McKinley School Update
August 20, 2023
Dear Families
The first week of school has come and gone. Students have been excellent. Most have expressed how excited they are to be back at school. Teachers have expressed how prepared students are for learning. Thank you parents for sending your child to school with classroom supplies and individual supplies.
Due to to extreme temperatures, additional water stations were sent up so that students could access cold water.
As we look ahead to next week, please be sure to watch the forecast and the updates from the superintendent's office regarding the expected storm. When it rains during the school day, student schedules are altered a bit to ensure student safety.
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Meet Our New Staff
Ms. Lai Sam
Ms. Norma Bracamonte
Ms. Augus George
Ms. Nelly Nair
Resource Specialist Teacher
Michelle Wo
Speech Therapist
Soul 2 Soul Partner
Support For Student Wellness Partner
Bell Schedules Elementary & Middle School
Elementary Students Should Not Be Dropped Off Before 7:50 AM.
Important Events
Calendar Of Events
25-Family Game Night
30 -Middle School Picture Day
1-Elementary School Picture Day
9-No School Labor Day
12-School Tour
14- Back To School Night
22- Staff Development Day No School
TBA PTA Meeting
TBA SSC Meeting
ELAC Meeting
TAP Card Information
Dear McKinley Parents,
We are excited to share with you that the PUSD has renewed the Metro Tap Card Program for the 2023-2024 school year!
Mrs. Aguilar will provide you with a reactivation code for the Tap Card that your child has previously been provided in the past years.
Please, contact her by email: or by phone: 626-396-5630. You can also come to the front office to request your reactivation code.
Thank you.
Back to School Night
Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023, 05:30 PM
Our School
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