Dolphin Update
Jones Dolphins Make a SPLASH!
The week of December 11th...
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Our Learning Community...
On Friday we had our first Achievement Awards. It was wonderful to recognize students for Excellent Attendance during the 1st Trimester and for Achievements in the classroom. Our next awards ceremony will be after the 2nd Trimester on March 8th.
This week we have two exciting events! On Monday afternoon our 4th & 5th graders will perform at their instrumental music concert. Then on Friday morning UTK-5th grade will showcase their singing talents during the Winter Performance. There are flyers with more details below!
Have you been hearing about the Leader in Me at home? Now that we have launched with our staff and students, we are beginning to plan how to connect the learning with all of you. In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about Leader in Me here are some book recommendations....
Highlights from Last Week...
Our Student Council President Mila and Secretary Lilian shared Monday morning announcements over the intercom.
Student Council is collecting new, unwrapped toys for kids in the San Diego community!
When grade levels are participating in the VAPA rotation, teachers are collaborating in Professional Learning Communities.
4th & 5th Grade music classes preparing for their Winter Concert!
4th & 5th Grade Music Concert...
Jones Winter Performance...
Student Council Supporting the Community...
Looking Ahead...
11 - 4th & 5th Grade Winter Concert
11 - Fire Drill
15 - UTK - 5th Grader Winter Performance
18 - January 2 - No School: Winter Break
3 - School Resumes
10 - Fire Drill
12 - Leadership Spotlight Awards - Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind @Dolphin Mural
15 - No School: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
23 - SSC/SGT Meeting - Zoom
25 - Visual & Performing Arts Rotation (VAPA): 1st, 4th & 5th
Black History Month
1 - Visual & Performing Arts Rotation (VAPA): UTK, K, 2nd & 3rd
2 - Leadership Spotlight Awards - Habit 3: Put First Things First
12 - 15 - Kindness Week
16 - No School
19 - No School: President's Day
20 - SSC/SGT: Zoom
23 - Leadership Spotlight Awards - Habit 4: Think Win-Win
27 - Fire Drill
29 - Visual & Performing Arts Rotation (VAPA): 1st, 4th & 5th
Additional Resources for Families...
Contact Information...
Jones Elementary
Check out our school website for PeachJar Flyers, Counseling Resources, Family Handbook, Staff Contact Lists, After School Programs, Enrollment Information and so much more!
Location: 2751 Greyling Drive, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 605-8800
Twitter: @JonesElemSDUSD
Jones Elementary PTA
Our Parent Teacher Association works with Jones Elementary to provide programs and support to benefit the students, their families, teachers, school administration and the community. Run entirely by volunteers, the PTA raises money to support enrichment programs, program instructors, educational assemblies and field trips, family events, and special classroom supplies.
As always, we need your membership, support and ability to volunteer. You can become a member using Totem, a respected membership management service. Please contact us with other thoughts on how we are doing, and your ideas on how you can become involved. We look forward to hearing from you.
Location: 2751 Greyling Drive, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-8800