Principal's Weekly
Principal Beth N. Choquette, Bridge Street School
Bridge Street School
2 Parsons Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
413-587-1460 (phone) 413-587-1484 (fax)
Beth N. Choquette, Principal bchoquette@northamtpon-k12.us
Elizabeth Peterson, Administrative Assistant epeterson@northampton-k12.us
Nicole Soutra, Senior Clerk nsoutra@northampton-k12.us
Nora DeJasu, Head Teacher ndejasu@northampton-k12.us
Translation of the Principal's Weekly
At the top of the weekly email, there's a link that reads "View it in your browser," click that and it takes you to the post on a webpage.
Scroll to the bottom where there's a black menu bar and pick the option that says "Translate."
Select the language you would like it translated in and it will then translate it on the webpage.
Traducción del semanario del director
Solo un recordatorio de que el sitio web que uso para crear mis boletines semanales, ahora tiene traducción en muchos idiomas diferentes. Aquí están los pasos para traducirlo:
En la parte superior del correo electrónico semanal, hay un enlace que dice "Verlo en su navegador", haga clic en eso y lo llevará a la publicación en una página web.
Desplázate hacia la parte inferior donde hay una barra de menú negra y elige la opción que dice "Traducir".
Seleccione el idioma en el que desea traducirlo y luego lo traducirá en la página web.
A Message From Principal Choquette 5/17/19
Dear Families,
What a wonderful talent show last night! Our students were amazing and the talent that they shared was just remarkable. We had a variety of acts that including singing, dancing, gymnastics, comedic relief, coding, yo-yo amazingness, and musical instrument playing. It was all wonderful. Thank you so much to Geoff Sandborn for organizing the talent show again this year and thank you to all of the families who helped put it all together and for supporting your children's talented side.
As many of you may have heard, the teachers unit of the NPS have voted to work-to-rule starting on Monday. Please see the attachment below that contains a letter from Dr. Provost as well as a fact sheet regarding work-to-rule. We all are hopeful that the parties can come to an agreement soon. Please be assured that my priority is your children and that I will do everything in my power to ensure they continue to receive high quality education. I know all parties are working hard to resolve this. I urge you to fight at the state level in getting funding for education changed as times have changed and our children and their needs have changed. Our teachers are committed and dedicated, they work endless hours to ensure your children receive only the best, and love and care for every single student that walks through our doors.
Thank you for your continuous support of our teachers, our school, and our children. Have a wonderful weekend.
On June 4th at 3:30 p.m. we will hold an "official opening" ceremony of our new library. Lite refreshments will be served by our PTO. We hope you can join us!
Author Visit
Racial Equity and Learning (REAL)
We now have had the Gaga Ball Pit for 3 weeks, but as with anything that is new, the novelty can wear off and although our students are having a blast, I want to hear from you regarding any concerns you may have and the positives that your kids are talking about. Please email me any concerns and joys that your students are experiencing at bchoquette@northampton-k12.us
MCAS Update (5th grade Science)
Hiring Committees
K-5 Celebration 6/6/19
On Monday, June 10th, all classes will join together to watch the 5th grade graduation.
Math Workshop
Registration deadline is Monday May 20th at 11:59 PM
Please note that space is limited. We will email registrants with all the necessary information on Tuesday morning.
Mike Flynn is the Director of Mathematics Leadership Programs at Mount Holyoke College and the author of Beyond Answers: Exploring Mathematical Practices with Young Children. He works with school districts and teachers throughout the world to support meaningful mathematics instruction for all students.
Prior to this work, he taught second grade for 14 year in Southampton, MA. In 2008 he was the Massachusetts Teacher of the Year and in 2010 he won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching.
Kindergarten graduation will also be held on June 10th at 2:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Principal's Chat (room change)
Highlights from the Excellence in Teaching Awards and the BSS Talent Show
Important Dates
5/17/19 Half Day of School (Teacher work day). Dismissal at 12:20 a.m.
5/20/19 Unified Special Olympics
5/27/19 No School in honor of Memorial Day
6/7/19 Field Day
6/10/19 5th Grade Graduation 9:15 a.m. BSS Gym; Kindergarten graduation 2:00 p.m.
6/14/19 Last Day of School-Dismissal at 12:20 a.m.
Upcoming PTO Events
May 31, 7 pm at the Parlor Room is the BSS Caregiver Dance party with live music, auction items including Celtics and Green River Festival tickets, and beer/wine. Get the sitter!
Friday, June 7 is Field Day! Check out this Field Day sign-up form did the schedule and volunteer slots: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdh-6d9IAKay4oQD6v-1pDQ0KtCAIUHDzCViPzz_2WRd3l6_A/viewform?usp=sf_link