Cobb Science
September News and Notes
3-D Science Implementation: A Focus on Phenomena
Vernier is offering FREE posters featuring the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts. To order posters for your classroom, visit this link:
Acworth Analysis
Minecraft for Science
Science Fair Informational Meeting (Virtual)
Elementary schools will meet from 3:30-4:00 using this link:
Middle/High schools will meet from 4:45-5:30 using this link:
Dodgen-Walton Middle School Science Olympiad Invitational
Schools may send one team and all 23 events will be run. Experienced schools will be asked to sign up for and run at least one event per team. This will include making the test and providing for all necessary supplies, tools, people, paper tests & key copies for teams, etc. needed to run the event. Medals and team trophies will only be awarded for the written test events. For the building events, we are encouraging the students to bring their prototype devices to run in a tournament to gain experience in preparation for their regional tournaments. The courses will be set up per the rules and judges/experienced coaches will be available for the students to talk with regarding their devices and the events.
Please complete the registration form at the following link before September 14: . The invitational committee will send you an email by September 24th letting you know if your team is included in the invitational or on a waiting list. Last year spaces filled quickly. The cost of the tournament is $75 per team and payment is due by October 1st, with no refunds given after that date. Please do not send payment until you receive a confirmation email. Your confirmation e-mail will include payment details as well as a link to the invitational website with the schedule and other tournament information.
Professional Learning Opportunities
8th Grade and Biology PL Cohorts
8th Grade Dates:
October 9th, December 4th, February 12th, and April 30th (all sessions 5:15-6:45 at Lindley MS)
Register here by October 1st.
Biology Dates:
October 8th, December 3rd, February 11th, and April 29th (all sessions 4:45-6:15 at Pebblebrook HS)
Register here by October 1st.
Teacher Spotlight
"Anyone who has taught in a Title I elementary school knows there simply isn’t enough time to teach everything in depth. A few years ago, I’d attempted a flipped classroom where students use technology at home to learn and return to school with a background knowledge allowing for deeper exploration in class. To say the least, my first flipped classroom attempt was a flop. I found it challenging to keep up with students’ learning. Luckily, as teachers we reflect, revise, and try again. With the introduction of Microsoft’s 365 Notebook and Teams, I decided to give having a flipped classroom another try. While I’ve had my share of growing pains, this has been the best revision for my class this year.
At the start of my first flipped unit, I created a Science Section within Notebook. I was able to embed videos, pictures, and websites to aide student learning. Students unpacked the standards, explored vocabulary, and created a video explaining their understanding. Once students had a grasp of the standard and upcoming vocabulary, I used videos and Digital Lessons from our new Science instructional resource to further their understanding. I was even able to use the students’ workbook to differentiate instruction.
To troubleshoot for students who don’t have access to technology at home, I surveyed families at the beginning of the year to find out who has access to smartphones, iPads, or computers at home. The vast majority do have access to technology at home, but even if they do not, students are able to work on their flipped assignments during morning work (40 minutes) or during “Independent Study” (20 minutes). There is also a built in Content Center during our school day where students are able to do hands on demonstrations, modeling, etc.
The best part of this experience thus far has been watching students become excited to show what they know. Each Science unit starts with a performance task. In our first unit, students were able to create presentations for 2nd graders answering the essential questions. Some worked alone, while others worked a partner. Students being able to work on their project in different locations was very helpful. Any time a student squealed with excitement that they were finished I’d first ask if they’d answered all of the essential questions. Some students were unsure and would race back to their seat to check. Others were confident, and I’d sit down to have a coaches conference with them. Rather me telling them what they didn’t do right, I would asking guiding questions that would bring them to their own insights for improvement. In a number of instances, there were minor corrections of misunderstanding that were easily addressed.
In the end, it’s been a joy working on this flipped classroom and using Microsoft 365 to help manage the process. If I had to give one reflection point, I would give students a deadline for each of their four tasks. While some were self-motivated to move through the process efficiently, others needed a reminder of being timely. My students and I are looking forward to our next flipped classroom experience using Microsoft 365."
Digital Tools
Creative Educator
Assessing 3-D Learning in Grades 6-12
This workshop will provide opportunities for secondary science teachers and instructional leaders to explore and evaluate the three-dimensional nature of sample assessment items from multiple sources, learn about and practice the process of developing three-dimensional learning targets, understand and apply universal design to developing 3D selected response items, and use the assessment development cycle to develop student assessments. In addition, participants will explore possible sources of assessment items to use as they continue to develop GSE-aligned assessments. Cost $199