NORTH NEWS October 5, 2020
Where tradition began, excellence continues.
Shawnee Mission North High School
Location: 7401 Johnson Drive, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: 913-993-6900
Twitter: @SM_NORTH_HS
Hybrid Learning Begins Oct. 26
As most of you have noted by this time, Johnson County has changed its school gating criteria. Per Dr. Fulton's email to our district families late Friday afternoon, if we remain in the "orange or below" categories, all Option 1-In Person students at secondary schools will move to a hybrid model of instruction beginning Monday, October 26th. Please note that this does not affect Option 2-Remote Only Learners. Remote learners will continue learning remotely. The hybrid learning model specifically applies to Option 1-In Person learners.
As of today, families will not have an opportunity to change their learning preference due to student’s class schedules being built around this earlier selection. Remote students will continue in their current learning mode selection until the end of the first semester. There will be another choice period (likely around the first part of December) where families will have the opportunity to select their learning preference for second semester.
One point of clarification is that if your student is In-Person learning, the district has assigned your student to a group (Group A or Group B) based on last name. If your last name is A-Lamb (Group A), you will be attending school in person on Monday and Tuesday. Last names Lamc-Z (Group B) will attend Wednesday and Thursday. All students will be remote learners on Fridays.
Below you will find a weekly schedule for hybrid learning that you can use to begin planning the organization of your week once hybrid learning begins. Additional information will be coming to you in the coming weeks. We will be working together to plan a safe and effective hybrid learning model for your students. We look forward to welcoming students back to the Brickhouse!
SMN Booster Club Spirit Wear Sale - TODAY
SMN Booster Club Spirit Wear Sale
TODAY - Monday, Oct 5 – 2:30-7:00pm – SMN Fieldhouse Driveway
This is your chance to check out our NEW spirit wear options IN-PERSON!!
Please wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines.
You can also place an order at our online store for quick and easy pick-up at the sale!
Seal of Biliteracy Winners
We had 6 students receive the seal. This meant they had to go through the test at home during the stay at home order. We couldn’t be more proud of their determination!
Spanish and French Recipients:
Gold Seal:
Brain Blood
Valeria Osorio Nava
Silver Seal:
Madison Shirley
Lilianne Winston
Madison Koller
Avienda Berry
Congrats to these students and their superior language skills!
Virtual Hispanic Heritage Program
STUDENTS: If you are Interested in being involved in the FIRST EVER virtual Hispanic Heritage program to celebrate, sing, dance, play an instrument, display your art, recite poetry, a speech, or work behind the scenes?
If so, complete the Google form below by Oct. 5th. You can also contact Mrs. J.B or Josie Lenati.
9th Grade Students Only: Our 9th graders will begin remotely MAP testing in the upcoming weeks in both their ELA and math classes. All testing dates and information will be shared with your student by both their ELA and math teacher so that they can login into the MAP testing platform from home. Testing dates will be communicated by your student’s teacher!
If for some reason your student is absent during MAP testing, please communicate with your child’s ELA/math teacher so we can develop an alternate window for your student. All MAP testing has to be complete by October 16th.
MAP Testing Reminders:
- Student fall MAP data provides teachers, parents, and students a baseline for where students are in the learning continuum.
- MAP data is a great resource for teachers to know students' strength areas and growth areas and can drive the instruction taking place in the classroom.
- Teachers want to know what your student knows. This is low stakes. Please talk with your student about this being an opportunity to show what they know. There is no need to access outside “help” during the test to gain answers to the MAP test questions.
- Teachers want students to do their best so they can use the information provided by NWEA to better understand your student as a learner.
Rock the Street Wall Street Program for Girls
Shawnee Mission North is proud to offer the opportunity for girls, grades 9-12, to participate in a unique program designed to engage in hands-on projects that put math in real-world contexts; to budget, save, and manage their own money; to learn about stocks and investing; and to be guided and mentored by strong women in the field of finance.
Rock the Street Wall Street is a program that helps connect high school girls with women working in investments and finance over the course of the school year. Our program is truly unique, as it is the only one of its kind in the Kansas City Metro and in the state of Kansas. We work with women at Waddell and Reed, a local finance and investment organization, to offer a three-part program to girls at Shawnee Mission North.
Meetings begin Thursday, October 15 during seminar. You won’t want to miss out on this great opportunity!
Parents, please encourage your daughters to participate in this one-of-a-kind program to help our young women explore their opportunities in the financial world!
For more information, check out this video and see the flyer below. You can contact Ms. Miner at for additional information and questions about the program.
Although students are learning remotely at this time, we still need to know if your student is ill or has a doctor’s appointment so we can excuse their absence. Students who do not show up to an online course/period without reason will be considered unexcused absent and you will be notified. An accumulation of unexcused absences can result in a student becoming truant. You can call the school's attendance HOTLINE - open 24 hours - at 913-993-6945 or you can email the attendance clerks: Mindy O'Connell and Lou Baker.
If you feel your student was marked absent in error, please email the teacher. If a corrections is needed the teacher will contact the Attendance Center.
Fee Payment
- The Online fee payment portal is now open and we appreciate your patience as student schedules should now be finalized. Go to, hover over the "Families " tab, and click the link entitled "Pay Fees Online" The site can also be found at this link.
- Any questions regarding fees or fee payment should be directed to SMN bookkeeper, Shelle Lewis for help with this. or 913-993-6910.
2020 Yearbook pick up
If you missed picking up your 2020 yearbook, and you purchased one, they are waiting for you in the SM North office. You can stop by and pick them up weekdays 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Wear a mask, please). Or if you would like to purchase a 2020 yearbook, the yearbook company sent an extra 45 yearbooks and you purchase them now. Purchase the 2020 SM North yearbook at – just make sure and choose 2020 as the year (NOT 2021). Once you’ve paid and receive the receipt, just forward it to and I’ll have the yearbook ready in the office where you can pick it up any weekday between 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
PSAT/NMSQT exam is coming up on October 14th. This is the qualifying exam for the very competitive National Merit Scholarship program. Cost of the exam is $20. You will need to pay through Total Registration at before October 3rd. If you have any questions, please contact Leah Murray at
College Now & Quick Step Plus Enrollment
Due to the late start of many K-12 schools, JCCC is extending the enrollment deadline for College Now and Quick Step Plus courses to October 16. Enrollment guides for College Now and Quick Step Plus can be downloaded below. Please be sure to complete all steps in the enrollment process. If a student obtains a placement waiver, student will still need to log in to MyJCCC, register for the course, and pay tuition. More information can be found by clicking here.
Information for our College Bound students
Scholarships (students will need to sign up to access page): See the form below for more info.
Keeping our Community Safe
We have asked members of the Shawnee Mission School District community (students and staff) to avoid participating in large gatherings, particularly where mask and social-distancing guidelines are not being followed. If you have participated in a large gathering, either indoors or outdoors, where (either)
- Masks are not worn, or
- Social distancing is not observed
Please quarantine for 14 days after the date of departure from the large gathering. We are seeing cases rise in our community and want to do all we can to keep our students and staff safe and healthy. Thank you for doing your part.
SMSD Food Service Announcement
The food service department is pleased to announce that we will be offering FREE meals to all SMSD students regardless if they are learning remote, hybrid or in person. This includes breakfast and lunch meals. We encourage families to continue to apply for free and reduced meals in the event the funding is no longer available by clicking here. Qualifying may allow for other support through the district so it is important to continue to apply for free and reduced meals.
See the Teen Food & Fitness newsletters below from Food Services or check them out at the
Please contact the Food Service office with questions at (913)993-9710 or
Transportation Information - DS Bus Lines
Families interested in bus transportation for their students should visit
SMN Athletics & Activities
Ordering Sports Pictures
Parents of fall student-athletes:
You may pre order PEC pricing and free shipping by using this link. Contact Brock Stubbs if you have additional questions.
Fall Coaches Contact Information
Football - Andy Walter
Boys Soccer - Jaime Velez Acosta
Cross Country - Aaron Davidson
Volleyball - Crystal Foss
Girls Golf - Walter Mansfield
Girls Tennis - Jon Durham
Gymnastics - Sarah Gregg
Canvas Learning Management System (LMS)
Canvas Parent Directions:
- Download the Canvas Parent App from the App or Google Play store.
- Follow the Canvas instructional guide here to setup your observer account.
- To find your student’s “Pairing Code”
- In the student’s Canvas account have your student click on “Account” (Top Left)
- Click on “Settings” > then click on “Pair with Observer” (Right side)
- Enter this “Pairing code” when prompted in your Canvas Parent App.
- Note that each parent needs a different code, therefore repeating this process to generate a different code. If more than one student, you will be prompted to “add student” on the app. Repeat the process to generate their observer code.
Technology Issues
Spotify- Start Up Helper Issues: If you have the Spotify app installed on your computer you may be getting an error pop-up preventing students from using their device? Here is are the directions to fix it. Fixing Start up Helper
Student Support Tech Link: Lastly, if you have not already, please have your student check out the Black SMSD Icon in the dock next to the life preserve (Hep Desk) icon. This Student Technology Support link will direct you to helpful information and be a reference when troubleshooting your MacBook during remote instruction. Student Tech Support Reference
Please contact the front office for support 913-993-6900
For SMN PTSA/Booster Club news and updates like us on Facebook and follow on Twitter....