Highcroft Hotline
May 19, 2019
Highcroft's Mission
At Highcroft, we help learners grow in a safe, caring community where ALL are valued and supported to become leaders.
Upcoming Events
- 21: 5th Grade Celebration of Generations, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- 23: Egg Drop - See correct times on the flyer below
- 23: Kindergarten Celebration - after Egg Drop
- 24: Last Day of School - Half Day, school dismisses at 1:05 pm
- 24: Grad Walk for former Highcroft students who are graduating, 10:15 am
- 29: Progress Reports Go Live
- 3 - 21: Summer School at Highcroft Elementary
Protocol For the Last Day of School - May 24th
- Dismissal is at 1:05 PM.
- Book bags are not allowed at school or on the bus.
- The selection for lunch will be pizza.
- Students bringing lunch for the day will need to bring it in a disposable bag.
- If your child will not be allowed to donate their leftover school supplies to the 10,000 Pencils organization, please complete the opt-out form linked above.
Kindergarten Registration 2019-2020 School Year
Currently, our kindergarten enrollment numbers suggest we will have two kindergarten classes for the 2019-2020 school year. If you or someone you know has a child who will begin kindergarten at Highcroft in August but has not yet registered, click here and begin the enrollment process.
Click Here for the Opt-Out Form to NOT Donate School Supplies
May Counselor Corner
This month we wrapped up our 7 Habits of Happy Kids with Habit 7, Sharpen the Saw. When we practice Habit 7 we take care of ourselves. We know that balance is a good habit to have. We do things that are good for our heart to make us happy, our soul to be peaceful, our body to be healthy and our mind for learning. The students set summer goals to achieve this balance. Here just a few ideas that some of our students came up with:
Heart - spend time with friends, family vacations, reunions
Soul - service to others, journaling, mindful and quiet time
Body - swimming, eating healthy, plenty of sleep
Mind - Summer Library Program, family game night, Parkway Camps
Wishing you a wonderful, balanced summer!
This is a snapshot description of our time in your child’s classroom. As always, we are here to support academic concerns, small groups, parent education, and one-to-one check-ins for social and emotional support. You may contact us via email over the summer if you have any questions.
Mrs. Beeler, Grades K, 1, 3, 5 (cbeeler@parkwayschools.net)
Mrs. Welker, Grades 2 & 4 (mwelker@parkwayschools.net)
PE News
The Egg Drop will take place on Thursday, May 23 in the Gymnasium. Please encourage your child to take part in this fun challenge.
Additional Information regarding the end of the year activities will be in the Hotline.
All students have been practicing their events for Field Day. We have continued with their cardio endurance training and incorporated track and field activities for extra practice.
Kindergarten students have been busy finishing up their year. These students have grown so much during their first year at Highcroft! We will finish out the year playing fun tag games and exercising outside.
First and Second Graders have completed all of our major units and will finish out the year playing fun games outside. Great job with the 20-minute Jog Jam and ½ Mile Run!
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade students have completed their Fitness Tests, 30-minute Jog Jam, and Mile Run. These Students will finish out the year with a big game of “Steal the Jewels” on the soccer field. This is a great game that has been played for many years here at Highcroft!
Mrs. Maxvill & Mr. Meinershagen
Nurse's Notes
If your child has medication at school, it needs to be picked up by the last day of school.
These medications cannot be sent home with the student. A parent/guardian of the student needs to come to the health office to pick it up or it will be disposed of accordingly.
As a reminder, each child who needs medication at school for the upcoming school year, or an Asthma Action Plan, Seizure Action Plan or Food Allergy Plan, you will be required to have new authorization forms sign by your physician for the new school year. All prescription medication and all over-the-counter medications will need doctors orders of authorization to be dispensed at school. All medications will need to be in the original container with the instructions for use. These medications and the signed authorizations forms along with the doctor’s orders are needed at the beginning of the new school year. These forms will be updated this summer and can be found on the Parkway Website under Departments/Health Services/Health Forms.
If your student will be attending summer school at Highcroft, I will need new orders from the doctor to dispense all medications. Please call me if you have any questions. I will be the nurse for summer school.
Second Grade students, physical examinations are recommended at the beginning of 3rd grade. Forms were sent home with all students. Please make appointments for your child to get a physical this summer before returning to school.
As a reminder, please, please, please have your child immunized for influenza this coming fall, we saw a lot of influenza and many sick students, siblings, and parents.
Again, if you have any questions about anything please do not hesitate to call. Thanks so much for allowing me to take care of your child.
Nurse Hubert BSN, RN
Thursday, May 23rd is the big day to test your ORIGINAL ideas about how to protect a large, raw egg from breaking! Students cleverly created “egg contraptions” will be dropped from the highest point in the Highcroft gymnasium, at the times shown below, and we’ll have some fun seeing which ones survive!
Please come up with ORIGINAL ideas! The sky is the limit when considering what materials to use! Please avoid cardboard, hard plastics, sponges, styrofoam, pre-made packaging materials, like bubble wrap, packing pellets, etc. DO NOT USE peanut butter, any nuts, or any melons. Those items cannot be dropped! Develop your own ORIGINAL idea(s) and Ms. Mayer, Mr. Spector, Mrs. Maxvill, Mr. Meinershagen, and Mrs. Stilts will help put your creations to the test! Be creative and clever and have some fun with this! Work by yourself or with friends!
Give your contraption a CLEVER THEME &/or TITLE, keeping it no larger than 12 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches. Do attach your name(s) to your contraption on a note card and tell us exactly what materials you used to create it. BE SURE TO PUT YOUR EGG IN YOUR CONTRAPTION BEFORE YOU BRING IT TO SCHOOL.
Bring your egg contraption into the gymnasium on Thursday morning, May 23rd with the egg inside! You need to place your contraption in the designated area for your grade level.
Egg Drop Schedule for Thursday, May 23, 2019
9:20 - 10:20 a.m. - Grades 2 & 3
10:35 - 11:35 a.m. - Grades 4 & 5
1:30 - 2:30 p.m. - Kdg & 1st Grade
Parkway School District Book Sale
181 Coeur DeVille Dr.
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
(270 & Ladue Rd.)
Friday, June 21, 2019, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday, June 22, 2019, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm