Week of September 5, 2022 ISSUE 4
Dear Hillcrest Families & Staff
We hope you had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend and had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. We had a successful Back to School Night and Scholastic Book Fair. Thank you to all parents and guardians who came to campus and supported our teachers and 6th graders. Please remember to send your child with a water bottle. We will continue to keep the students indoors for recess while the Temperatures remain sweltering. Stay cool everyone!
ASB Elections - 9/9
*Upper Grade students will give speeches
*ASB Assembly after Lunch
*Elections will take place in the classrooms after the assembly
Snow Cones Wed/Fridays Afterschool
6th Graders are selling snowcones afterschool on Wednesday and Friday
Snow cones are $3
Paw-some Raffle on Friday
Our first raffle of the year is this Friday
All students with Paw-some Cards are eligible for the Raffle
Winners will be announced and photographed on Classdojo
What does it mean to be a Lighthouse School?
What it means to be a Leader in Me Lighthouse School
Join us on our Journey....
The Leader in Me Habit for the Month of September is: Be Proactive
**All students will receive leadership lessons
**All students will have the opportunity to practice/demonstrate being proactive
How To Change The World (a work in progress) | Kid President
Upcoming Events:
Monday 9/5
Labor Day - No School
Tuesday 9/6
Classified Staff Mtg, 9:30am
Teacher Staff Mtg, 3:00pm
Wednesday 9/7
Instructional Leaders Mtg, 9am
SnowCone Sales @ 1:35pm
School Planning, 2:30 -4:30pm
Thursday 9/8
Counselor/Principal Mtg, 9:50am
Friday 9/9
Coffee with the Principal, 9am (on Zoom)
ASB Assembly, 1pm
ASB Elections
SnowCone Sales @ 2:35pm