109 News
Issue #12 - February 20th, 2024

Back In Action After A Longggg Weekend
The BOE Recap
The DPS 109 Board of Education was glad to honor the conference champion 7th grade boys basketball team from Shepard last week! They also participated in a challenging activity presented by Mr. Brown, Mr. Deutsch, and 7th grade students from Shepard where they had to make materials out of paper but encountered a number of challenges along the way! See the photos below and click below to read the recap of the Board of Education meeting from last Monday.
Kindergarten Registration Open - The Earlier You Sign Up, The Better!
Registration for our incoming 2024-2025 kindergarten class is open! We really want to try and get as close to a fully accurate count of our incoming class as early as possible, because it helps us plan better for budgeting and staffing!
5Essentials Family Survey - We Want Your Feedback!
Again this year, parents across Illinois have an opportunity to participate in the annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent, it allows you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness. Your responses also help guide district improvement. To take the Parent Survey, please click the button below and select the appropriate survey to begin. Your identity and responses will be kept completely confidential and will not be connected to you or your child. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete
What's Good in 109?
There are so many GOOD things going on in our buildings and around our district each day... we do our best to try and capture it and bring it to you!
A big thanks to Mrs. V's class from Wilmot for sending in this class photo proudly displaying their animal research projects!
Below, always a favorite... 6th grade scientists at Caruso created games out of cardboard and got a chance to check out the cool things their classmates came up with! Visit the Caruso Facebook page for a gallery of really cool photos!
How clever is this?... Shepard 6th graders had to use materials to display phases of the moon. There were many cool models built, but this one from Brooklyn using Oreos caught our eye!
Community Corner: Events & News of Local Interest to 109 Families
Arts Alive! Festival Coming to DHS
Arts Alive!, the new arts festival launching at Deerfield High School, will culminate the week long celebration with a Professional Art Expo. This free, family friendly event is open to the public on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the website at www.dhsartsalive.org for more information and a detailed schedule.
Park District Summer Camp Financial Support
The Deerfield Park Foundation is a nonprofit whose mission is to make Deerfield Park District Camps and programs accessible to all families, regardless of their financial position. If you would like your child to attend a Deerfield Park District Summer Camp or program, but you are experiencing financial hardship, please reach out to the Deerfield Park District, registration@deerfieldparks.org, and inquire about Deerfield Park Foundation assistance.