Standley Lake Instrumental Music
February 2022
From the Directors
The rest of the spring semester also brings the swing dance, spring musical, competitive indoor percussion, graduation, and our end of the year awards celebration.
This month's unsung heroes:
Deb Martinez and Amanda Wyse - these two ladies have worked tirelessly to get bingo up and running! They have trained new managers, mentored kids, and given their time nearly every Saturday night for months . Thank you!
Jaden Dunham - Jaden was specifically mentioned by name as being a helpful student when we had a band sub last week. He helped uphold the Gator Standard of excellence and kindness. Thank you!
Kaden Gill - Kaden is a quiet leader of the viola section in Concert Orchestra. He takes the time to make sure his parts are learned and sets a positive example for other members of the orchestra to follow. Thank you for your hard work!
Parents! This newsletter is only sent to parent emails, you might want to forward it to your students!
Highlights from the Florida Trip
Day 1
We had a fantastic first day! Travel was super smooth and easy, we had a lovely flight complete with a beautiful sunrise and then started our trip at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Several kids said their favorite part of the day was the Pandora ride, and others enjoyed pizza by the pool. Kids were smiling at room checks!
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
New Fundraiser
Dear Band and Orchestra Families,
The Instrumental Music Department is starting a fundraiser on Tuesday, February 1st. We will be using Supportfund.com to raise funds to help us with equipment repair and replacement, music, sound equipment, lights, accompanists, guest instructors, and overall performing arts program support! SupportFund uses a unique combination of a traditional product fundraiser paired with a donation platform. Supporters can choose to purchase a product or provide a donation to support your student.
Students will use texts as their primary means of contacting potential supporters. Each student will be asked to create a list of 10 names and phone numbers. After creating a personalized account on the Supportfund.com website students will contact potential supporters through texting. Phone numbers will only be used by the students and will NOT be entered into the website.
(copied from an email sent by Mr. Williams on 1-26-2022)
Tri - M Chapter attends State Conference @ Broadmoor
Bingo Party!!
Join us for a fun afternoon of bingo! We will play with fake money but there will be real treats and prizes! All band and orchestra members and families are invited to come play! Please RSVP by Friday so we can plan accordingly!
Saturday, February 5th
12-2 pm
The Bingo Company
6520 Wadsworth Blvd Ste 100
Arvada, CO
(northeast corner of 64th and Wadsworth)
Please RSVP here so we have an accurate count for snacks!
Bingo Volunteer Schedule- Spring 2022
SLMB runs a bingo game on Saturday nights at the Bingo Company in Arvada. Each bingo session requires 6 students to run effectively. Not enough and we can’t provide excellent customer service, too many and we forget to pay attention to customers!
We need three members from each assigned ensemble to volunteer each week.
You can find the ensemble assignments for the spring semester here.
Why should my student volunteer?
Have a direct impact on the resources we have to grow the band and orchestra at SLHS!
5 Letter Points per hour worked!
Surprise treats
All the love and affection of the music boosters and directors
It’s actually pretty fun!
What is involved?
Scan the QR code on the bingo board in the hall and sign up for your assigned session.
Show up at the bingo hall at 4:45 pm on your assigned date- wear Gator Gear!
Plan to be there until about 8:30.
Acknowledge the warm fuzzy feeling of making a difference!
The Bingo Company
6520 Wadsworth Blvd Ste 100
Arvada, CO
(northeast corner of 64th and Wadsworth)
Instrumental Booster Meeting
2022 All County Performances
Audition material for 2023 All County groups will be released in May of this school year!
Booster Dine Out Night
Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022, 11:00 AM
Romano's Macaroni Grill, Town Center Drive, Broomfield, CO, USA
6:00 pm - free dance lesson 7-9 pm - dancing to live music
2/25 - Orchestra Concert, 7pm, SLHS auditorium
3/4 - Wind Ensemble performance at CBA regional festival, 4:00 pm, Dakota Ridge HS
3/10,11,12 - SLHS Musical "Very Good Eddie", 7:00 pm, SLHS auditorium
3/15 - SLAM band festival, 7 pm, SLHS gym
3/17 - SLAM orchestra festival, 7 pm, SLHS gym