Warrior Weekly

Los boletines se publican a través del sitio web de SMORE. El sitio web SMORE tiene una opción de "traducir" disponible, ubicada en la parte superior del programa. Si tiene preguntas o está confundido acerca de la información compartida en este boletín, comuníquese con nuestro intérprete del distrito al (608) 206-5730
The bulletins are published through the SMORE website. The SMORE website has a "translate" option available, located on the top of the program. If you have questions or are confused about the information shared in this newsletter, please contact our district interpreter at (608) 206-5730.
Health Office to Home
Absent Request Portal
Parents/Guardians, thank you so much for embracing the Absence Request Portal in Infinite Campus! We hope this usually makes dealing with attendance issues quicker and more efficient. With so many illnesses going around right now there is one particular way we could work together.
If your student is ill during the school day, please always send them directly to the health office, instead of using the request portal. For safety’s sake, we need a chance to ensure that your student is safe to get themselves home AND it allows us to be aware of any illness trends in the student body. We will always be in favor of sending a sick student home as soon as possible! We only wish to speak with them briefly, confirm your agreement to have them leave school, and ask them to sign out. Simple and quick for everyone! Thanks so much!
Library Media & Technology Center (LMTC)
"Thing of the Month" Winner Announced!
November's "Thing of the Month" winner is...Logan! Congratulations on correctly guessing the dust mop head frame. Logan, you've won a Kokopelli coupon prize! Stop by the LMTC to claim it.
"Thing of the Month" for December
December's new item is in the glass case in the LMTC. Please come by and take a look for a chance to win a Kokopelli coupon.
Time to Decorate!
For fun and relaxation in December, we are asking students (and staff) to help decorate the LMTC for winter.
Option 1: Ask Mrs. Brown for a piece of plain printer paper and scissors to make a good old-fashioned cut-out snowflake to hang.
Option 2: Ask Mr. Schiemann to use the Cricut Maker machine to design and have the printer cut out an intricately designed unique snowflake on special cardstock paper.
You Can Make a Difference
Activities for the Week
The goal of Ally Week is to diminish stereotypes and exclusion while highlighting that peer support is important to everyone in our student body. Each day this week we will highlight a way that students can be good allies.
- Monday, December 11: Plant/Nature Day
- Tuesday, December 12: Twin Day
- Wednesday, December 13: PJ Day
- Thursday, December 14: Fancy/Formal Day
- Friday, December 15: Rainbow Colors Day
Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
The Parent Advisory Committee meeting is Monday, December 11 at 6PM, via Zoom. The Agenda will include: 1) School Report Card; 2) UW Direct Admission; 3) Student Survey; 4) Freshman Academy; 5) Evening Security Guard; 6) Robotics. Please email: cindyrichardson@waunakee.k12.wi.us to request the Zoom link.
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings are designed to keep parents informed about high school program changes, program additions, goals, issues that arise, etc. These meetings are also important as they offer parents an opportunity to provide input into decisions that are made at the high school which impact their children.
Community Education Workshop
There is still time to sign-up for the Holiday Gift Giving Adult Workshop on December 14th, 6-8 PM. For complete information, please view the flyer below.
Holiday Gift Giving Workshop
Taller de regalos para las fiestas
Supporting WNC
Holiday lights, phone chargers, and electrical cords (w/plugs on) will continue to be collected now through January 31, 2024. Consider donating your old cords and/or cables (no charger blocks) to the WNC Cord Collection! Cords can be in ANY condition and will be recycled. In turn, WNC will receive $$$ per pound for each type of wire. The proceeds will in turn be used to support WNC programs and clients...AND non-renewable resources out of our landfills!
Questions? Contact Jessica North at: jessicanorth@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Post Prom Committee Meeting
Join Us!
The next Post Prom Committee Meeting will be at 6:30 PM on Monday, December 18, 2023 in the Activity Room at the Village Center. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to attend to help plan this fun event!
Waunakee Tribune Requests Senior Photos
Attention Seniors
Waunakee Tribune is planning its graduation edition and is asking school district families to submit photos of their senior student/s. Email picture/s to tribnews@hngnews.com, send by U.S. Mail or drop off at Tribune Office. The deadline is January 12, 2024.
The graduation section will be featured in color, so color pictures are preferred. The Tribune will need the name of the graduating senior, as well. It will be published the Friday before graduation. Contact Roberta Baumann, Waunakee Tribune Managing Editor with questions.
Madison College
Madison College Free Application Workshop AND Madison College Scholars of Promise Application Support - Tuesday, December 19, 2023, 9:00-11:00 a.m. AND 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Seniors, if you are planning to attend Madison College and have not yet applied, you're encouraged to attend this application workshop! Bilingual support in Spanish will also be available. There will also be support for students who wish to apply for Scholars of Promise. Please stop in for a pass or register in FlexiSched under Mr. Landis. If you have any questions please stop by the Counseling Office.
UW-Madison Summer Enrichment Program
📚Looking for a great summer enrichment opportunity? UW-Madison's Badger Pre-College summer program applications are now open. More information can be found on the Badger Pre-college website.
Attention Families of Incoming 9th Graders
✏️Families with an incoming 9th grader are invited to join us for a presentation to learn about the WCHS, and opportunities available. Students are encouraged to attend on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 from 6:00-7:00 PM in the Performing Arts Center-High School. Contact Counselor Sarah Stimart with questions at 608-849-2100.
Student Financial Assistance Campaign
The Waunakee Community School District is committed to ensuring that all students and families can participate in their school communities regardless of a family’s financial situation and ability to pay. Scholarships or payment plans are available to any student who has been approved for the free/reduced meal program, and may be available to any student whose families have a financial need due to unique circumstances.
The Student Financial Assistance Fund is proud to have provided $45,000+ in dollars to support students and families for the 2022-2023 school year. It is our hope that in the future this amount can increase to provide even more support for those in need. We are especially grateful to our community, staff, local partners and businesses, etc. for donating to the Student Financial Assistance Fund to make these requests possible year after year.
We invite you to support our campaign this school year. Donate Online TODAY
Website I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/families/student-financial-assistance
Checks I Waunakee Community School District, 905 Bethel Circle, Waunakee, WI 53597
Aquatic Center Offerings
Please visit the Aquatic Center website for more information and to view the winter 2024 program offerings.
Programs include: 1) Youth Swimming Lessons*; 2) Lifeguard Training (15 years of age and up); 3) Family Swim; 4) Lap Swim (Adult); 5) Masters Swimming (High School to Adult).
* PLEASE NOTE: Waunakee Aquatic Center winter swim lesson registration opens December 7th at 6PM. Winter session swim lessons will meet on Sundays - January 14 - March 3.
Families are encouraged to review the swimming lesson placement criteria to help determine the proper level. We expect classes to fill very quickly. Moving swimmers to a different level/class will be unlikely due to classes being at capacity. Swimmers who do not meet the criteria for the class they are registered for will be issued a refund if there is not an available seat in a class that fits their swimming ability.
ACT Prep Class for Juniors
Students in the ACT Test Prep Class will learn and practice strategies for taking the ACT test. The class will examine the sections of the test and will discuss the strategies and timing needed for each section. Students will need a pencil, a calculator, and a watch. See the flyer below for complete details.
ACT Test Prep Class
Preparación para el examen ACT
Inclement Weather & Cancellations
Weather Information
This is information regarding inclement weather and cancellations of school.
Communication - Snow Day Procedures 2023-2024
Our website is updated, as well.
District 3 DECA Competition
The DECA competition will be held on Saturday, January 6, 2024 and the competition would not be possible without your support and expertise to make this first round of competition possible.
In order for Waunakee DECA to bring students to the competition, we must provide judges for this event. SIGN UP! at: http://tinyurl.com/D3WIDECA. Please identify Waunakee as the school that recruited you. The event begins at 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM (approx.) at DeForest Area High School.
Thank you for considering and for your continued support of Waunakee DECA. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Maggie Biermeier or Sandra Meinholz if you have questions.
Reserve Your 2024 Yearbook Today!
Our 2023-2024 yearbooks are for sale at the order center.
Click the link HERE to purchase.
Enter School Code 3927.
$55 until 12/31/2023; $65 until 05/01/2024; $75 until 07/06/2024; Personalization Sales end 05/01/2024; All Online Sales End 07/06/2024. Quantitites are limited. Don't Miss Out!
2023-2024 Assessment Dates
ACT (Juniors): Tuesday, March 12, 2024 | 7:45 am-1:30 pm
No School (Frosh, Sophomores, Seniors)
Accommodated window: March 12-22, 2024
Forward Exam (Sophomores): Wed., April 3 & Thurs., April 4 | US History & AP US History Class
PreACT (Freshmen): Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
PreACT (Sophomores): Thursday, April 18, 2023 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Freshmen, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
**NOTE: Students with multi-day testing accommodations will need to be at school for both testing days.
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM): WI test window March 18-April 26, 2024
AP Exams: May 6 - 17, 2024 | AM: 7:45 am-12:00 pm | PM: 11:45 am-4:00 pm
See detailed course listing below
Late Testing - May 22-24, 2024
Scholarships or Payment Plans Available
Scholarships or payment plans are available to any student who has been approved for the free/reduced meal program and may be available to any student whose families have a financial need due to unique circumstances.
Please contact Teri Reible at 608-849-2000 to learn more about these opportunities. If you need assistance in a language other than English, please call the district interpreter and translator at 608-849-2000, option 2.
Waunakee Community Cares Coalition
The Waunakee Community Cares Coalition (WCCC) is dedicated to keeping Waunakee healthy and resilient. To receive updates of all of the trends, resources available, and community initiatives in the spaces of alcohol/drug prevention and mental health, please sign up for their monthly newsletter.
Link to sign up to receive newsletter: https://www.waunakeecares.org/contact
Link to our resource pages: https://www.waunakeecares.org/resources-1
Lunch Menus
Here is What's Cookin'!
Taher Food Services menus can be viewed through the link below:
Contact Information
Waunakee Community High School
301 Community Drive
Waunakee, WI 53597
Phone: (608) 849-2100
Website: whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us