Community Newsletter
Marysville Middle Wildcats | February 2023
Letter from the Principal
Dear Wildcat Families,
Welcome to February, a month of care and new beginnings with a new semester. I encourage students, with the new semester, to think back to their excitement and focus when the school year began in September, and to use that energy to set goals and plan steps to achieve them for the second half of the year. Middle school students, like all of us, need support and encouragement to reach goals. I encourage you to partner with your student to check Skyward regularly to monitor academic progress; join your student in checking their binders, backpacks, and Google Classrooms to ensure that assignments are turned in; and partner with your student to communicate with their teachers. The start of a new semester offers students the opportunity to have a clean slate and a renewed outlook for success on their path to the next school level, high school, college, career, and beyond.
I deeply believe in the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) tagline: Proven Achievement, Lifelong Advantage. We here at MMS are honored to partner with you to ensure that each and every student achieves and has lifelong advantage. Thank you for collaborating and connecting.
Mary Ingraham
Important Dates
2/16 - Natural Leaders 6-7:30pm MMS Library
2/17 - No School
2/20 - No School
2/21 - Tulalip/MSD Indian Ed Family Night @ Getchell HS Bldg. A
2/22 - Family Forum 6-7:30pm MM Library
2/23 - Black Cultural Celebration @ Totem MS 4-6pm
2/24 - AVID Career Day
2/28 - PTSA Meeting 6-7pm MMS Library
3/8 - Course Registration Fair - Open House 5-7pm @ MMS
3/9 - Indian Education Round Dance @ Totem MS 5-8pm
3/14 - Parent Advisory Team 5:30-6:30pm MMS Library
3/16 - Natural Leaders 6-7:30pm MMS Library
23-24 Course Registration Open House: Wednesday, March 8th 5:00 to 7:00
Schoolwide Expectations Re-Teaching in PAWS Advisory
PAWS Advisory Schoolwide Expectation Lessons
Policy and Expectations Regarding use of Telecommunications Devices
This communication aims to clarify policies and expectations regarding the use of telecommunications and other electronic devices in schools. While we understand that such devices are valuable tools for students to communicate with families, particularly after school hours and in emergencies, there are safety concerns related to the inappropriate use of these devices in schools. District Policy 3245: Students and Telecommunications Devices clarifies the use of technology during school hours. Marysville Middle is working with students/families to support class engagement and maintain a safe and orderly environment.
As we have just finished refreshing and clarifying our building-wide expectations, I wanted to note that this is one of our expectations that we work to teach professional use of devices . The goal of building-wide expectations is to help teach students the appropriate use of cell phones and make it easier for students to meet expectations in all environments.
Cell phone usage is allowed in the cafeteria during lunch
Every classroom has a flip sign where when on the red not device side cell phones should be off and out of sight, when on the green side teachers have permitted use for educational purposes
Student cell phones should be out of sight in all other locations and contexts including the hallways, bathrooms, commons, gym, covered area, office, counseling center, and library.
These expectations will allow students to receive periodic communication outside class periods related to urgent matters while decreasing distractions within the classroom environment. Further, there is a phone available in the office for students to call their family when needed.
Family Forum February 22nd 6:00-7:30 MMS Library
We are holding a forum in order to partner with families to develop an action plan to increase student sense of belonging and safety here at Marysville Middle. This gathering will be in the Marysville Middle Library on Wednesday, February 23rd from 6:00 to 7:30. During this gathering we will present information, listen closely, and co-create an action plan that focuses on how we can help facilitate all coming back into community after the physical and social isolation of the pandemic. This gathering will be held in both Spanish and English, if you speak another language please reach out to Amy Buck ( to request an interpreter.
Parent Advisory Team
Meeting Schedule: 5:30 to 6:30 in the MMS library
March 14th
April 11th
May 9th
June 6th
I appreciate the feedback and ideas so much! Thank you so much Team!
Líderes Naturales
Be a Volunteer Here at MMS
Board Games
Prizes for SWAG Reward Drawings
Facial Tissue
Bottles of Hand Sanitizer
Curriculum and Assessment Information
Multi-Lingual Learners (MLL) Formally English Language Learners (ELL)--WIDA Assessment
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Current federal legislation requires that all Multi-Lingual Learners (MLLs), students with a primary home language other than English, are screened for English language proficiency every year. When enrolling in Marysville School District, students are administered a WIDA assessment to determine eligibility for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services.
After students have been identified as MLLs and receive MLL services, federal legislation requires that students participate annually in an English language proficiency (ELP) assessment. In the state of Washington, we have just transitioned from the ELPA21 assessment to the WIDA assessment and now annually assess all MLL qualifying students using the WIDA assessment who have an ELP level of 1-4.
We will be administering the WIDA assessment during the month of February. The assessment results determine eligibility for MLL (Multi-Lingual Learner) services. The WIDA assessment will be administered at MMS during the school day to only students who are already in the MLL program, and families of those students will be notified of the results once testing is complete.
Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Club
Black Student Union (BSU) Club
Build Cool Stuff (BCS) Club
Latinx Student Union (LSU) Club
Where Everybody Belongs (WEB) Club
Dungeons and Dragons Club
1st Semester Report Cards
From the Attendance Office
Ways to report absences:
Phone: 360-965-0901
Web: Skyward
State Assessments: SmarterBalance and WIDA
From the Healthroom
7th Grade Vision and Hearing Screening
Lost & Found
College Bound Scholarship Information
Join MMS PTSA (paper forms are available in the office)
MMS PTSA General Meeting Dates
fourth Tuesday of Month at 6:00pm in the MMS Library
January 24, 2023
March 28, 2023
May 23, 2023
School Operation During Snow or Inclement Weather
A recorded message will also be on the district's Emergency Phone Line at 360-965-0252, posted on the district's website at, on Facebook, and Twitter.
Parents and Guardians: Please make certain that your child's school has your most up-to-date emergency phone numbers and emails.
Migrant Education Program
Attendance Line for Absences
If your student has an appointment during the school day, it will be much easier on you and the student if you let us know as soon as possible. Your student will be given a pass to leave class at the designated time. This can be especially helpful if you need to get your student during lunch time.
Skyward Family Access
Operation School Bell
Food for Thought Backpack Program...Striving to End Childhood Hunger!
Sno-Isle Libraries: Got homework? Brainfuse can help
With a library card from Sno-Isle Libraries, students can access Brainfuse, a useful website that allows students to get expert help with live tutoring, gain study skills and collaborate with other learners. If you’re stuck on a tough homework assignment, here's how Brainfuse can come to the rescue:
Expert Help
- Connect with an instructor in moments with Live Tutoring
- Get online writing assistance with Writing Lab
- Read lessons, watch videos and take tests with Skill Surfer
- Submit a homework question and get a response within one business day
- Connect with Language Lab and chat with a foreign language tutor or build your vocabulary with games, quizzes, flashcards and spoken pronunciation guides
- Get live assistance with FAFSA as part of a featured service
- Take LEAP lessons and practice tests on a variety of subjects
- Study using online flashcard sets or make your own with FlashBulb™
- Join forces with other learners using Meet™
- Record, create and share notes using Brainwave™
Get started with Brainfuse today!
Tutoring Opportunity Provided by a Community Partner
About us...
Location: 4923 67th Street Northeast, Marysville, WA, USA
Phone: (360) 965-0900
Twitter: @MMS_msd25