Week at Windsor 8.25.19
Looking back and ahead at Windsor news and happenings...
Dear Windsor Families,
We enjoyed having students back to school on Thursday and Friday last week. We appreciate all of your support to make Windsor's opening days positive ones for your children and for all of us!
This Week at Windsor newsletter is one way for us to keep you informed of all that is happening. It will be emailed on Sundays and posted on our website for families to reference throughout the week.
Monday will mark our first full week of school. Students will now meet at their normal doors for arrival and our Drop & Go will officially begin. Here is an updated link to our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures. Please review them carefully, as in order for arrival time to be safe and efficient, it requires the cooperation of all. Dismissal will be as normal, so it is important for your child to know and understand your daily pick up location. Windsor staff will be outside to reinforce routines. Many thanks to all in advance.
We are looking forward to meeting with parents at our Curriculum Night on Wednesday, September 4th starting at 6:30 PM.
- Primary grades (1,2) will meet teachers from 6:30 PM-7:00 PM.
- There will be an informational session and time to meet with specials teachers from 7:10-7:30 PM.
- Finally, Intermediate grades (3,4,5) will meet from 7:40 PM-8:10 PM. Morning Kindergarten will meet from 6:30-7:00 PM. Afternoon Kindergarten will meet from 7:40 PM-8:10 PM.
Our fifth graders will get to experience team building to kick off the school year at Camp Duncan this Tuesday, August 27th. Permission slips went home with students and it is important that those are signed and returned for Monday.
This week's newsletter contains additional updates and pieces of information for the week ahead.
I am looking forward to visiting classrooms, getting to know your children, and learning more about Windsor Elementary School. Thank you for the warm welcome. We are excited for the week ahead!
Piper Boston, Principal
Lindsay Anastacio, Assistant Principal
Check out our Windsor Twitter page for different insights into our school days!
Follow different Windsor staff on Twitter...
First Day of School at Windsor
Snacks and Food Policy
Classroom Snacks
Classroom snacks are allowed and are eaten at a time that is determined by the classroom teacher. To keep everyone safe, we encourage fruits and vegetables. Teachers will alert families to different allergy concerns and keep families updated on recommended snacks. If you have questions or concerns, please contact our school nurse Mrs. Carpenter dcarpenter@sd25.org. A healthy mid-morning snack does not replace a nutritious breakfast. Our goal in offering a snack time is to support students in their ability to remain focused and energized throughout the school day!
Smart Snack Program (link)
If you’d like your child to be enrolled in the Smart Snack program during lunch, please check out the permission slip at the above link. Even if you have signed this form last school year, we will need a new one for the 2019-2020 School Year. If you have questions, please email windsorfoodservice@sd25.org. New this year, students may only pick up two snacks, including a drink, so that the line moves smoothly and all students have a chance to visit the snack line.
**We are still working on timing for our first lunch shift (grades 1-3) because our first graders are learning lunch routines and we have more students in this shift. We are reinforcing that all students picking up a drink for snack may directly visit the line to start the lunch period. We will then call tables to pick up individual snacks. We encourage parents/students to pack a little more for lunch and/or pick up all available hot lunch sides during these first weeks while we get the snack table up and running.
District 25 Food Policy
Parents will always receive at least 48 hours notice if food will be served as part of a rare school activity and/or celebration. In developing food lists, staff will always consider the known food allergies of the students involved. As part each notification, parents will receive a general list of the items being served. Food items will always be store-bought with accessible labels for students and parents to reference. Parents should alert teachers right away if there are concerns upon receiving these notifications. Outside of these rare, special times, food will not be served to students.
Windsor Playground
If you are staying with your child to play on the Windsor playground after school, please be aware that the CAP (Children at Play) program also utilizes this space at the end of the day. With many children outside, we ask that you are supervising your children and helping to support what we teach the kids at school: Be Safe, Be Kind, and Be Responsible. Thank you in helping to make the playground a fun space for all.
Thank You, Windsor PTA!
The first PTA meeting of the school year will be on 9.10.19 at 7:00 PM. Parents/guardians can still sign up for the PTA or to volunteer in serving on different committees. See link below to learn more!
School Nurse Reminders
- Parents must personally transport all medications to school. Please do not send any in backpacks.
- A doctor's note is required in order to be excused from gym or recess. If a student has a broken bone/major injury and is unable to participate, please have the doctor write a note and alert the school nurse and classroom teacher.
Mrs. Carpenter has been with the Windsor family for many years now and we appreciate all she does. You can reach her at dcarpenter@sd25.org as needed.
Wednesday, September 4th-Windsor Parent Curriculum Night at 6:30 PM
Tuesday, September 10th-First Windsor PTA Meeting at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, September 24th-Windsor Picture Day
Wildcat Way and Mission
We value our Windsor community that is strengthened by diversity, inclusion, and a growth mindset.
- We believe in a kind, safe and responsible community because our students are important.
- We believe in designing lessons that promote inquiry, academic risk taking, and flexible thinking.
- We believe in supporting cultural, emotional, social, and academic diversity.
- We believe in working collaboratively as a school community for continuous improvement in a trusting environment.