Byron Area Schools
High School and Middle School News
October 6, 2023
We are already half way into the first quarter of the school year. October 27 is the end of the first quarter for grades. It is always a good time to check up on grades, but as we near the end of a quarter, make sure to have your students take care of any missing work. Blank spots in the grade book do a lot of damage to the final grade total. I do have information below concerning Parent Teacher Conferences coming up in a few weeks.
Here are just a few reminders......
- Check dress code before leaving in the morning.
- Remind all students to sign in and out at the office when coming or going during the school day.
- Look over all grades before the end of the marking period. Get help now.
- Picture retakes October 13th
- Virtual day October 18th
Homecoming 2023
What a busy, but great week! It takes a lot of planning and work to carry out all the activities during Homecoming week. Thanks to Mrs. Shaw for taking over the role of Homecoming Director.
Thanks to all involved for any role in making it a special week. A lot of memories for our students were made. The week would not be what it is without the help of so many.
Lunch form reminders
Same reminders/information below as in the previous newsletter. Helpful information to explain the change and need for filling out the forms.
Behavior Coach
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please join us October 18 (3pm-6pm) and October 19 (4pm-7pm) for parent teacher conferences in the High School Cafeteria. This is an opportunity to check in with your student's teacher before the October 27th end to the first quarter. All Middle School and High School teachers will be seated at tables around the cafeteria. Please wait in line for the teachers you would like to meet with and try and keep these conferences to 5 minutes or less.
Positivity Project
Byron High School and Middle School will continue to use the Positivity Project this year. This is a valuable resource for us that is used in a variety of ways. Please look at the link provided and explore the program. https://posproject.org/
Teachers in the Middle School and High School have the ability to write students up for positive behaviors. These referrals are given when students are "caught in the act" exemplifying any of the 24 character traits taught in the Positivity Project. The pictures below are the first 11 students to receive recognition from a teacher this year.
Abel Hughes
Alexis Paine
Ben Sherwood
Blaine Matrau
Bradley Sroufe
Hailey Croley
Harmony Arcos
Owen Thomas
Violet Schmidt
Please consider helping the Athletic Boosters in any way that you can. It is very good to see them active again. Their efforts make a huge difference in Byron Athletics. Looks like the golf outing was a huge success. Thanks to all that participated or donated to the event.
- Contact-Don McLennan mclennan@byron.k12.mi.us
- 810-266-4620
The mission of Byron Area Schools is to educate all students
to become productive members of society.