Gahanna Lincoln High School
A Message from Mrs. Williams
As the school year progresses, it's important to reiterate our expectations for lunchtime, both opened and closed. These expectations play a crucial role in maintaining a safe and positive school environment for our students.
Open Lunch Expectations (11th and 12th graders):
For students who are granted the privilege of open lunch (grades 11 and 12), please remind them of the following expectations:
Leaving campus for lunch is a privilege and students are expected to represent the GLHS brand in a respectable manner at all times.
The following regulations must be followed in order to maintain the open lunch privilege:
Students who leave campus for lunch must conduct themselves in a responsible manner when visiting off campus properties around Gahanna.
Students must exhibit appropriate behavior and safe driving during open lunch.
Students must display courteous behavior in all business establishments.
Students must respect the property of the homes and businesses in our community and remember that congregating on private property without the owner’s permission is considered trespassing.
School policies and code of conduct expectations are in effect during open lunch periods, even when off campus.
For the safety of all students and staff, all outside doors are secured throughout the day, therefore students returning from lunch may only enter the building through the lobby of Hamilton Hall or Lincoln Hall.
11th and 12th grade students may choose to stay in for lunch as well. Students staying on campus for lunch must remain in the designated lunch area until released.
Parents may contact an administrator to request closed lunch.
Disciplinary consequences for not following open lunch expectations may result in the loss of open lunch or other discipline as determined by school administrators.
Inappropriate behavior or misconduct including but not limited to fighting, theft, vandalism, and loitering at neighboring businesses are subject to discipline from the Gahanna Police Department.
Closed Lunch Expectations (9th & 10th graders):
Students are expected to speak in a low conversational tone and remain seated until dismissed from the designated lunch area.
Students are responsible for the disposal of their trash before the dismissal bell from the lunch area and must have tables cleared of trash and trays so that staff may clean the tables.
Students must remain in the designated lunch area during the assigned lunch period. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary consequences.
Cafeteria services are available in the café with plate lunches or a la carte options. The consumption of meals is permitted only in the cafeteria. Students are not allowed to eat meals in the lobby or hallways, including collaboration areas in Clark Hall. Failure to comply may result in discipline.
Thank you for your partnership in maintaining a positive school environment.
Graduation Information
Fall Play Information
This Fall Gahanna Lincoln High School’s Theatre Department is proud to present,
“You Can’t Take It With You”
By George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart
Show dates:
November 9th, 7:00 P.M.
November 10th 7:00 P.M
November 11th 7:00 P.M
Tickets can be purchased by clicking this LINK.
Gahanna Coat Connection
The Gahanna Coat Connection is a way to ensure that every student in the Gahanna-Jefferson school district can have a warm coat and outerwear! Simply click on this link, Gahanna Coat Connection, and fill out the Google Form under requests. Students from the high school ESS program will deliver the requested coat to your chosen home school.
***Looking for a way to support the Gahanna Coat Connection? We are in need of heavy winter gloves in child and adult sizes, gender-neutral scarves & hats, as well as coats in the following sizes: men's- small, medium, XL, & 3XL; women's- XL & 3XL. Feel free to drop them off at the high school or email Jill Long (longji@gjps.org) to coordinate a pickup. ***
Academic Support
Our PASS (Positive Academic Support Solution) Room is now open after school! It is open Monday - Thursday from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM, and is located in the library. The PASS Room is operated by GLHS teachers who are ready and willing to provide academic support on assignments. Below is the PASS Room schedule.
Trip to Italy
We’re going to Italy in Summer 2025 and your current 8th-10th grade student is invited!
Anna Loveless, an Intervention Specialist at Lincoln Elementary, will be leading this trip for GLHS students in summer 2025. It is not a school sponsored event.
Come hear all the details, including the itinerary, activities, academic opportunities, and the cost of our trip at our upcoming informational meeting on November 15th at 6:00 PM in the GLHS Library. Please click here to register for the meeting https://bit.ly/473cLQf. The meeting will also mark the official opening of enrollment!
There are limited spots on this tour, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
From the District
Gifted Visual and Performing Arts Referral Process
Each year school districts in Ohio are required to offer an opportunity for students in grades K-12 to be identified as gifted in the area of Visual and Performing Arts. The identified areas of giftedness for Visual and Performing Arts include Visual Arts, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Drama/Theater, and Dance. If you know of a student that may be gifted in an area of the Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) and would like for them to be screened for possible gifted identification in that particular area, please complete the Visual and Performing Arts Nomination Form.
Click here to learn more about the two-phase VPA gifted identification process.
Nominations will be accepted until noon on Monday, November 20, 2023, and will only be accepted using the Google link above.
If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Boyle at gjpsgifted@gjps.org.
GLHS PTO Campaign
It is that time again…The GLHS PTO has officially launched its Roar DONATION Campaign!
The GLHS PTO plays a pivotal role within the school, providing an opportunity to connect with other parents, teachers, and staff, creating open lines of communication where different issues and ideas are addressed to make positive change. Our parent-teacher organization can only achieve its goals with YOU! Please share the flyer below and link to our updated commercial.
COMMERCIAL LINK: https://youtu.be/NHSqNKdM1Zk
CommUNITY University
CommUNITY University is an opportunity for our GJPS adult community to come together and learn tools and resources for supporting our students' success in school and beyond. Mark your calendar for our first event on Nov. 9 at Clark Hall starting at 6 p.m. You can browse the GJPS CommUNITY University Course Catalog and then please register for the sessions you would like to attend by Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Encourage Your Lion to Get Involved!
We have OVER 40 clubs/activities and 27 sports at GLHS! Being involved in the PRIDE offers so many benefits, such as:
- Improves academic performance
- Allows students to explore interest and create broader perspectives
- Increases social opportunities
- Builds essential life skills (time management, goal setting, teamwork)
Click here to see our growing list of clubs/activities and sports, and encourage your Lion to get involved at GLHS!
Support Our GLHS Lions
Gahanna Lincoln Athletics uses an online platform to sell tickets for all home athletic events. Click the button below to purchase GLHS Athletics Tickets.
GJPS Heart & Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendar
November 13 Teacher PD Day No School for Students
November 22 Thanksgiving Break No School
November 23 Thanksgiving Break No School
November 24 Thanksgiving Break No School
December 20 End of 1st Semester
December 21-31 Winter Break No School
January 1 Winter Break No School
January 2 Teacher PD Day No School for Students
January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day No School
140 S. Hamilton Rd.
Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 478-5500