ELC at George Earle Weekly Update
Friday, November 11th, 2022
Celebrating World Kindness Day next week!
Wear your brightest colors on Monday!! We are kicking off the week with celebrating World Kindness Day. There will be no better way to start the week than with a day full of kind hearts. <3 In library that day we will be reading the book "The Caring Me I Want To Be!" and every child will get their very own copy to keep at home in their home libraries!! The kiddos can bring their books back on Monday, but we will not be doing check outs until their library time on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Kindergarteners honored their heroes!
For Veteran's Day, the ELC is teaching our students what a Veteran is and how much we appreciate them and their sacrifice. Classes will hold an observance on Veterans Day where students will participate in various activities that help them understand the concept of a soldier and Veteran. Students with Veterans in their family will recognize them with a special gift that they make. All students will create a craft, watch a video of one of our own Veteran's right here at the ELC, learn a song and listen to a read aloud. We have been collecting items for Soldier Care Packages and students will get to see just how much our school has collected to present to those family members among us that are in active duty. Solder Care Packages are items that have been brought in by our students and staff and it is a service project that is very close to our hearts. It is wonderful to see the children participate in the supply drive and then see the stack of the items boxed up and ready to be mailed to our soldiers.
A week full of Yoga!!
This week in specials Miss Johnson, our gym teacher, Mrs. Fraze, our librarian, and Mrs. Crouch, our music teacher are spending the week of November 11th focusing on Yoga! The kids will be learning different yoga poses, the power of deep breathing, stories about Yoga, and much more! Please make sure that every day this week the kids are dressed in clothes and shoes to do Yoga in! They will have five fun filled days of Yoga!
Here is the link to RSVP for Kindergarten & Coffee this Friday.
We are having a Spare Change Drive where all the money will be donated to our Building Brickies to donate for Giving Tuesday on 11/28. We kick off the collection on 11/1 and it goes all the way through 11/28 so send that spare change in!! The class with the most money collected will earn an ice cream party! Here is also a link to make donations online if you would like to contribute that way.
Click on the link below to sign up for Mindful Parents Connect.
Brickie Bulletin Board
School Hours
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/schoolhours to view the start and end times for the 22-23 school year, including Late Start Wednesday times.
School Calendar
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/calendar to view this year's updated school calendar.