Superintendent Community Update
January 12, 2024
Superintendent's Message
I hope that you had a restful winter break and are ready to take on the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year!
As January is National School Board Appreciation Month, I want to take this moment to thank our JUHSD Board of Trustees for their invaluable support of the students, staff, and families of this amazing educational community. Their vision and efforts to provide equitable access to all students do not go unnoticed. On behalf of the Jefferson Union High School District, we thank them for their commitment, dedication, and service.
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 15, all JUHSD sites will be closed. The annual King Holiday Observance is a time that we celebrate, commemorate and honor the life, legacy and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a National Day of Service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. I encourage you to honor Dr. King's legacy by engaging with the community and engaging in the work of non-violence, social justice, and equity. Below are some ways to be of service.
How To Get Involved
- Volunteer Saturday at Jefferson High School with the Second Harvest Food Bank and Pacific Islands Together. (Info below)
- Explore the Idealist website for volunteer tasks, and other locally-based volunteer opportunities.
- Search MLKDay.gov. Spearheaded by AmeriCorps, the site allows you to search MLK Day virtual and in-person volunteer opportunities in your community and explore numerous other resources.
- Find ways to support the National Civil Rights Museum.
- Champion everyone's civil rights by becoming an election worker or helping people register to vote.
- Use Catchafire to access flexible, virtual volunteer opportunities that exercise your skill sets and support causes you hold dear.
- Help seniors feel less lonely. Letters Against Isolation serves thousands of seniors in the US, and around the world.
- Volunteer to answer questions from students who want to work in your field when they grow up. CareerVillage.org's mission is to democratize career readiness by giving professionals a platform to give career information and advice to underrepresented youth.
This year’s theme for January 15, as announced by The King Center, is “‘Shifting the Cultural Climate through the Study and Practice of Kingian Nonviolence.” I encourage you to visit their website to learn more.
Happy New Year!
Toni Presta
Honoring Dr. MLK, Jr.
Each year on the third Monday of January, we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day and reflect on the work that still needs to be done for racial equality. This January 15, make the holiday more than just a day off and take time to reflect and take action on civil rights issues across the globe.
In observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, all JUHSD sites will be closed on Monday, January 15. To learn more about the history of this day, click here, along with ways to honor and celebrate this day in the Bay Area.
COVID 19 Updates
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has provided us with new COVID isolation guidance:
Students/employees allowed to return to school or work without the previous requirement of a 5-day isolation period.
Wear a face covering 10 days from the date of their positive test (Cal/OSHA).
Students/employees should stay home.
They may return to work or school when they start to feel better.
Wear a face covering for 10 days from the start of symptoms (Cal/OSHA).
We ask that students and employees who test positive for COVID-19 complete the Self Reporting Form. JUHSD appreciates your cooperation as we work together to maintain a healthy learning environment for our students and staff.
SAVE OUR SCHOOLS by clicking below!
Let's make some NOISE on January 22!
Click on the above image for meeting info!
JHS Students Receive Adobe Design Certification
As the fall semester wrapped up during the week of December 18, fifteen Jefferson High School students earned their Adobe Photoshop Visual Design Certification through the school's CTE (Career Technical Education) Digital Arts Pathway. Program teacher Cristina Lewis shared that these students spent two rigorous weeks taking practice exams before completing the final test and receiving this esteemed certification.
Congratulations to the following JHS Digital Arts students:
Kieron Calvo
Franco Dias
Mary Grace De La Rosa
Clive Go
Brian Gomez
Angeles Hernandez Sauceda
Rohan Marquina
Romar Marquina
Lucas Melo
Jackson Gonzalez Olmos
Elaiza Paras
Althea Rosario
John Kenneth Saligo
Kiel Tolentino
Bailey Wong
Save the Date - Mission Fusion at JHS, February 8-10!
Free Homework Help For The New Semester
Support Terra Nova Bands tomorrow! See event info below.
Cafeteria Menus for the Month
This is your moment to be Daly City's NEXT Youth Poet Laureate!
Deadline to apply is January 31!
Scroll Below for Events, Opportunities & Resources from Local Organizations and Community Partners!
Look for JUHSD at this event!
JUHSD's Equity Statement
Contact JUHSD: communication@jeffersonunion.net