Tioga Family Bulletin
November 4, 2022
Translating: Did you know?
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Save the Date: Family Literacy Night
Food Drive - Nov. 14th through 30th
Hello Families,
The 5th-grade students from the Civics and Leadership Club are assisting with a Food Drive that will take place November 14 - 30th. The Food Drive will benefit the Wood Dale/Bensenville Food Pantry. A collection table will be set up at Tioga Elementary School for items to be dropped off by November 11, 2022.
The following items are needed the most in the Wood Dale/Bensenville Food Pantry. Canned tomato/spaghetti sauce, canned meals like Beefaroni, chili, SpaghettiOs, boxed pasta. macaroni and cheese, tuna, jelly, rice, and beans.
Thank you for your amazing generosity.
School Closing Information
District 2 now calls eLearning Days when schools must close due to extreme weather. An eLearning Day counts as a regular school day and does not require the District to use a built-in emergency day at the end of the school year.
Students in Grades K-8 will be sent home with their Chromebooks when weather forecasts suggest school closures are a possibility. Attendance will be taken during eLearning Days and the hours of the school day will be the same. Instead of traveling to school, though, students will join their classes through their teachers’ virtual links, which will be posted on the District website and sent to parents via email and text message. Please refer to the District's eLearning Day Parent FAQ resource to learn more.
Need Internet at Home?
Get free service and equipment through Internet Essentials from Comcast
Stay connected with FREE high-speed Internet!
For a limited time, you may be eligible to receive Internet service and equipment at no cost with the Federal Government's Emergency Broadband Benefit. Keep you and your family connected for work, remote learning and everything else you need to do online.
Click here for more information.
Greeting From the School Library Team!
Did you know…
Did you know that our school library has its own website? This allows students in grades 3 and above to access a variety of library resources 24/7. These grade levels had an opportunity to bookmark the website on their Chromebooks during a recent class visit. If you or your child would like to use the library website on a personal device, please go to https://sites.google.com/bsd2g.org/library.
Our library website contains the following:
A link to our online library catalog.
An ever expanding collection of how to videos to help students outside of class library visits.
A section of book recommendations and reviews for students to explore.
A link that allows the students to place holds on items that are currently in use by other students.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please send an email to Catherine Nemesnyik at cnemesnyik@bsd2g.org.
Happy reading!
Ms. Catherine Nemesnyik, District Librarian
Mrs. Vicky Eltman, Tioga Library Assistant
Ms. Fe DeGuia, Tioga Library Assistant
Illinois School Report Cards
The Illinois State Board of Education annually releases report cards that show how schools are performing on a wide range of educational goals. The report cards contain information about student academic growth and achievement, student and teacher demographics, enrollment, district-level financial information, and information from the Illinois 5Essentials Survey.
This year, Tioga Elementary School maintained its "Commendable" status in the state report card. This designation is based largely upon students' scores on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) completed in the spring of 2022, and it takes into account students' growth and proficiency levels in English/language arts, math, and science, as well as the schools' attendance rates and its results in the Illinois 5Essentials school climate survey.
Click here to view the Illinois Report Cards for District 2 and its schools.
First Trimester Report Cards
Cold Weather: Recess and Accessories
As the seasons continue to change, the weather will be getting cooler! Please be sure to send your child to school with a coat and necessary accessories for the forecasted weather. During the winter months, students will continue to go outdoors for recess each day unless the wind chill factor and weather creates unsafe conditions. In those instances, students will remain indoors for recess in their classrooms.
If you are in need of cold weather accessories (e.g., coats, gloves, scarves, etc.) please reach out to one of our SEL staff members.
- Arcelia Garay, Social Worker
- Kerry Olsen, Counselor
- Estefania Palafox, Pre-K Social Worker
- Francis Segura, Social Worker
Social Emotional Learning with Ms. Kloss
Students in kindergarten through 5th grade have been working hard in their Social Emotional Learning (SEL) class this past month. Please click here to open a PDF and read Ms. Kloss' SEL Newsletter to learn more about the three R's of anti-bullying prevention, executive functioning, breathing strategies, and more!
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders
As reminders, families can further assist in creating a safe arrival by ensuring that:
- Students exit their vehicle through the curbside door
- Parents and students respect the directions of Tioga Crossing Guards
- Families respect Village of Bensenville parking signs when parking on nearby streets and the property of Tioga's neighbors
- Dropping students off on Memorial Road is not permitted due to student safety issues
Please contact the Tioga office with any questions about student arrival or dismissal.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, November 8: No School - Election Day
- Wednesday, November 9: Pre-K Picture Day and K-5 Picture Retakes
- Tuesday, November 15: Vaccination Clinic (Flu & COVID) from 5:00-7:00 PM at BMS
- Wednesday, November 16: 5th Grade Heritage Day from 10:45-11:15 (A-L) and 11:30-12:00 (K-Z)
- Wednesday, November 16: Parent Workshop: Thanksgiving Wreaths at 6:00 PM
- Monday, November 21 - Friday, November 25: No School
- Monday, November 28: Report Cards sent home with students
- Friday, December 2: Pre-Kindergarten Screenings at Tioga
- Monday, December 5 - Friday, December 9: Tioga Book Fair during library classes
- Wednesday, December 7: Family Literacy Night at Tioga from 6:00-7:00 PM
- Thursday, December 22: No School - Winter Break Begins
Check out our upcoming Spirit Day themes:
- Friday, November 11: Remembrance Day
- Friday, November 18: Comfy Clothes Day
- Friday, December 2: Sports Day
- Friday, December 9: Hat Day
- Friday, December 16: Pajama Day
Tioga Elementary School
Ms. Soike - Assistant Principal
Email: ckramer@bsd2.org
Website: https://www.bsd2.org/Tioga
Phone: (630) 766-2602