The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - Sept. 26, 2021
Important Dates
Sun., Sept. 26 - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Fischer!
Tues., Sept. 28 - Spirit Tee Tuesday & 2pm Dismissal
Tues., Sept. 28 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Hackett!
Thurs., Sept. 30 - School Mass at 8:15am
Mon., Oct. 4 - Feast Day of St. Francis - Blessing of Pets (5:30 pm in the east field)
Tues., Oct. 5 - Spirit Tee Tuesday & 2pm Dismissal
Wed., Oct. 6 - Eat & Earn at Ted's
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Church Construction/Aftercare Reroute
Our initial phase of capital campaign construction has begun! Please see Mrs. Goldsworthy's Sept. 24th email for details.
Tardies, Late Arrivals, and Early Picks Up - Oh My!
We are seeing a lot of cars roll in right at or after 7:59am. If your car arrives in the lot at 8am or after, your child is tardy. The school day begins at 8am. If staff are no longer on carpool duty, you MUST park and walk your child into the building. Remember that with class beginning at 8am, students who come at the end or after drop off are disrupting and missing learning in progress with their late arrival.
For early pick ups for appointments, etc, parents/guardians are REQUIRED to call and give at least 1 hour of notice so we have time to prepare your child for pick up. You will need to park, come in, and sign out your student.
Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures: Critical
It is vital that you follow procedures.
1st-8th Drop Off: Please make sure your child is ready to exit the car. It holds up the line if they are not ready.
1st - 8th Pick Up: Please call in if your child is riding with someone else. This is required! We will not continue to put children in cars if we have not been informed that someone else is picking up from school. If this is the case that occurs often, we can give an extra orange car tag to parents. Custody orders, pick up list, and alerts MUST be on file and up to date.
Fr. Vic's Thursday Challenge
Fr. Vic will be looking for students who can answer his challenge questions at school mass on Thursday. Congratulations to Elliott H., Aaron V., and Savannah S. for correctly remembering the Eight Beatitudes for the previous challenge.
Here's a reminder of what students should try to learn for the coming week.
1. How many Gospels are there? What are they?
2. What are the synoptic Gospels? Why are they called synoptic?
3. What are three principles or criteria to become a disciple of Jesus Christ according to John's Gospel?
4. What are three principles or criteria to become a disciple of Jesus Christ according to the synoptic Gospels?
Good luck, and have a blessed weekend.
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Vic
Uniform Sweatshirts Pre-order
Youth sizes - $20 each
Adult sizes - $24 each
Place orders using this form to be billed through FACTS (school families only). Sweatshirts will be sent home with the youngest child when they are ready.
Lost and Found
There are uniform items and personal items galore in the Lost & Found! Ms. Patrick has checked for names, so what remains is unlabeled. Please park and come in the office doors to check items before Wednesday. Whatever is left will be donated to the Uniform Closet or Goodwill.
Pet Blessing
Monday, Oct. 4th is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis is the patron saint of animals, and many churches offer a blessing of the pets on his feast day. Father Vic will bless your pets at 5:30pm at the soccer field east of the school. If you would like to participate, please bring your leashed or contained pet by 5:30pm.
Green Team Will Return
PTO News
Thank you for an amazing Eagle Run! We were so happy to bring this annual event back for 2021 and had a successful fundraising kick-off to the year. Between sponsorships, donations, registrations, and tee-shirt sales we raised almost $13,000 for PTO. A special thank you to Kim Ward, our social events chair, and Melissa Rainbolt, our sponsorship coordinator. If you missed out on purchasing a tee-shirt and still need one, please email us at
Trunk or Treat! We are looking forward to being able to enjoy our Halloween events again this year. We are currently looking for volunteers for the Trunk or Treat and Monster Mash Bash planning committee. Please email us at if you are interested.
Upcoming Eat & Earns - Always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a donation back to the school. Thank you, and don’t forget to spread the word to family and friends!
October 6 at Ted's Cafe on NW 68th Street,
October 27 all day at Johnnie’s Britton AND May locations.
- Stay tuned for more!
If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site, and join the PTO Facebook group for more info.
Eagle Excellence
Congrats to 7th grader Zander Pruden! He came in 2nd at the CCYO Cross Country meet at Christ the King this weekend!
Congratulations to Alyssa Rooks, BMCHS Homecoming Queen! Alyssa is a St. Eugene graduate, Class of 2018! We are so proud of her accomplishments.
7th Grade Girls Volleyball played a tournament at Monte Cassino this weekend.
From Coach Martin Pham: I am so proud of this team for going 7-1 sets in pool play. We got the 2nd seed in the gold bracket. The team fought hard - unfortunately we lost 14-16 in the 3rd set in the semifinals. The team showed a lot of fight and respect. I couldn't be any happier with my progressing team & assistant coaches!
Let us know about your student's achievements or give a shout out to a staff member so we can celebrate their Eagle Excellence!
Come Stroll the Halls of Mount St. Mary
Join MSM on Sunday, October 3, 2021 from 1 - 3 pm. Stop by for a casual stroll in our Rocket halls! Open to alumni, current families, future families and friends of the Mount. We can't wait to show you our beautiful building and latest updates, as well as learn about the admissions timeline for the 2022-2023 school year! You can find us at 2801 S. Shartel Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73109. Questions? Feel free to contact us at 405.631.8865.
Early Application at MSM begins November 1st. See our Admissions page for details.
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the healing of Dub Wheeler, grandfather or Gehrig and Gabby. He has numerous medical issues, and needs the extra prayers. | Please pray for continued healing and strength of Nick Aguilera, nephew of Mrs. Goldsworthy and alum of CSSE. He was in a bicycling accident recently, suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury, and other injuries. | Please pray for family members of Imelda Aleman, including Adolfo Aleman and Mercedes Peña who are in the hospital! | Please pray for our soldiers, may they find strength and endurance, and pray for the families of soldiers, falling or serving. | Please pray for members of our community who have tested positive for COVID-19, including parents and students. | Pray for those in our community struggling to recover from COVID-19 | Pray for those who have perished to COVID-19 and their families who are grieving the loss of these loved ones. | Pray for our staff, students, and their families. May God grant us all patience and wisdom as we navigate the beginning of a new school year. Help us put our faith first and give grace to all.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Parish News
New Weekly Confession Time Fr. Vic is now offering opportunities for Confession on Wednesdays from 10am-11am in addition to the Saturday time of 3:30-4:30pm. Stop by before or after Adoration on Wednesday!
Looking for Families for the Vocare Chalice! Our church is blessed to have the Vocare Chalice Ministry, through which we pray for those called to serve the church through Vocations. Simply sign up with, let them know the mass you attend most often, and your family will be put on the rotation to take the Vocare Chalice home for a week at the end of your usual mass. The chalice comes with a prayer book to help guide your family. It’s a simple way to enhance your family’s spiritual life AND increase the number of men and women called to Holy Orders!
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067