News and events

March Newsletter
A message from the principal
Monroe Families,
Thank you to all the families who were able to attend winter conferences whether virtually or in person. It was great for teachers to meet with you and touch base on goals reached and continuing goals. Trimester 2 ends on Thursday, March 9th and report cards will be sent home on March 22nd.
Testing season is approaching quickly. Tests can be scheduled from March through May. Please be watching for more information about MCA testing dates for 3rd-5th grade students. MAP testing dates will be in May following the MCA for grades 2-5.
We are so excited to partner with the Monroe PTO for the Glow Run in April. There will be more details coming but ALL students will get to participate no matter their level of fundraising. On that same day we will also be having a Glow Engineering Family Night!
We hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable spring break and can't wait to see you back for the start of Trimester 3 on Tuesday, March 21st!
Keep Being Amazing,
Mrs. Oliver
Mrs. Amy Oliver
Mr. Scott Mattis
Important Dates
March 9th- Last day of Trimester 2
March 10th- No School -Staff Grading Day
March 13th-17th- Spring Break
March 20th- No School- Staff PD
March 23rd- Dine to Donate - Dos Hermanos
April 6th- Class and Spring Pictures
April 6th- Booster Fundraiser Starts
April 7th- No School- Staff PD
April 11th- Gear Up for Kindergarten
April 20th- Glow Week Fundraiser Kick off
April 28th- Glow Run
April 28th- 5:30-7:00pm Glow Engineering Family Night
Congratulations to the Monroe Above and Beyond Winners!
Billie Davis-Fehr - Special Education Teacher
Dominic Krebsbach - Grade 4 Teacher
Dine to Donate- Dos Hermanos
PTO is sponsoring a Dine to Donate event on Thursday, March 23 at Dos Hermanos in Brooklyn Park. A Save the Date flyer will be coming home with students after Spring Break! Please consider supporting the Monroe PTO by eating out!
Glow Run Fundraiser with Booster and Monroe PTO
Monroe PTO's fundraiser this year will be a GLOW Run. The fundraiser will run from April 6-28 culminating with an all school glow run on Friday, April 28. More information will be coming after spring break!
Class and Spring Pictures
Class and spring pictures will be Thursday, April 6th. If you wish to purchase a class picture, there are 2 ways to order:
1- online using Picture Day ID Code: EVTZTWPSW
2- Paper order form (sent home after spring break)
Individual Spring pictures will also be available for purchase. A Picture Day ID Code will be sent after spring break.
GEAR Up for Kindergarten will be April 11th from 5:30-7:30pm. This is a chance to meet the kindergarten teachers as well as learn more about life in Kindergarten. If you have new neighbors with kindergartners, please have them contact the office at 763-506-3600.
News from the School Social Workers
Mrs. Amy Elder
Supports Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
Main Line: 763-506-3631
Google Voice: 763-307-9940
Mrs. Kelly Thorsten
Supports 3rd through 5th Grade
Main Line: 763-506-3627
Google Voice: 763-307-4747
Is your family in need of food or toiletries? If so, you can use our school’s food shelf. It’s easy, fast, and confidential.
Here are some options:
- Reach out to a social worker to set up a time
- Scan or click the QR code to sign up to shop
Every Meal
Every Meal is a non-profit organization with a mission to fight child hunger through community and school partnerships. Every Meal supports families with programming over the weekend, summer and extended school breaks. If you are interested in signing up for the free food support, please use the following link:
March's Character Trait
Volunteer news
Chaperones and Volunteering at Monroe
Hey Monroe Families,
Wendy Brown has been a great addition to our Monroe team. She will be splitting her time between Monroe and Evergreen and she will be at Monroe on Tuesdays and Fridays. She will be helping us as we continue to find volunteers for various school projects and chaperones for field trips. If you have any questions, please reach out to Wendy. Her contact information is below!
Wendy Brown
Volunteer Online Paperwork
Thank you Celebrity Readers
Tennis Shoes for Gym!
With the winter weather, many students are forgetting their tennis shoes for gym. It is critical for students to have the proper shoes to participate in the fun gym lessons. Please be sure to send tennis shoes to school on your student's gym days or have them keep a pair in their locker.
Health services
Daylight savings time this year is March 12, 2023 at 2:00 AM the clocks (Spring) move ahead 1 hour.
Kids need sleep to help them grow and learn. A bedtime routine can help children get the sleep they need, but at least twice a year, that schedule gets disrupted.
Daylight Saving Time can throw us all off. That’s because we have an internal clock – called a circadian rhythm – that tells our brains and bodies when to go to sleep and when to wake up.
“Our internal clock has difficulty adjusting to the one-hour change overnight. But it can handle 15-minute changes fairly well. It’s difficult for adults and even more difficult for children, as they don’t understand what is going on. It is usually easier to ‘fall back’ than to ‘spring forward,’” Try adjusting your children's bedtime by 15 min 3-4 days prior to daylight savings time to make the adjustment easier.
If you have any health related questions, please feel free to contact us @ 763-506-3624!
Who knows what the weather will be in March?
Faceoff for Fitness with the MN Wild
Updates from our Parent Educator: Welde Kollie
General School Information
Dismissal Line: Please use this line to make any changes to your student's transportation for the afternoon. Any changes need to be made prior to 3pm. The number is 763-506-3614.
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up: Our new parent drop off/pick up system is in full swing. We continue to make modifications to make the process run more smoothly. Please be sure that you wait in the line along the south side of Brookdale Drive until you are directed to enter the front parking lot. This ensures safety for our students as they arrive and leave Monroe.
Attendance Information: Please be sure to call the attendance line if your student is sick, will be out of town or has a doctor's appointment. Absence number is: 763-506-3606.
This e-newsletter is published by Monroe Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.