Lamar Middle School
23-24 Course Selection Information
Dear Current and Future Scotties,
This is an exciting time of year where we look forward to the year ahead in middle school. It is also a time that requires some very careful planning for your future. Included in this newsletter are scheduled activities and information that will help you get ready for a successful new year at Lamar Middle School.
Required Courses
All Middle School students take the four core classes every year - English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Math. For families looking for advanced math options for their student, we have two accelerated tracks available.
6th grade Accelerated Math - Algebra Track: Four years of math instruction are compacted into three years with students completing high school Algebra I in their eighth-grade year.
6th grade Accelerated Math - Algebra + Geometry Track: Additional Advanced Math experience compacts curriculum for 6-8 grade math in sixth grade, high school Algebra I in seventh grade, and high school Geometry in 8th grade.
Please click below for more information about our math levels.
Choice Sheet Visits
Incoming 6th grade students and students new to Lamar will submit a paper choice sheet.
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
For Questions or More Information
Incoming 6th Grade:
Rising 7th Grade:
Rising 8th Grade:
Location: 6201 Wynona Avenue, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512.414.3217