July 31, 2023
AGS Office Staff
Jordan Seath, Assistant Principal
Melissa Welsh, Counselor
Tiffany Peeler, Counselor
Carol Manners, Secretary
Denise Bakker, Clerk
Barb Stinson, Clerk
From the Technology Department
Chromebook Distribution
ALL 6th Graders and New Students
ATTENTION ALL 6th Grade Families and Families of NEW Students:
Please read the excerpt below, copied from the 6-12 Chromebook User Agreement (the entire agreement can be viewed by clicking the link below). The Technology Department will be available during schedule pick up to expedite the distribution process.
- Step 1 - Complete the digital form (several stations with chromebooks will be set up)
- Step 2 - $25 fee cash or check payable to Fenton Area Public Schools (in media center)
- Step 3 - Pick up Chromebook in the Media Center
*if you are not able to pick up your chromebook during schedule pick up, you may visit the AGS main office. The office will be open to parents/students from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM until school begins on August 21.
Fenton Area Public Schools
1:1 Student Chromebook Agreement
Fenton Area Public Schools believes that technology resources are a tremendous source of information that provides countless opportunities for students and staff in the District. Annual technology expenditures are appropriated district-wide to enhance student learning. The 1:1 initiative for students will create an enriched, collaborative learning environment. This initiative aims to continue our implementation of rigorous, relevant learning while providing students with constant access to the latest educational resources.
Students in grades 6th-12th will be issued an 11" touchscreen 2-in-1 convertible Chromebook and charger.
Distribution of Chromebooks
Students will be issued their Chromebook at the beginning of each school year. Before a student is issued a Chromebook, the following steps must occur
● Students/Parents must read/agree to all policies/procedures for using, caring for, and maintaining the Chromebook.
● Students/Parents must have a current Acceptable Use Policy on file.
● Students/Parents must pay a nonrefundable user care and repair fee - see below.
Chromebook User Care and Repair Fee
A user care/insurance fee is required before receiving a Chromebook. The fee is nonrefundable and will cost $25 per device for those who are not receiving free or reduced lunch.
- Students receiving reduced lunch will be required to pay a reduced fee of $15 per device.
- Students receiving free lunch will have the fee waived and will not be required to pay.
- You must have a current application in order to qualify for the current school year on file
This fee covers the student until they graduate 8th grade at AGS Middle School and until they graduate 12th grade at Fenton High School. This is only a one-time fee at each school for the time they attend FAPS. New students to the district and current students who will be entering 6th grade and 9th grade are required to pay the $25 fee.
The entire user agreement can be viewed here: https://www.fentonschools.org/o/fps/page/11-chromebook-agreement
Schedule Pick Up
Schedule Pick Up Dates:
- Tuesday, August 8 - 6th Grade Schedule Pick-Up 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
*Meet the Principals: N - Z 9:30 - 9:50 / A - M 10:00 - 10:20 (AGS Gym)
- Wednesday, August 9 - 7th Grade Schedule Pick-Up 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- Wednesday, August 9 - 8th Grade Schedule Pick-Up Noon - 2:00 PM
Students will have the opportunity to walk their schedules, practice opening their lockers, and have their school photo taken. This will be the only opportunity for school photos prior to the start of school. There will be another opportunity in October for photos and re-takes.
If you cannot make it on the scheduled day(s), the building will be open for students/parents to pick up schedules, tour the building, practice lockers, etc. from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM until school begins.
2023-24 Important Dates
Mark Your Calendar!
1. Go to www.fentonschools.org
2. Click on "Our District"
3. First bullet is "District Calendar for 2023-24"
- Tuesday, August 22 - Full day for AGS/FHS
AGS Bell Schedule
AGS Bell Schedule
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
1st Period 7:25 - 8:23
2nd Period 8:28 - 9:26
3rd Period 9:31 - 10:29
- 6th Grade 10:34 - 11:04
- 7th Grade 11:07 - 11:37
- 8th Grade 11:37 - 12:07
4th Period
- 6th Grade 11:09 - 12:07
- 7th Grade 10:34 - 11:02 / 11:37 - 12:07
- 8th Grade 10:34 - 11:32
5th Period 12:12 - 1:10
6th Period 1:15 - 2:13
Tuesday, Thursday
1st Period 7:25-8:14
2nd Period 8:19-9:07
3rd Period 9:12-10:00
- 6th Grade: 10:00 - 10:30
- 7th Grade: 10:33 - 11:03
- 8th Grade: 11:03-11:33
- 6th Grade: 10:35 - 11:33
- 7th Grade: 10:05 - 10:35 / 11:03 - 11:33
- 8th Grade: 10:05 - 11:03
4th Hour 11:38 - 12:26
5th period 12:31 - 1:19
6th Period 1:24 - 2:132023-24 Online Registration for Current and New Students
Online enrollment for new students and the re-registration of current students opened March 1, 2023, with mandatory prompting beginning April 11th.
- New families will want to create a Parent Vue account to enroll students.
- Current FAPS families will login to your existing Parent Vue account to add new students and/or update your current students' information. NOTE: If you are a current FAPS family and having trouble logging into your account please contact Amanda Mogford at amogford@fentonschools.org. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.
- Enrollment info link:
Counselors' Corner
Mrs. Welsh - Students with last name A - N
Ms. Peeler - Students with last name P - Z
Community Bulletin Board
Attention Parents: This is a reminder that we have a "Community Bulletin Board" on our district website where we post digital flyers related to community events, local clubs or activities, community sports programs, etc... Please visit the link to see what's happening throughout our community! #WeAreFenton
Andrew G. Schmidt Middle School
Email: erettenmund@fentonschools.org
Website: http://fentonschools.org/andrew-g-schmidt-middle-school/
Location: 3255 Donaldson Drive, Fenton, MI, USA
Phone: 810.591.7700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fenton-Area-Public-Schools-110556712352619/
Twitter: @fentonschools