WHS Principal Post November 2016
Monthly Principal Newsletter
Dear WHS Families,
The month of November brings Parent- Teacher Conferences. By now, you should have received a letter in the mail outlining appointment making process. This is done online using your individual Skyward Family Access login. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you are having any difficulty! The deadline for conference registration is Friday, November 11th. We look forward to seeing you soon to discuss your child's progress so far this year at Hammerschmidt!
Our next Early Release for students is on November 15th!
On Tuesday, November 15th, District 44 will have our next "Early Release" Day for staff development. Students will be dismissed at 1:15 p.m.
November Dates to Note:
- Friday, 11/11, Registration for Parent Teacher Conferences closes
- Tuesday, 11/15, Early Release Day, School ends at 1:15pm
- Tuesday, 11/15, WHS PTA Meeting, 7pm, LRC
- Monday, 11/21, Parent Teacher Conferences, 1-4 pm and 5:30- 8pm
- Tuesday, 11/22, Parent Teacher Conferences, 1-4 pm and 5:30- 8pm
- Wednesday, 11/23, No School, Thanksgiving Recess Begins
- Monday, 11/28, School Resumes
Three Examples of our Star Constellation Group Posters are Below!
Star Constellations Have Formed!
Our WHS Star Constellation program began on October 13th. Students were introduced to their groups at an all- school Kickoff Assembly. During our first meeting students met their fellow group members, chose a team name and took a team picture. Each of our 31 groups made a poster that is proudly displayed outside of the group leader's doorway. We are greatly looking forward to evolving these constellations and continue to form Strong Teams and Awesome Relationships throughout the school. Our next meeting will be on Friday, 11/18.
Monday Morning Music at WHS!
This past Monday, the audio clip below was played over our public address system as students entered the building. Each Monday a new song will be chosen to welcome our WHS students to the week!
Pharrell Williams - Happy (Original Cover) by DUM
November Principal Post
Important School Safety Reminders:
Please help us keep our WHS students safe!
- In school zones Senate Bill 72 ‘Vehicular Phone Use in School Zones’ states: “A person, regardless of age, may not use a wireless telephone at any time while operating a motor vehicle on a roadway in a school zone.” This includes drop-off and pick-up areas. Lombard Police will ticket anyone they see using the phone in the Wm. Hammerschmidt School Zone during school hours.
- There is no parking in the "Stop and Drop" Circle Drive at the front of the school.
- The front circle drive is the ONLY "Stop and Drop" area. At pick- up time, please do not ask your child to cross traffic to come to your car on the street. Parents are always welcome to park their cars and come to meet their students.
Your extra patience and effort at arrival and dismissal time has a significant impact on the safety of our students. Thank you for doing your part to keep our students safe!
#whs44 and #WeAre44
Follow us on Twitter! The easiest way for you to have a window into the happenings at WHS is through the use of twitter. Simply search "#whs44" and you will see all the tweets connected to WHS. You may also choose to follow individual teachers or staff members. If you are interested in checking out happenings across the district by searching "#WeAre44"
The use of Twitter is completely optional! Here in D44 and at WHS we believe that modeling the appropriate use of social media is helping our students along the path of digital citizenship. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions!