Titan Tidbits Parent Edition!
Volume 6 | March 25-29, 2024
Parent Survey SCDE | Due 4/12 | only 60 have completed so far
The South Carolina Department of Education partners with the Education Oversight Committee to deliver a parent survey. The responses to this survey help school and district leaders understand how parents feel about the school. Survey information is being sent to the parents or guardians of every student in South Carolina.
If you have multiple children, we are only asking you to complete one survey for each school your children attend. You are permitted to complete one survey for each of your children if you would like to, but only one survey for each school is needed.
The survey will remain open until April 12. Please see below for steps on how to access the survey.
1. Log in to PowerSchool Parent Portal
2. Click on “Forms” in the Navigation bar on the left side of the page
3. Click the link for the 2024 Parent School Climate Survey
4. Follow the instructions and submit the form
On the PowerSchool App:
1. Open the PowerSchool App
2. Tap on “More”
3. Tap on “Forms”
4. Tap on 2024 Parent School Climate Survey
5. Follow the instructions and submit the form
6. You may need to sign out and sign back in on the app to access the survey
If you have a parent that needs translated directions. Here is a document in several languages: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PDi46ERDDesKkZZdEcMU5NRO2bNdH7zu/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102393982433614101560&rtpof=true&sd=true
Click on the survey and then on the opening screen there’s a dropdown box that allows you to select from several different languages.
We greatly appreciate your feedback. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Coolidge at coolidgek@fotmillschools.org should you have any questions.
A Message from our Administration
Happy Sunday Titan Family!
Please note that there will not be an email on Easter, March 31. After today, the next S'more will come out on Sunday, April 7.
PTO Updates:
Please note that Monday, March 25 is an IROCC Day!
We need volunteers Wednesday and Thursday to help with Kindergarten Registration. Please see the link for details - Kindergarten Registration Volunteer Sign-up.
FIFTH Grade Families, scroll to the bottom to learn more about Fifth Grade Keepsakes and Yard Signs.
Titan Gear is on sale! Order your Spirit Wear Here
The PTO Diversity and Inclusion Committee is raising money for new sensory items for our TCES Special Services classroom. If you would like to donate, please see the Amazon link HERE.
The Tega Cay Chess Club is looking for sponsors for their upcoming event. If you are interested, please contact Cedric Denis at denis.family.cpsg@gmail.com.
TCES Movie Night will be from 7-10 p.m. Friday, April 12. We will be showing Elemental. Please bring a blanket to chairs to sit on. Food trucks will be on site to purchase food.
The TCES Earth Day Beautification will be from 11am to 12pm April 21st. Please sign up through this form.
The school needs volunteers for duty-free lunch and parent copiers. Please send this information to your parents and encourage them to volunteer if they can. This is such a wonderful way to help our teachers! Copy Parent Volunteers & Friday Duty-Free Lunch Parent Volunteers.
Brigitte A. Wagner, Principal
Volunteer Opportunities
Copy Parents | click here to sign up (New for Spring '23)
Volunteers will continue to report to the office in lieu of going to the classrooms. Upon arrival, have your ID prepared to “check-in” . Please also note that younger, non-school age students are not permitted in the workroom due to liability.
TCES Friday Lunch Volunteers | click here to sign up
I’m interested but not sure what I would need to do… those signing up should be willing to help maintain our cafeteria expectations outlined in the IROCC Expectation Matrix. Volunteers are willing to walk around, assist students, and ensure safety!