November 2023
École Sifton School Newsletter
Message From Our Admin Team
Hello everyone!
It is hard to believe that we are in the month of November! Thank you to everyone who attended our Halloween parade. It was tremendously fun and warmed our hearts to see community support. We know that our students appreciated it as well!
We want to take a moment to thank all of the parent volunteers we have had this year with hot lunches, sporting activities, parent council, etc. We truly are lucky to have the village we work with to support our students.
In this month’s newsletter, you will find information for Parent Teacher Interviews (when and how to sign up), report card dates, and key dates.
Take care everyone!
École Sifton Admin Team
We use our ROAR every day.
We do our best in every way.
We make strong choices.
We respect all voices.
We strive for more.
Here we ROAR!
Important Dates
November 10 Picture Retake Day
November 13-17 Schools closed. Enjoy your break!November 21 Parent Council Meeting
November 28-Dec 1 Book Fair
November 29-30 Parent Teacher Interviews
December 6 Report cards go home
December 7 Early Dismissal at 12:25
December 11 No School For Students
December 13 French Winter Concerts
December 14 English Winter Concerts
December 19 Parent Council Meeting
December 20 Last Day of classes! Enjoy the break!
January 4 School Resumes
Kindergarten/Maternelle Fridays!
M/W Kindergarten & Maternelle
November 24
December 1
December 15
January 5
T/Th Maternelle
December 8
Important Information
Report Card Information
Report cards will be sent home on December 6th. Report cards will be handed out at the end of the day and will be given to students. If you do not receive your child’s report card, please let the school know!
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher interviews will take place on November 29th and 30th from 3:45- 7:00 pm.
Please click on the link below to schedule your time with your child’s teacher!
How to Login into School Appointment Site:
Go to the web site and click on the "REGISTER" menu tab and create an account. Then login and add your students to the system.
After the students have been entered you will be able to schedule an appointment immediately by selecting a teacher and clicking the "Book" button. Select an available time slot, click it and then click the "Book Appointments" button. Repeat this for each student.
When you are finished you can view your appointments from the "PROFILE" tab by selecting "View Appointments". You can also print your appointments from the view screen.
Winter Concerts
Our annual winter concerts are quickly approaching.
The French concerts will be on Wednesday, December 13 at 1:45pm and again at 7:00pm
The English concerts will be on Thursday, December 14 at 1:45pm and again at 7:00pm.
We look forward to seeing you there!
A Message from our Pre-K class:
Library Learning Commons News
Our annual Scholastic Book Fair is almost here! We host 1 book fair a year.
The book fair runs from November 28-December 1.
It will be open during the school days, and during Parent Teacher Interviews on November 29 & 30.
A schedule will be coming home with students, to let parents know the date and time their child's class is coming down. All classes will get an opportunity to come and visit the book fair. Parents are welcome to come visit whenever it is open. Students will not be permitted into the book fair without an adult present during parent teacher interview times.
Parent Council Update
Family Art Afternoon
The Annual Winter Plant fundraiser is here!
Please place your orders at by November 22. Plant pick up will occur on December 7 from 12:30-5 pm & December 8, 3-5 pm, in the school gym. All orders must be placed through the Growing Smiles website. The School cannot accept cash or cheques for this fundraiser.
Please click on the link for the PDF below for the brochure and more information on the fundraiser.
A reminder that an account has been opened at the bottle depot where families can drop off bottles any time, and the funds can go towards the school. Ask to donate them to "Sifton School Parent Council" when you drop them off.
The Lovable Labels fundraiser is also an ongoing parent council fundraiser. Keep your kids' things out of the lost and found bin with Lovable Labels! It's fast and easy to label backpacks, lunch containers, water bottles, gym shoes, uniforms, books and so much more!. Click on this link to get started:
Hot Lunch Fridays!
Hot Lunch is available to order for students in Grades 1 - 5.
If you have ordered hot lunch and you child is absent, their lunch will be donated unless you contact the school by 12:00pm to make other arrangements. Unfortunately we can not offer refunds for any reason. Thank you for your understanding.Ordering for December hot lunch is open online from November 16 - 27.
December 1 Subway
December 8 Boston Pizza
December 15 Fatburger
Please place your ordering using our online payment system :
If you would like to help distribute hot lunch please sign up using this link:
Your help is greatly appreciated!
What We've Been Up To
Friday, October 20
Students got a chance to practice a Bus Evacuation
Hockey Hooky
October 26 our grade 3-5 students attended the annual Hockey Hooky Kodiaks game.