Summit Virtual Academy
Weekly Update - Week of May 08, 2023
Teacher Appreciation Week
Good afternoon, Blackhawks! This coming week is Teacher Appreciation Week. While I know you don't see your instructors in person, they do a lot to ensure the success of their students, from home! If you feel so inclined, take a minute to thank your instructor, or even a past teacher, for all that they do.
It looks like the weather has finally turned. I hope you all get a chance to get outside and enjoy the sun, but keep in mind we are in the home stretch. Be sure you are not falling behind in your classes. It is possible to finish early, but we cannot extend the semester.
Be sure to read below for information on NWEA testing and opportunities to meet with Mrs. Carly Stone, our Superintendent.
Have a great weekend, and Go Blackhawks!
Mrs. Koslowski
Summit Virtual Academy Principal
Mr. Belluomo
Summit Virtual Academy Counselor
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3! NWEA Edition
May is the season for Spring NWEA testing. All Summit Virtual students in grades K-10 are required to come in person to complete this test. Unlike SAT and PSAT testing, NWEA testing is not timed. Therefore, you will see arrival times listed below, but not pick up times. As soon as students are completed with their testing, they are able to be picked up. Details on NWEA testing are listed below:
When: NWEA testing is broken up into three testing dates. All testing sessions are set to begin at 8:00am
- Tuesday, May 16 - elementary and middle school Summit Virtual students (grades K-8)
- Wednesday, May 17 - all high school aged Summit Virtual students (grades 9-10)
- Thursday, May 18 - make up testing day for all Summit Virtual students unable to make it on their original testing date
Where: All spring NWEA testing will take place at the ITech building attached to Brandon Middle School
What: All students need to bring their school issued chromebook and charger for testing
Coffee And Conversation With Carly
Attention Seniors: Senior Bulletin
Upcoming Dates and Events:
- May 09 @ 12:15 - Honors Convocation at BHS
- May 12 and 7:00pm: Spring Band Concert and BHS
- May 16-18 - Spring NWEA testing for Summit Virtual students in grades K-10
- May 17 - Seniors' Last Day (in person), receive cap and gown, return chromebooks
- May 19 - Senior Breakfast @ 8am, Senior Walk @ 9am, Graduation Practice @ 10:45am, all at BHS
- May 21 - BHS Commencement Ceremony @2pm @ BHS football field
Navigate 360
OSTC Options for 2023
Reminder of Expectations
- Expect your student to work for roughly 45-60 minutes per day, per course
- By now, you should have been reached out to by a counselor regarding your course progress. These will happen once a week. It is extremely important that you respond to communication. Please note that the student needs to respond and be in communication, not just the parent(s).
- Your main point of contact for content specific questions is your course instructor. If you need help doing so, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 248-627-1820.
Parent/Student Resources
Link for elementary overview:
Instructional Model overview for online learning (last page has links embedded to parent orientation presentations):
Counseling Corner
- Mr. Belluomo -
Brandon School District's Summit Virtual Academy
Location: 1025 South Ortonville Road, Ortonville, MI, USA
Phone: 248-627-1820