical and thank you to all those who are helping with the musical.
Make sure you sign up, to get reminders and musical information, either on the Remind App or via text.
Send this message: @famejr24 via text to 81010
Below is the Remind Link:
Spelling Bee Participants
Congratulations to these students representing YMS at the York County Spelling Bee!!
6th Grade
Harding Turner, Brylee Nielsen, Cameron Crosnoe, Autumn Pinneo, Makinley Davis
Avery Wardyn, Carl Wilson Alternate: Cortland Peters
7th Grade
Rosalie Fairbanks, Braylyn Rystrom, Adelyn Kadavy, Jordan Franssen, Michael Guzman, Olivia Neilsen, Kinsey Gieck
8th Grade
Bridget Kavan, Kaleb Hindal, Liam Pfiefer, Emma Bearden, Lily Perkins, Hudson Linabery,
Paige Nienhueser Alternates: Kaley Nunnenkamp, Mason Johnston
A note from the Nurse......
February is Dental Health month. Teens need to continue to practice and develop healthy habits to ensure that their adult teeth stay with them for a long time! Healthy teeth are strong teeth.
Brush teeth and clean between teeth twice a day, every day.
Limit snacks and beverages with lots of sugar. Water is the perfect drink of choice.
Dental sealants (a special plastic coating) act as a barrier for teeth and help to protect cavity-prone areas.
Use mouthguards to give protection to their teeth when playing sports or participating in activities like skateboarding. Mouthguards help to protect teeth from getting broken or knocked out.
Schedule regular dental checkups as a preventative measure.
Vision, hearing and dental screenings are being conducted during the 3rd quarter for 7th grade students. If a student does not meet the screening guidelines set forth by the state, a letter recommending further evaluation will be sent to the parent/guardian. If you have concerns regarding your child’s hearing, vision or dental health, please follow up with a physician/eye doctor/dentist even if you do not receive a letter of referral.
Contact Us
Kenny Loosvelt, Principal
Email: kenny.loosvelt@yorkdukes.org
Website: www.yorkpublic.org
Location: 1730 N Delaware Ave York, NE 68467
Phone: (402)362-6655 option 1
Facebook: York Public Schools