FCPS Employee Insider E-Newsletter
May 2023 edition
Windsor Knolls Science Teacher Nicole Rhoades named 2023-24 Teacher of the Year
During the first week of the school year, Windsor Knolls Middle science teacher Nicole Rhoades asks her students to identify the character traits of an ideal classmate.
Rhoades, the 2023-24 FCPS Teacher of the Year, has shared her mission that every student, regardless of if they are interested in a future science career or not, can benefit from thinking like a scientist and using those transferrable skills to future classes and vocations.
That effort begins with students pondering the positive qualities they would like to see in their peers.
Congratulations to Rhoades, who will be the FCPS representative in Maryland's Teacher of the Year program.
Urbana High Science Teacher named Tressler Award recipient
Dr. Suzanne Dashiell Elder, of Urbana High School, will receive the 2023 Charles E. Tressler Distinguished Teacher Award. Sponsored by Hood College, the award is presented to an FCPS teacher who has had a significant impact on young people.
Elder learned she was the recipient following a visit by the FCPS SurPRIZE patrol consisting of students, teachers, administrators and community and education leaders.
Dr. Elder was nominated by Elizabeth McCook, the Urbana High science department chair.
FCPS Teacher of the Year finalist videos
At last month's FCPS Teacher of the Year ceremony, the FCPS Public Affairs team shared video interviews of each FCPS Teacher of the Year finalist.
We shared Nicole Rhoades' video above, but we also wanted to make sure you saw the rest!
Barbara Cicmanec, a fifth-grade teacher at Twin Ridge Elementary, has served as team leader, School Improvement Team member, new teacher mentor, equity representative, Mind Brain Education participant and Governor's Academy Math and Science graduate.
Ms. Cicmanec's video:
Kelly Montgomery teaches a combined first and second grade class at Kemptown Elementary. She has served as team leader and teacher representative on the PTA. She is co-chair of the Frederick County Literacy Chapter and has served on the Teachers as Readers Committee.
Ms. Montgomery's video:
Peter Ricciuti is a special education teacher and case manager at Rock Creek School. He has served on the leadership team and several school improvement committees. Prior to teaching, he worked in the banking industry and has been admitted to the Maryland Bar.
Mr. Ricciuti's video:
FCPS Employee All-Stars
Congratulations to the dedicated FCPS employees who have been presented with FCPS All-Star Awards from April 10 through May 9 during the 2022-23 school year! They are:
- Kevin Brown, User Support Specialist, Tuscarora Elementary
- Michelle Early, Business Teacher, Walkersville High
- Laurie Haines, Registrar, Middletown Middle
- Samantha Hull, Food Service Worker, Sabillasville Environmental Charter
- Michele Heerema, Teacher, Sabillasville Environmental Charter
- Sadie Wiles, Teacher, Sabillasville Enviornmental Charter
The FCPS Employee All-Star Awards program provides recognition to exemplary employees who have helped FCPS achieve any of the school system's five aspirational goals or supported system efforts for the priorities identified for each goal.
Anyone may nominate an employee for an FCPS All-Star award, but employees may not nominate themselves.
Ready to nominate? You can fill out the form here!
Abbe Harman celebrates 35 years volunteering at the National Aquarium in Baltimore
While attending Towson University, she would visit the Inner Harbor and National Aquarium on the weekends. When she found out that the aquarium had a volunteer program, she immediately applied.
After pursuing her scuba certification, she then applied for the dive program.
The aquarium is a big part of her life. She is constantly learning in the science realm and volunteering is important to her. She's led countless field trips to the aquarium.
Currently, she volunteers in the diver program and uses scuba equipment to go underwater in the Atlantic Coral Reef & Blacktip Reef exhibits. Her duties include feeding the fish, helping to clean and maintain the exhibits, and talking with guests while underwater using a full-face communication mask.
An important message she shares: We are all connected by water. Protecting and taking care of the planet is important for life, and this is home!
Reminder: May is Open Enrollment!
May 1 - 24 is the open enrollment period during which eligible employees can change insurance coverage and/or enroll or re-enroll in the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program. This is also a good time to update your life insurance beneficiaries if you have had a recent family status change.
Check out this Employee News update for more details.
Bidding farewell to Brunswick Elementary
A new Brunswick Elementary School building is scheduled to open for students in August. Before then, Brunswick Elementary staff is happy to announce a celebration honoring the current school building.
The Farewell to BES Committee is hosting a goodbye celebration, and the community is invited!
When: Friday, May 12, from 4:30-7:30 p.m.
The Farewell to BES Committee is also taking pre-orders for commemorative bricks and selling ornaments with funds going to a stained glass art instillation at the new school buliding.
More information is available in this flyer.
Last day of school is coming soon!
The last day of school for students is Friday, June 2!
FCPS closed one day due to inclement weather in the 2022-23 school year. Schools will dismiss students 2 hours early on June 2 for a teacher work session.
The last day of school for teachers is Monday, June 5.
Other key dates:
Week of Monday, June 12: 12-month employees begin four-day work weeks and work extended hours four days to make up for the fifth day off.
Week of Monday, August 7: Five-day workweeks resume for 12-month employees
Wednesday, August 9: Fall sports begin
Wednesday, August 23: First day of the 2023-24 school year
Last Day Details for School-Based Staff
FCPS Leadership thanks our school-based staff for an excellent school year! As we wind down these last few weeks, we offer direction for the close of our school year. We hope that the adjustment to what would be the traditional last day guidance will serve you well.
More details can be found in this Employee News update.
New Faces in New Places: Jennifer Bingman
Jennifer Bingman has a new role with FCPS!
Bingman, the former Director of System Accountability and School Improvement, is now the Acting Associate Superintendent of Special Education and Student Services.
Since 1995, Bingman has served the students of FCPS as a mathematics teacher, mathematics specialist, assistant principal, principal at New Market Middle and Crestwood Middle, supervisor and director.
Bingman will serve on the superintendent’s cabinet. This position is new to Frederick County Public Schools.
You can read more about her in this press release.
FCPS Essential video series
In our season finale, we were thrilled to visit Myersville Elementary and meet with Administrative Secretary Marsha Meredith!
Contact us
Email: superintendent@fcps.org
Website: www.fcps.org
Location: 191 South East Street, Frederick, MD, USA
Phone: (301)644-5000
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fcpsmaryland
Twitter: @FCPSMaryland