The Bee's Knees
Barfield Early Childhood September 2022 Newsletter
Message from Mr. G
If you have a PM student it is very likely by now you have found the Brain Quest Pre-K workbook in their backpack. We do not assign "homework" at Barfield. We certainly do not grade any of the work completed in the workbooks! But we do encourage our students to complete the pages in the workbook independently (whether supervised at home or at school) and we praise them for the progress they demonstrate. We certainly encourage you to assist and praise your child for their effort. Your student's teacher will provide you details in how she intends for the workbooks to be used.
For more information about our curriculum please visit our webpage.
Important Dates
Sept. 21 - "Farmer Day" at BEC
Sept. 22 - BEC/PAT Parent Group: Let's Talk! Infusing Language in the Home Environment
Sept. 30 - No School for all WSD students Professional Development Day
Oct. 6 - Bobo's Pizza order pickup at BEC @ AM dismissal and PM drop off
Oct. 6 - BEC PTO Meeting @ 6:00 PM
Promoting a Secure School Building
Now more than ever it is critical that we secure our school building. Of course, we want to make our school welcoming to families. But we have to balance the desire to foster that sense of welcomeness with the need for security. Our teachers receive students into their classrooms at 8:55 AM and 12:55 PM. Parents are not ordinarily permitted to walk their children to their classrooms. The first week of school is an exception to the rule and parents are permitted to walk their children to their classroom. Typically, drop-off occurs at the curbside on the South side of the building. In order to reduce disruption, minimize congestion in the halls, and promote security, parents are not permitted to escort their children to their classrooms after the first week of school.
Staff Spotlight
Meet Mrs. Myers!
BEC/PAT Parent Groups
Parents As Teachers and Barfield will be partnering once again this year to host an expert in the field of child development. This is an awesome opportunity for parents to attend an in-person educational parent group. Each month, an expert within their field will present information and helpful tips to assist and support parents. These topics range from language development, speech, sensory needs, potty training, Autism, or even how to work through challenging behaviors. Each month we will provide free childcare and Papa John's pizza. All you have to do is follow this link to sign up each month. We also have a vast library of resources available to watch at any time. Here is the link to the library.
District News
WSD Tech & Learning Community Engagement
Public Comment Electronic Sign-up Process
At the Aug. 25 School Board meeting, the Board voted to transition to an electronic Public Comment Period sign-up process for Board of Education meetings. This change will go into effect at the October Board meeting.
Starting in October, patrons who wish to speak at Board meetings will be able to find the sign-up sheet under the Board of Education tab of the District website.
The PTO's Fall fundraiser ends on Monday, Sept. 12. You can make purchases online here. If you are collecting money and/or checks please collect payments as you take orders. Checks should be payable to Barfield PTO. Our PTO is very supportive of our students and staff! This summer the BEC PTO purchased inclusive playground equipment (which like everything these days is on back order) and a basketball hoop and post.
Bobo’s will deliver the orders to Barfield on Oct. 6. We will bring your order to you when you are waiting in the AM pick-up line for our morning families and in the PM drop-off line for our afternoon families. If your child rides a bus to school we ask that you make arrangements to come to Barfield during their session delivery time. If you cannot come to BEC during the day to pick up your order you can come to Prairie View Elementary between 6:00 and 7:00 PM on Oct. 6 to pick up your order. BEC staff will be in the PVE café to meet you and give you your order. We used the PVE café because we do not have a walk-in freezer at BEC. Since we don’t have freezer capacity we ask that you please make arrangements to pick up your order on Oct. 6.
About Us
Location: 2025 Hanley Road, Dardenne Prairie, MO, USA
Phone: 636 561-5757