Third Grade News
From Coddle Creek's Third Grade Team
Meet Your Teachers:
​Jennifer Tucker: jenntucker@iss.k12.nc.us
Megan Sanders: Megan_Sanders@iss.k12.nc.us
Barbara Pfahler: bpfahler@iss.k12.nc.us
Lara Readling: lreadling@iss.k12.nc.us
Emily Moore: Emily_Moore@iss.k12.nc.us
​Meg Mabry: Margaret_Mabry@iss.k12.nc.us
Maria Harrison: maria_harrison@iss.k12.nc.us
Shannon Westmoreland: s_westmoreland@iss.k12.nc.us
The Week of: March 17th - March 21st
What's Going on in the Classroom:
NASCAR Field Trip:
Dear Parents,
We are excited to announce our upcoming field trip to the NASCAR Hall
Fame! This is a great opportunity for the students to explore forces and
When: Thursday, March 27th, 2025
Cost: $24.00
Students can either bring a bagged lunch from home or order one from the
cafeteria. All bagged lunches brought from home need to be in a disposable
bag AND drinks need to be in a disposable container. Please label the
outside of the bag and drink with your child’s first and last name. If you plan
to order your child a lunch from the cafeteria, we needed to know by
Wednesday, March 5th. If this wasn't turned in by then, make sure to bring a packed lunch.
Parents are invited and encouraged to chaperone for this trip. The cost for
chaperones is $21.00. Each chaperone will be responsible for a small group
of students. The attached form must be completed and returned in order for
you to attend. *Please fill this out even if you have already completed one
the past. Detailed information and itineraries will be sent out to chaperones
closer to the date of the field trip.
NASCAR Online Payment Links:
Field Trip Student Payments:
Payment for Chaperones:
Yearbook Ordering Information:
Dental Visit: March 20th
Reading Nook:
Idiom of the Week:
End of my rope: out of energy, patience, endurance
- Unit 12: The Three Doors
- Test: March 21st
Nightly Reading/Homework:
Please read 20-30 minutes nightly.
- Can be fluency passages sent home and comprehension sheets.
Don't forget to start building your reading stamina. Start by reading 20-30 minutes each night and grow from there. This will help prepare for EOGs at the end of the year.
Ways to Support Reading At Home:
- Telling Time
- Please practice this at home. Ask them to read a clock and use terms like: quarter after, half past, and quarter til (Everyone is so used to digital clocks that telling time has been hard for kids).
Test & Quizzes: Usually Fridays (or by teacher discretion)
Extra practice worksheets:
Inquiry Into Science & Social Studies:
Helpful Videos:
PYP Corner: Think about how you can be a Risk Taker this month!
Current Events:
Upcoming Due Dates for Current Events:
Due dates:
- March 21st
- March 28th
- April 4th
- April 11th
- April 17th ( Thursday)
- May 2nd
Make sure to have the article printed. If you can't print the article, send it to your child's teacher before Friday so they can print the article for you.
Next Current Event due: March 21st
Websites for Current Events:
Riddle of the Week:
I’m the planet with the most bling, I’ve got rings you can’t help noticing! What am I?
Give your teacher the answer to this riddle on a sticky note and get a treat!
EOG Zone:
Standard: RI3.4
Key Components:
- Skills:
- Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
- Use context to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words.
- Knowledge:
- Understand that words can have multiple meanings.
- Recognize how specific words contribute to the overall meaning of a text.
- Concepts:
- Context clues (e.g., surrounding words, sentences).
- The difference between literal and figurative language.
Define Expectations:
Students should learn to use context clues to figure out the meanings of words and phrases in informational texts. They should be able to explain how the meaning of a word impacts the understanding of the text as a whole.
Worksheets to help with this skill:
A Note from Enhancements:
Other Helpful Websites:
IReady Directions
Click the above link to Log Into IReady Reading or Math.
How to log in:
- Click on "StudentPowerSchool Log in"
- Scan QR Code
- Scan their QR code on your child's password sheet.
Choice Boards for Virtual Days
Coddle Creek Elementary: An IB World School
Website: https://coddlecreek.issnc.org/
Location: 141 Frank's Crossing Loop, Mooresville, NC 28115
Phone: 704-439-1550
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoddleCreekElementary