February 5th - 9th, 2024
February is Black History Month and we are proud to join the national effort in celebrating and highlighting the many achievements of African Americans in our community.
Each school celebrates Black History Month with activities and programming that will lift up significant people in the history of our community, state and nation. Additionally, Black history is a part of our year-long curriculum and we are working toward celebrating diverse backgrounds today and every day of the year.
Throughout this month we will share stories and highlights celebrating Black History Month at Rawlinson Road. We invite you to follow along with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
PowerSchool Parent Portal info
Each year, Rock Hill School District moves toward more efficient access to information regarding your child's school and education. Last summer, the use of Parent Portal was pushed out to all families. By creating your own personal account in PowerSchool, you have quick access to information regarding your child(ren)'s grades, attendance, forms, and more. Beginning this quarter, your child's progress report will not be sent home in a paper format. This further encourages the use of Parent Portal in our district. If you have not created a Parent Portal account, please do so before February 12th, 2024, when the Quarter 3 Progress Report will be available. Directions to create a Parent Portal account can be found here. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact the school and we will direct you to the right person.
Tutoring Program
Our tutoring program comes at NO COST to you or your child. Though your decision to approve your child’s participation is entirely voluntary, we want to stress that the benefits of participation can include:
● Improved performance on the SCReady test
● Improved study habits
● Greater academic confidence
● Preparation for next Grade Level
If you would like for your child to receive tutoring, please complete the Tutoring Interest Form below and please indicate whether or not they will need bus transportation. Bus transportation requires a 48 hour prior notice.
Should you have any questions, please contact Kia Frazier, Principal, at kfrazier@rhmail.org, or Jennie Morris, Instructional Coach, at jamorris@rhmail.org.
Congratulations, Raiders!
Conference Wrestling Tournament. In their respective weight classes: Lyndon finished 1st, Khayden 2nd, Danny 1st, Tristan 1st and Nathan 3rd. Way to go Raiders!!
Reading Celebration
Making Origami
Hanging out in the Raider Cave
And Cornhole
Trivia Club on Club Day
District Honors Orchestra
Please join us in congratulating the following students on their acceptance into the District Honors Orchestra. This event is an all-day event held on Friday, February 2nd at Castle Heights Middle School.
7th Grade:
Samia Bailey
Bella Bigger - 3rd chair cello!
Elizabath Jones
Cade Schoecert - 1st chair 2nd violin!
Anthony Williams
8th Grade:
E'manee Adams
La'nyia Newman - 2nd chair bass!
Taylor Shoemake
Alexandria Taylor
Aaliyah Williams
Counselor's Corner
Ms. Jenkins will serve as school counselor for students in the 6th grade.
Ms. Atkinson will serve as school counselor for students in the 7th grade.
Mrs. Cunningham will serve as school counselor for students in the 8th grade.
8th Grade Save the Dates
IGPs - January 29th to February 23rd
HBCU Field Study - February 8th Students who expressed interest in attending the HBCU Fair received a permission form from Ms. Atkinson and Mrs. Cunningham. Students must be in good academic standing and receive no referrals from January 16 to February 8. The Fair will be held at the Rock Hill Sports Center from 10 until 2 on February 8th. Lunch will be provided.
Job Shadowing Day - March 8th
High School Jump Up Day - March 26th
8th Grade Class Trip to Charleston - April 24th
8th Grade IGP Info
Individual Graduation Plans (IGPs) will take place between January 29th and February 23rd. All 8th grade students have been informed by Mrs. Cunningham what the IGP process is. Sign-ups have opened up for all parents/guardians to sign up for a date and time that works best with your schedule. Please monitor your child's Canvas announcements frequently for updates from Mrs. Cunningham.
The links can be found below for your assigned counselor:
Student Last names A-G: https://calendly.com/acunningham16/rising-9th-grade-igp-conferencesLinks to an external site.
Student Last names H-P: https://calendly.com/catkinson-igp/8th-grade-igpLinks to an external site.
Student Last names Q-Z: https://calendly.com/kjenkins-uoa/rising-9th-grade-igp-conferencesLinks to an external site.
8th Grade Class Trip to Charleston, SC
Recently, during team assembly, your child was informed about our 8th grade class trip to Charleston, South Carolina! We are excited to tour this beautiful city on Wednesday, April 24th. The cost is $179.00, with the first deposit (non-refundable) of $50.00 being due by February 22nd. You will need to create your child's account through Kelly Tours and pay all monies to them. Rawlinson Road Middle School is not collecting any money for the Charleston Trip.
Students will also be placed on a behavior contract in which they will be expected to follow all school rules. Any major referrals may result in your child not being able to attend the trip.
The Arts at RRMS
...A website detailing the Rawlinson Road Middle School Theatre Arts experience!
MANDATORY Suessical, Jr. Parent Meeting, Monday February 5th at 5:00pm in the Auditorium
Rehearsals are underway for our musical Seussical, Jr coming to the RRMS stage May 30, 31, and June 1!
From Nurse Knight
COVID and Flu
The RHSD is currently following SCDHEC guidelines regarding isolation for COVID positive students, as well as tracking Flu cases. If your child is sick, please keep them at home and contact the RHSD call center at (803) 980-2016 or covid@rhmail.org for further instructions.
All Covid -19 related questions and reporting must be directed to the call center. Staff will be available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to answer questions, provide return to school dates, code attendance related to COVID-19 and /or Flu, and assist with arranging Flu and/or COVID testing when needed. You must contact the District Call Center to ensure absences related to COVID and Flu are coded correctly for your student.
Testing is available at school by appointment. Please call Nurse Knight at (803) 981-1527 to schedule an appointment.
Bus Driver Appreciation Week February 12th - 14th
To purchase event tickets
Boys Basketball 8th Grade Finals @ STMS
Monday, Feb 5, 2024, 05:15 PM
Saluda Trail Middle School, Saluda Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Girls Basketball Finals
Monday, Feb 5, 2024, 05:15 PM
Saluda Trail Middle School, Saluda Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Mandatory Suessical, Jr. Parent Meeting
Monday, Feb 5, 2024, 05:00 PM
RRMS Auditorium
Upcoming Events:
2/12 - 2/14 Bus Driver Appreciation Week
2/14 Academic Challenge RRMS @ Fairfield MS @ South MS
2/15 Professional Development Day. No school for students
2/16 Teacher Work Day. No school for students
2/19 Presidents Day HOLIDAY
2/20 SIC Meeting 5:00pm
2/21 Academic Challenge RRMS & STMS @ DCMS 4:00pm
2/22 8th Grade Charleston trip deposit due
2/23 Raider Bingo Bonanza 6:00pm
2/28 Academic Challenge RRMS @ Springfield MS 4:00pm
3/4 Academic Challenge Tournament @ Harmony Baptist Church 8:00am-3:00pm
3/5 Rising 6th grade orientation 6:00pm
3/5 8th Grade Band Pre-Concert Performance @ NWHS Auditorium 6:30pm
3/8 Job Shadow Day
3/13 Middle School Jump Up Day
3/19 SIC Meeting 5:00pm
3/22 8th Grade Charleston trip Final payment due
3/22 Professional Development Day
3/26 High School Jump Up Day
3/27 Spring Pictures
3/28 Student Early Release Day @ 11:45am
3/29 - 4/7 SPRING BREAK
4/8 - 4/12 Spring Book Fair
4/10 Catawba Nuclear Station Siren Test
4/24 8th Grade Class Trip to Charleston
Important Reminders
Laptop update
If your student needs to complete an assignment, parents may request to check-out their students device for up to 5 days (not to exceed 5 consecutive days). If you have any questions, please reach out to the grade level administrator. Laptop check-out request form is below.
- As a part of our school's safety plan, and in accordance with Rock Hill School District policy and South Carolina state law, our administrative team will conduct safety screenings to help ensure the safety of all students and faculty. If you have any questions, please call or email Ms. Frazier.
- Also, students are not to share food or snacks with other students. Students may have food allergies or could eat something that could make them sick.
- Students are not allowed to use cell phones on campus during the school day. Students are not to use their device (cell phone/ laptops) to take pictures or record videos of activities while on campus or on district transportation. Students will receive consequences for these behaviors.
Student Supervision
About Us
Email: ncauthen@rhmail.org
Website: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/rrms
Location: 2631 West Main Street, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-981-1500
Facebook: facebook.com/rawlinsonroadmiddle
Twitter: @RawlinsonRoadMS