Titan Talk

December 11, 2022
Holiday Spirit Week to Countdown to Winter Break
12/12 to Fri 12/16
- 12/12 - Merry Morning Monday! 🧸 🛌🏾 ⏰ Come to school dressed in PJs! The Faculty will be treated to ☕ Hot Chocolate & Coffee from the Admin Team, and 🍩 🍩 🍩 donuts from the PTSA in the teacher's Lounge!
- 12/12, 12/13, 12/14 - JA Field Trips for the 6th Grade (3-Days)
- 12/12 - Hampton Film Academy, after school in the Media Center
- 12/12 - Chorus Winter Concert 🎶 in the Gym @ 7:00 PM
- 12/13 - HOLIDAY ACCESSORY TUESDAY! 🧦🧑🏽🎄🕶️ with your favorite holiday themed socks, hat, scarf, glasses. *8th Grade hallway dance party during WINN.
- 12/13 - Band Holiday Concert 🎼 All Grades in the Gym @ 6:30 PM
- 12/14 - WINTER WONDERLAND WEDNESDAY! ☃ Hoping for snow? Let’s dress in white! *7th Grade hallway dance party during WINN.
- 12/14 - Band, Chorus & Orchestra Recruiting Trip to feeder elementary schools
- 12/14 - Celebration of Life for Mrs. Stephanie Baker-Kpeglo – Wake from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Location: Sims Funeral Home 2201 South Cobb Drive SE Smyrna, GA 30080. Website: www.simsfunerals.com
- 12/14 - Hampton Film Academy FALL SCREENING @ 5:00 PM in the Media Center
- 12/15 - COLOR BLOCK THURSDAY! 🇨🇽 🕎 🇿🇦Wear your favorite holiday colors! (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza) *6th Grade hallway dance party during WINN.
- 12/15 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves’s classroom @ 8:30 AM
- 12/15 - Celebration of Life for Mrs. Stephanie Baker-Kpeglo – Funeral Service at 11:00 AM. Location: St James United Methodist Church 3000 Webb Bridge Road, Alpharetta, GA 30009, Website: https://stjamesumc.org
- 12/16 - FESTIVE FRIDAY Bring out the UGLY Sweaters! 🎄Wear your FESTIVE holiday attire. * Ugly sweater contest for staff and PBIS Staff recognitions throughout the day * The Admin Team will treat teachers and staff to Chick-Fil-A biscuits in the the morning in the Media Center!
- 12/16 - Last Day of the First Semester
- 12/19/2022 to 1/2/2023 - Winter Break - School Closed
Greetings Titans,
As we head into the last week of the first semester, we want to make it fun and festive. However, we also need to ensure that our students come to school prepared for exams, turn in all current/missing assignments and make up any quizzes/assessments/tests. This week is crucial for students to finish strong. The Honor Roll Breakfasts will take place in January and February 2023. It would be terrific to have a record number of Titans recognized for their excellence.
I congratulate the first-place and second-place winners of the Spelling Bee. Cooper Bouckaert, 8th grade, is the Elkins Pointe 1st place winner, and Jordyn Danielsen, 7th grade, came in second. I am incredibly proud of all the contestants. Thank you to the parents who came to support the finalist and to those who watched online. Although it may seem easy to host the Spelling Bee, it is a group effort. Thank you to Assistant Principal Ms. Ida Ward, 8th-grade ELA Chair Ms. Courtney Taylor, 7th-grade ELA teacher and Spelling Bee announcer Mrs. Erryn Burcham, Bookkeeper Mrs. Liby Roude, Parent Liaison Ms. Lisa O'Hanlon Cowles, and the Media Center team of Media Specialist Mrs. Patricia Hutchison, and Assistant Ms. Susan Rickson.
This week is PBIS Holiday Spirit Week. The Admin Team, Graduation Coach Ms. Monique Erskine-Wilson, PBIS Team, and the PTSA have partnered to make each day a festival. Thank you to all the parents who donated candy canes. The assistant principals will hand them out at the WINN time dance parties. All Titans are invited to join us for the week of dressing up. Let's have some fun as we finish the semester!
Damian Bounds
Principal of Elkins Pointe Middle School
"Every Day, Every Student, College & Career Bound: Go Titans!"
Konnichiwa from the Japanese Consul General and the Family Matters Night!
At the beginning of November, Johnson Sensei's 7th graders participated in the Onigiri Action campaign to support World Food Day, which was experienced by 37 countries worldwide. Students learned about the food culture and made Japanese rice balls. I uploaded some photos for this campaign, and the organizer chose our school for the “Best Team Award!” Please click the link below, and scroll down a little to see our students!
Onigiri Action2022 - World Food Day Campaign (onigiri-action.com)
The Consulate General of Japan sent us the “congratulations” message to our school below, as this campaign is well-known by the Japanese community.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JapanConsATL/photos/a.10150885301513876/10159789998358876/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRZfNHrbY2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Also pictured below is the Japanese calligraphy table from the Family Matters Night at Elkins Pointe.
The Buzz about the Bee!
Congratulations to the Spelling Bee First Place Winner Cooper Bouckaert! We are Titan proud of our Spelling Bee winner and the top five finalists!
...And the WINNERS Take the Cupcakes!
The 7th-grade FACS students from Mrs. Chelsea Thomas Pierce's classes had their Cupcake competition. Their task was to plan and design themed cupcakes with samples to share with guest judges and a display to enhance their theme. They learned how to use Adobe Express to create a menu for their “bakeries.” Thank you to all the guest judges for coming to help!
- 1st Period: Winter Wonderland Cupcakes - Camden Olson, Matias Medina, Bryan Penaloza-Rivera, and Matty Beley
- 5th Period: Mr. Snow Cupcakes - Talia Saburov, Tailynn Whitfield, and Estela Hands
Wellness Wednesday for December
Thank you to Dr. Erika Edwards for bringing Wellness Wednesdays to Elkins Pointe Middle School. For December, the Orchestra played in the Atrium as students and Faculty arrived. The music lessons continued in the teachers' Lounge with a special guest from Grand Canyon University, Mr. Christopher Pollard.
Before the winter break, students should stop by the Media Center winter cabin to select a book to read. The Media Specialist Mrs. Patti Hutchison would be happy to help any student, parent, or Teacher pick out a book!
📚🎁 Another great way to check out a book or borrow a movie is using your Fulton County Library card!
- Give yourself the gift of reading, movies, and free passes with a public library card!!!
- Drop off your application in the Media Center once completed.
- Fulton County Library System (fulcolibrary.org)
Please, RSVP so that we know you are coming and can adequately prepare using this link:: http://evite.me/WXHKEPHNff.
We look forward to showing you the work of these brilliant young artists! The Hampton Film Academy invites you to check out all the films they have in progress: Storms 3, Adventure Ben 2, Mrs. Gheee, Rich Secrets, Life of a Pencil, Pair of Normals, Who What When, and HFA Behind-the-Scenes.
Thank you for supporting our filmmakers!
The 8th Grade GRLS Club will begin collecting feminine hygiene products and toiletries from December 1 - 13th. Donations can be dropped off in Ms. Gee's room (E115). Do you have skills in drawing, writing, or graffiti? Please consider assisting in the 8th Grade GRLS Glo’ Up Bathroom makeover. The makeover will happen on December 13-14 during 3rd-period connections.
Junior Beta is sponsoring a "Soles for Souls" Shoe Drive. They will collect new and gently worn shoes of all sizes. Shoes can be dropped off in the boxes in the Media Center and the rotunda in front of the main office. The drive will continue until December 16th. Let’s help Elkins Point Junior Beta Club be a massive source of donations to help people worldwide.
It's OK, NOT too Feel OK!
December 12-15 is Fulton’s "It’s Ok" campaign week. As students close out the semester and prepare to leave for the holiday break, it’s important to understand we all face challenges, and there are resources available to those who need help or support. Elkins Pointe will host the “It’s Ok Not to Feel Ok” campaign week to make a difference in the lives of our students who may be struggling.
Each day the Titan Morning News Crew will highlight the campaign on the news, and our Counseling Department will pass out stickers, bracelets, & prizes to let students know "It's OK!"
- Monday, December 12 | It’s Ok to Have Bad Days #FCSitsOk2havebaddays
- Tuesday, December 13 | Its Ok to Ask for Help #FCSitsOk2ask4help
- Wednesday, December 14 | It's Ok to Ask How Someone is Feeling #FCSitsOk2ask
- Thursday, December 15 | Its Ok Not to Feel Ok #FCSitsOk2notfeelOk
If your child needs help, please do not hesitate to reach out to our counselors:
- Dr. Erika Edwards - edwardse1@fultonschools.org or 470-254-8366
- Ms. Lyvelle Simms - simmsl1@fultonschools.org or 470-254-8367
High School Transition Information
Attention 8th Grade Parents! The transition to high school is just around the bend. To help parents understand the process and to attend the important transition meetings at the high school, Elkins Pointe has a "Rising 9th Grade Information" feature on our website for you to keep up with the timeline and dates set by your child's future high school.
Who to Ask?
If you have a high school transition question, please contact the Elkins Pointe Counselor who handles your feeder school.
- Email: edwardse1@fultonschools.org
- Phone: 470-254-8366
- Email: simmsl1@fultonschools.org
- Phone: 470-254-8367
If you missed the Elkins Pointe Workshop...Rising 9th-Grade Night Meeting Recording.
Please complete the evaluation see the link below:
TAKE THE EVALUATION: Please provide feedback using the link: https://bit.ly/FCSEvaluation_Survey
Please select the meeting you attended: "School Transition."
Continue until the end of the survey...Thank you!
PowerPoint slide deck, click HERE.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/qEpvPCA2fLg
FCS High School Magnet Programs
Innovation Academy, Alpharetta, GA
- · Engineering, Healthcare & Information Technology
- · https://www.fultonschools.org/innovationacademy
Roswell High School, Roswell, GA
- · 3DE by Junior Achievement
- · https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/8850
North Springs High School, Sandy Springs, GA
- · Math & Science Academy: https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/6323
- · Visual & Performing Arts Academy: https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/6323
Northview High School, Johns Creek, GA
- · 3DE by Junior Achievement
- · https://3deatnorthview.weebly.com/
Riverwood High School, Sandy Springs, GA
- · International Studies
- · https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/7444
Banneker High School, College Park, GA
- · 3DE by Junior Achievement
- · https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/8487
Global Impact Academy, Fairburn, GA
- · Engineering, Healthcare & Information Technology
- · https://www.fultonschools.org/globalimpactacademy
Tri-Cities High School, East Point, GA
- · Visual & Performing Arts
- · https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/5381
Westlake High School, Atlanta, GA
- · Math & Science Magnet Program
- https://westlakemagnet.wixsite.com/westlakemagnet
The Bridges/North Atlanta Cotillion will start Sunday, January 8, at Double Tree Hilton in Roswell. We offer a dancing and manners program to 7th and 8th graders. We focus on traditional dances (waltz, fox trot) and popular dances (shag, swing, freestyle, line, slow). Our 7th grade manners include making first impressions, handshakes, eye contact, common courtesies for girls and boys, and telephone/technology etiquette.
Our 8th grade program introduces Latin dances and etiquette that covers job interviews, dating, and the ever-popular Table Manners! Your student will use these skills throughout their life! New students are always welcome in 8th grade. Registration is open! We look forward to meeting your child. For more information, please contact:
Program Director: Valerie Macdonald
770-781-5580 info@thecotilliongroup.com
SGC MEETINGS 2022-2023
School Governance Council at Elkins Pointe
The Elkins Pointe School Governance Council (SCG) meets monthly at 7:45 am on Microsoft TEAMS. SGC is composed of parents, teachers, and the principal. Members are elected and appointed. SGC meetings are open to the public. Please click HERE to view the school website or click on the box below to join a meeting. If you have any questions about SGC, please feel free to reach out to any SGC members by using the SGC Council Member Directory.
Katha Stuart Community Meetings 2022-2023
- 1/18/2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Holcomb Bridge MS
- 2/15/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Sweet Apple ES
- 3/22/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Mimosa ES
- 4/19/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Crabapple MS
- 5/17/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Elkins Pointe MS
Mark Your 2023 Calendar...Family Engagement in the New Year!
1/3 - Teacher Workday Day - No Students
1/4 - First Day the 2nd Semester
1/4 - Wellness Wednesday – All Titans invited to wear blue jeans👖& Titan Blue 💙
1/5 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves’s classroom @ 8:30 am
1/6 - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays
1/6 - Interact Club meets during WINN in Mrs. McClelland’s classroom
1/9 - Hampton Film Academy, afterschool in Media Center
1/10 - PTSA Board Meeting in the Teachers' Lounge @ 8:30 AM
1/11 - Wellness Wednesdays – Wear 👖 jeans & Titan blue t-shirts! 💙
1/11 - PBIS Guest speaker in Media Center @ 9:45 AM
1/11 - Hampton Film Academy
1/12 - Literacy in the Library & Principal Chat In the Media Center at 8:30 AM
1/13 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
1/14 - Band All State Round - Off Site
1/16 - MLK Day - School Holiday - No School
1/16 - Hampton Film Academy
1/17 - Remote Learning Day
1/17 - Fulton Winter Conference
1/18 - Wear 👖 jeans & Titan blue t-shirts! 💙
1/18 - Katha Stuart Community Mtg @ Holcomb Bridge MS
1/18 - Hampton Film Academy
1/19 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves’s classroom @ 8:30 AM
1/20 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
1/23 - Hampton Film Academy
1/25 - Wellness Wednesdays - Wear jeans 👖 & Titan blue t-shirts! 💙
1/25 - Hampton Film Academy
1/25 - Basketball Game & Cheerleading: Webb Bridge vs. EPMS (home) @ 5:30 PM
1/27 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
1/27 - Basketball Game & Cheerleading Team: Sandy Springs vs. EPMS (home) @ 5:30 PM
1/30 - Hampton Film Academy
1/31, 2/1, & 2/2 - Honor Roll Breakfasts (6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade)
Please click on the link: https://www.smore.com/y43a8 to see the 8th grade dance and promotion dates.