1 de enero/January 1
Be Here! Be You! Belong!
Feliz Año Nuevo-Happy New Year 2024
Por favor-lea información importante/Please read-important information.
Mensaje de Sra. Schultz/Message from Ms. Schultz
Hola cascabeles,
¡Feliz año nuevo! No puedo creerlo, ya es 2024. Recuerdo cuando pensaba que 2002 estaba tan lejos. Tuve suerte de poder pasar las vacaciones descansando, relajándome y pasando tiempo con mis seres queridos. Espero que todos ustedes hayan podido hacer lo mismo.
El resto de este año escolar estará ocupado como siempre. Asegúrese de estar atento a todos los mensajes enviados a través de Class Dojo, especialmente el SMORE mensual. No queremos que te pierdas nada de lo que sucede en nuestra comunidad.
¡BEE lo mejor que puedas!
Amor de cascabel,
Kara Schultz, orgullosa directora de Ridgetop
Howdy Rattlers,
Happy New Year! I can't believe it it 2024 already. I remember when I thought 2002 was so far away. I was lucky to be able to spend the break resting and relaxing and spending time with those that I love. I hope that you all were able to do the same.
The rest of this school year will be busy as ever. Please make sure that you keep your eye on all messages sent through Class Dojo especially the monthly SMORE. We don't want you to miss out on anything happening in our community.
BEE your best!
Rattler love,
Kara Schultz, Proud Ridgetop Principal
Fechas Importantes/Important Dates
9 Primer día de clases/First day of classes
12 Café con la directora/Principal Coffee
12 Orientación de Lenguaje Dual/Dual Language Orientation 9:00 am
15 No hay clases/No School
16 Feria de Ciencias/Science Fair Week
16 Junta de CAC/CAC Meeting 3:30 pm Biblioteca/Library
18 Lockdown/Fire Drill-details to come
18 Visita familiar en la biblioteca/Family Checkout 3:10-3:45 pm
19 Orientación de Lenguaje Dual/Dual Language Orientation 9:00 am
23 Cumpleaños de Sra. Weeks
24 Noche de STREAM/STREAM Night 5:30-6:30 pm
25 Visita familiar en la biblioteca/Family Checkout 3:10-3:45 pm
26 Orientación de Lenguaje Dual/Dual Language Orientation 9:00 am
27 UIL at Davis Elementary 8:00-2:00
28 Cumpleaños de Sra. Lopez
*February 6 at 3:30 pm. DUAL Language Applications due
Inscripción para el año escolar 2024-25/School Year 2024-25 Registration
TODOS los estudiantes actuales deben estar registrados para el año escolar 24-25. Estudiantes 'nuevo en Ridgetop', incluidos sus hermanos, debe estar registrado y los padres deben venir a la oficina para recibir un paquete de lenguaje dual.
ALL current students must be registered for the 24-25 school year. Any 'new to Ridgetop' students, including siblings, must be registered and parents should come to the office for a dual language packet.
After School Pick Up
Recogida después de la escuela
A partir del 5 de septiembre de 2023, todos los estudiantes que vayan a la guardería después de la escuela deberán ser recogidos allí si van a regresar a casa temprano. Esto ayudará al personal de después de clases y al personal de la oficina principal a asegurarse de que todos los niños estén contabilizados y seguros.
Playground Gate Code 0133-Keep the park clean, please!!!!
Para la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, respete el plan de tráfico con o sin conos presentes y con o sin guardias de cruce. Puede tomar un minuto más, pero la seguridad de nuestros hijos es lo más importante. NADA de vueltas en U frente a la escuela nunca.
For the safety of our students, please adhere to the traffic plan with or with out cones present and with or without crossing guards. It may take an extra minute, but our kids safety is the most important thing. NO U-Turns in front of the school ever.
Please do not block the parking lot driveway!!!
Expectativas de la Escuela/School Expecations
- When properly clothed, elementary school-aged children can participate in safe, vigorous play in an outdoor environment in most weather conditions.
- When the temperature falls below 60 degrees, it is recommended to wear a jacket or coat, long sleeves, and long pants.
- Increased caution should be practiced when the wind chill factor reaches below 40. Wind chill is the temperature a body feels because of wind.
- When the wind chill falls below 30 degrees, it is recommended that students be kept indoors.
- Asthmatic children may need special accommodation of their need during cold weather.
- The parent and school must work to determine when the child should not participate in outdoor activities due to health.
If precipitation occurs in cold weather, reduce exposure time by 20 minutes**
Weather Athletics (Practices)Fine Arts/PE/Recess
Wind Chill 35° to 38° without precipitation90 minutes of total exposure. Extremities must be covered.90 minutes of total exposure. Extremities must be covered.45 minutes of exposure with a 15 min indoor break at the 25 min mark. Extremities must be covered.
Wind Chill 31° to 34° without precipitation70 minutes of total exposure. Extremities must be covered.70 minutes of total exposure. Extremities must be covered.30 minutes of exposure. Extremities must be covered and jackets/coats are required
Wind Chill 25° to 30° without precipitation60 minutes of total exposure. Extremities must be covered.60 minutes of total exposure. Extremities must be covered.No Outside Activity
Wind Chill under 25° No Outside Activity/Practices
Horas de Escuela/School Hours
7:15 am Se abre el edificio/Building opens
7: 15-7: 35 am Desayuno/Breakfast
7:40 am suena la campana de llegada tarde: todos los estudiantes deben estar en el salón de clases/Tardy bell rings-all students must be in the classroom
3:10 pm Salida para todos los estudiantes/Dismissal for all students
Junta de CAC/CAC Meeting
This meeting will be in person and over zoom.
Tuesday, Jan 9, 2024, 03:30 PM
Ridgetop Library
Directora/Principal Kara K. Schultz
Location: 5005 Caswell Avenue, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-2000
Twitter: @RTopPrincipal