Crossroads Monthly Newsletter
January 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Crossroads Family,
As we begin a new year together, I am filled with gratitude and excitement for the opportunities that lie ahead. January marks a time for reflection and growth, and this month, our focus is on the themes of leadership and acknowledging the unsung heroes within our school. Leadership is not solely defined by titles, but by actions that inspire and empower those around us.
This month, let's shine a spotlight on the individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes, the unsung heroes whose dedication contributes significantly to the success of our school. From the custodial staff (Fernando and Mike) ensuring a clean and safe environment to the transportation team (Lorraine and Fran) providing support with unwavering commitment to our students, their efforts often go unnoticed. Let us take a moment to recognize and express our gratitude to these unsung heroes who embody the true spirit of leadership.
Wishing you all a January filled with moments of reflection, growth, and appreciation.
Warm regards,
Principal Matt
Upcoming Dates
February 2, 2024 - Wear Red for Heart Health
February 9, 2024 - School Closed (Staff PD Day)
February 14, 2024 - Valentines Day Dance/Ice Cream Social
February 16, 2024 -School Closed (Presidents Day Weekend)
February 19, 2024 -School Closed (Presidents Day Weekend)
Crossroads Staff and Student Spotlight
Student of the Month - Adriel
Adriel Class is Crossroads School's student of the month. He has shown us such growth in the short amount of time he has been here. Adriel has adjusted to his classroom and schoolwide. He is already able to identify so many teachers and friends, as well the important spaces around the school (his classroom, bathroom, main office, kitchen, therapy rooms). Adriel is utilizing various modes of communication to share his wants and needs. He is also super musically inclined, and fills our classroom with songs and humming throughout the day. Miss. Gaby, Thomas, and Gloria are so proud of Adriel and cannot wait to watch him flourish the rest of the school year :)
Certified Staff of the Month - Rich Horn - Physical Education
1. How long have you been working at the commission?
I started working at the commission in 2014 as the health and physical education teacher. During this time, I split my days between Crossroads and LMA. After 2 years, I moved out of state and then returned in 2018 and have been full time at Crossroads ever since.
2. What would we be surprised to find out about you?
Other than working out at the gym, I really like to landscape. It kinda helps me clear my head and I love to make things look nice. Something else many people might not know is that I was a scholar athlete in college and had a scholarship to play baseball at a school in Mississippi.
3. What is your dream vacation?
That's definitely a tough question and doesn't seem fair because there are so many amazing places to visit. I think Hawaii stands out on my bucket list of places to go. So many beautiful beaches, things to see and adventures to go on. I do have to say that so far, one of my favorite trips I have taken has been white water rafting through the Grand Canyon on the Colorado river with my dad. I was lucky enough to do it two times. We spent a week out on the river and got to sleep under the stars with nobody else within miles except the group you are with. Words or pictures can't do it justice. You have to see it in person to truly appreciate what is out there.
4. What is your favorite meal?
I would have to say pretty much anything Italian!!! I also love a good streak, baked potato and vegetable!!!
5. What is your greatest accomplishment?
There are a few things that I could pick from but I would have to say graduating school with honors and becoming the teacher I am today!! There are a lot of people that helped and inspired me along the way and I appreciate them more than I can say.
Staff of the Month - Joe Fair - Safety and Security Monitor
1. How long have you been working at the commission?
I have worked for the commission about 2 1/2 years. I previously worked in three other commission schools (Hillcrest South, Lamberts Mill, and Westlake) before coming to Crossroads.
2. What would we be surprised to find out about you?
I love to cook. It brings me joy to make food that everyone enjoys. I love to make lasagna, chicken alfredo, ribs, and chicken po boy sandwiches.
3. What is your dream vacation?
I would love to go to Tahiti. From what I've heard it is a beautiful place.
4. What is your favorite meal?
My favorite meal is a sirloin steak (cooked extremely well done), with roasted potatoes and grilled shrimp.
5. What is your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment is buying a house for my family and I.
Classroom Spotlights
Ms. Anna's Class
It has been a busy New Year in Ms. Anna’s classroom. We welcomed our new Teacher’s Assistant Yassine, we are happy to have him! We also celebrated Lyla’s 9th Birthday with cupcakes!
The students have been working on taking turns and working with one another in group activities. This month the students had fun making hot chocolate and smores. They loved it so much they ask to make hot chocolate all the time now. They followed directions and each step with a visual and verbal prompt. Now some of our students can make it independently and use the microwave. We also made snow by putting Ivory soap in the microwave and the students had a snowball fight outside.
Ms. Alexis's Classroom
Room 109 was very busy. All the students worked hard on their goals throughout the month. I have seen such growth in all of the students. They have each really developed a sense of belonging and have come together as a classroom family. This month we focused on STEM projects and worked on making a snowman out of marshmallows. They each tried to make the tallest marshmallow snowman. They loved building with marshmallows and toothpicks and trying to outdo their classmates.
This month the students also learned about what animals migrate in the winter and what
animals will hibernate when it is cold outside. They also learned about what animals stay and
adapt to the cold temperatures. The students also learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. One of the students read a story to the class where they learned about how Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equal rights for all Americans.
Therapy Spotlight - Ms. Aliza - PT
We are having a great time in physical therapy (PT) this month working on our movement, strength, balance/coordination and gross motor skills! The PT department was the recipient of a Union County Educational Services Foundation grant and we are so appreciative of all our new equipment! We received aerobic steps, hurdles, a new trampoline and balancing equipment including a BOSU ball and an Airex balance pad. These new items are used daily with our students. In PT we often make obstacle courses to work on many skills at once in a fun and engaging way. This new equipment is allowing us to get more creative with our activities. Overall our students are having a great month in PT and are continuing to make steady progress towards their PT goals!
January at Crossroads
Crossroads in the Community
Crossroads Unsung Heroes
Thank you to Fernando, Mike, and the entire custodial team!
Thank you Lorraine, Fran, and the rest of the transportation department.
Additional Information Needed
As we continue with our Strategic Planning we are asking for help from our parents and districts to provide some additional information to help with our planning. If you can click on the link below and complete the google form it would be greatly appreciated.
Parent Resources
As we enter the winter months please be sure to pack warm weather clothing for your child. As long as it does not get too cold we will make every attempt to have the students enjoy recess outdoors. ⛄
About Us
Website: https://www.ucesc.org/schools/crossroads_school
Location: 45 Cardinal Drive, Westfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-233-9317