Weekly Update
Brrrr- It's cold outside!
Students need to bring their snow gear to school
It's a matter of health and safety for our kids!
Did you know that the district mandates students play outside unless temperatures drop below -10°F?
It's true! This is why it is vital parents send their children to school with the proper gear.
Hats, gloves, scarves or face protection, snowpants, and boots need to come to school along with warm coats.
This week is looking to be another cold week in Trapper Creek. Please check with your children before they walk out the door to ensure they have all of their proper gear.
TCE Staff Contact
Mrs. Allison Wall - Principal, K-2nd grade teacher, & art teacher (907) 733-9452, 733-9457, 715-6544
Mrs. Melissa Everett-Laggis, Administrative Secretary, & Families in Transition (907) 733-9451
Ms. Meredith Franklin - 3rd-5th grade teacher (907) 733-9456
Ms. Samantha Thompson - Tutor Advisor, Library, PE, Community Enrichment